Tag Archives: sorcerer

What If…? Venom (2024-) #3 and #4 by Jeremy Holt (2 Comic Book Spotlight)

THE SYMBIOTE SUPREME! NONE ARE SAFE from the Venom symbiote’s permeation of every corner of yesteryear and the present alike with its inky, black tendrils…not even DOCTOR STRANGE, THE SORCERER SUPREME! BY THE CRYING CREATURES OF KLYNTAR, THIS IS ONE YOU CAN’T MISS!

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THE SYMBIOTE OF MISCHIEF! As the Venom symbiote’s tendrils have slithered through every corner of the Marvel Universe, they’ve now drawn the attention of LOKI, who believes this incarnation of the Venom symbiote and the hosts it has chosen to bond to stand poised to become the most DANGEROUS BEINGS IN THIS OR ANY REALITY!



Meet the Author

Jeremy Holt is a non-binary author whose most recent works include Before Houdini, After Houdini, and Skip to the End. An original art page from his book After Houdini was acquired by The Houdini Museum of NYC, where it now hangs in their permanent collection. When not writing, this Mac Genius is fixing computers and getting confused for his identical triplet brothers.

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Of Demon Kind: A Forbidden Romance Fantasy (Kingdom of Jior Fantasy Series Book 1) by Wendy L. Anderson (Book Review)

He’s heir to a dark throne. She’s a gentle healer. Will their forbidden attraction be the key to mending his broken soul?

Prince Lorn just wants to be left alone. Drinking heavily to numb the despair of failing to prevent his evil father’s horrific defeat and his own inability to conquer the humans, the devastated half-demon has spent the last five years exiled in a drunken stupor. But when he’s falsely accused of kidnapping a beautiful noble and other atrocities, he emerges vowing to fight to clear his name…by becoming her white knight.

Princess Lililaira longs to be free. Imprisoned in a sorcerer’s tower, the courageous woman is startled when a gorgeous winged man flies in through the window and offers rescue. Seizing the opportunity to escape, she places her trust in the fierce warrior’s arms in a daring flight to freedom.

Desperate to avert another brutal war, Lorn draws nearer to his lovely companion while wrestling with the sins of his past. And though Lililaira is happy to help her intriguing savior prove his innocence in return for his aid in evading her cruel father’s rule, her growing love demands she stand beside him as they set off into an unknown future.

Can they break away from eternal torment and claim their destiny together?

Of Demon Kind is the thrilling first book in the Kingdom of Jior romantic fantasy series. If you like brooding anti-heroes, chivalrous passions, and epic medieval battles, then you’ll adore Wendy L. Anderson’s magical tale.

Buy Of Demon Kind to witness the redemption of a twisted birthright today!

Amazon Purchase Link



I received a complimentary copy of this book from R&R Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Of Demon Kind 
housed many scenes that must be brought to life in a full-color, live-action film. For instance:

  • Thousand black spears pointed skyward.
  • One thousand demons’ eyes glowed green.
  • Giant fireballs streaked the night sky.
  • Long awaited showdown (final battle scene)

Prince Lorn and Princess Lililaira’s union happened over winter and was expected. No offense, but falling for your rescuer and vice versa has been done repeatedly in many TV, print, and movie. But it wasn’t how they ended up in the cave that interested me. No, it was how her “kiss” could keep death from taking Loren after poison-tipped arrows struck him. The mystery of the princess and her magic powers drew my attention. 

Love found Lorn, but his mission was never far from his mind. He needed to find the Dark Sorcerer and ask why this person was using his family’s name, crest, and uniforms/colors to wreak havoc across the lands. He also needed to return Lily to her home. As you can imagine, neither task proved uneventful, and hooray for that. 

The Dark Sorcerer’s identity, intentions, and shocking truths were delivered in dramatic format. I knew the first (identity), but what the evil one disclosed (shocking truth) was a nice plot twist. (Figured out some of the revelations, but not all)

While I longed to see battle scenes embellished more, the final paragraphs show promise that the next book in the series would deliver us an epic battle scene, maybe more than one. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Wendy L. Anderson is a writer of passionately charged fantasy. Breaking the barriers of typical fantasy themes, she created the Kingdom of Jior epic fantasy series, a lusty and poetic five-book series that will have you wanting more in her Legends of Everclearing spinoff series. Inspired by authors such as Robert E. Howard and Morgan Llywelyn, Wendy went on to write three other stand-alone works; A Cut Twice as Deep, Ulrik, and Rapunzel’s Tower. These fantasy works break free from the usual boundaries of fantasy genres.

A Colorado native and mother of two; she has decided it is time to write down the fantasies from her mind. Writing about everything from fantastical worlds to the stuff of her dreams she takes her stories along interesting paths while portraying characters and worlds she sees in her mind’s eye. Her goal is to deviate from common themes, write in original directions and transport her reader to the worlds of her creation.

Wendy L. Anderson’s fantasy has action, adventure, and suspense with just the right amount of romance!

Find out more at: www.wendylanderson.com


Finalist in the 2022 Colorado Author’s League Awards for Rapunzel’s Tower

3rd Place Winner! Romance Writers of America Write Touch Readers; award 2020-Of Demon Kind

Finalist in the 2020 Write Touch Readers’ Award Contest

Honorable mention Great Northwest Book Contest





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The New Enchantress: Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions Book Three by Sunayna Prasad (Book Review)

The New Enchantress (Alyssa McCarthy Magical Missions #3) by Sunayna Prasad

(Ages 9-14)

The point of no return has come!

It’s the summer before high school and life is about to change for fourteen-year-old Alyssa McCarthy. A sorcerer hexes her with everlasting powers, requiring her to become an enchantress. If she cannot learn to control her magic pronto, she will forget her loved ones and serve as the warlock’s eternal slave.

In order to control her powers, Alyssa must gain control of her emotions. With the struggles of adolescence and disasters everywhere, catastrophes are bound to happen! It’s only a matter of time before Alyssa’s world changes, for better or worse…

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Alex, Alyssa’s godfather

I received a complimentary copy of this book from 
iRead Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
I knew before starting The New Enchantress (Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions, Book 3) by Sunayna Prasad there were going to be some intense scenes and mild language. There was a lot of yelling, fighting, and physical altercations. I know Alyssa did hurt or cause problems with her powers, but no one taught her how to use them properly. I don’t think staying calm is the only answer for this young teen’s magical problems. I felt so bad for her. She was under a great deal of stress, and everyone was either mad or disappointed in her for most of the story. 

People didn’t apologize or 100% support her until the last 1/3 of the book. I’m happy they finally did because I was not thrilled when Sydney (teen) said, “No one forgives anyone for hurting others.” I don’t believe this is true. The kids’ parents (in the story) agreed, “…you shouldn’t blame others for things they can’t control.”

Like with the first two books in the series, there were highs and lows. I’ve mentioned the lows above, so I’d like to point out a few highs. 


Hologram calls were nifty, and I’m sure it’ll become a reality soon enough.

Who wouldn’t love a hovercraft?! My daughter would love one in green. 

Friends will argue, so it was lovely to see friends putting aside their anger, banding together, and becoming friends again. 

The New Enchantress also emphasized the importance of listening to others and teamwork. Plus, yelling at others rarely solves a problem. More often than not, it makes a problem/situation worse. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Meet the Author:
Author Sunayna Prasad
Sunayna Prasad enjoys writing fantasy books for children, as well as cooking, creating artwork, watching online videos, and blogging. She has also written The Frights of Fiji, and A Curse of Mayhem. She constantly in creating and brainstorming new ideas.
Connect with the Author:   website ~ twitter goodreads

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A Curse of Mayhem: Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions Book 2 by Sunayna Prasad (Book Review)

A CURSE OF MAYHEM by Sunayna Prasad

Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  173 pages

History, like magic, has a habit of repeating itself.

It’s been six months since thirteen-year-old Alyssa McCarthy left magic behind for good. Or so she thought…

Then the enchanted objects that protected her disappear. Now a skeleton named Errol has cursed her with magical powers that keep getting her in trouble. Suddenly strange things are happening with disastrous effects, and if Alyssa can’t remove the magic, she will lose everything she holds dear. In order to get rid of her unwanted wizardry, Alyssa will have to boost her bravery and confidence and determine who Errol really is. But every time Alyssa uses an enchantment, Errol is one step closer to getting his flesh back and becoming alive, and he will do anything to achieve his goals…even if it means destroying Alyssa’s happiness.

Originally published in 2016 as “Wizardry Goes Wild” and “The Unruly Curse” in 2019, “A Curse of Mayhem” is book two in the exciting and suspenseful “Magical Missions” series.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from 
iRead Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Since my (pre-teen) daughter gave me such valuable feedback regarding The Frights of Fiji, I enlisted her again in the review for A Curse of Mayhem (Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions, Book 2). 


Cover:  She thought the winged person was creepy and didn’t understand who it was supposed to be since she didn’t recall a flying kid in the story. The birdman didn’t bother her; in fact, she thought he looked comical. 

Plot:  We both agreed there were plot holes again. We didn’t understand how Alex, the godfather, forgot about magic and Alyssa’s kidnapping. 
We weren’t sure how mortals could be so confused magic exists when there is a magical zoo in Nebraska. 

She liked the winged unicorn-zebra, and so did I.  


Extras:  We both agreed the community service hours for students are a good idea. It teaches young people to take care of our world, and it’s important to take care of your community/people. However, realistically, I don’t think many schools will make it a requirement for school. Maybe for a class, though. 

While there were some hits and misses in this story, it was more enjoyable than The Frights of Fiji. It did represent how I believe a person would react to unwanted powers and the lack of control over them. 

On a final note: My daughter said the ending was “Ahhh, so sweet.”  She’s right; it was adorable. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤1/2
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Meet the Author:
Author Sunayna Prasad
Sunayna Prasad enjoys writing fantasy books for children, as well as cooking, creating artwork, watching online videos, and blogging. She has also written The Frights of Fiji, and A Curse of Mayhem. She constantly in creating and brainstorming new ideas.
Connect with the Author:   website ~ twitter goodreads

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Interview with Steven M Nedeau (Science Fiction and Fantasy Author)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Author, Steven M Nedeau!


  1. Welcome, Steven. For those who might not be familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?

I’m an artist, actor, writer, and dancer and I’ve been working as an electrical engineer for twenty-two years. While I was enjoying engineering and solving problems, my artistic side had been drowning in despair for years. An artist must do art, and I was craving a chance to create something beautiful.

I started writing seriously when I became fed up with someone else’s story telling. Critical of several films and television series, I felt the entertainment industry was dropping the ball. How many retellings of the same story do we need? We deserved better than the drivel presented to us.

I was thirty six, still deep in my engineering studies, when I started to think about the stories I wanted to tell. I even remember the moment when I decided to start writing something substantial. I was reimagining how Star Wars Episode 1 should have been told, how the past of Darth Vader should have been written and, in a rant, I built up his back story into a plausible and intriguing tale. When I looked up from my rant, my son’s face was hanging slack as he looked at me in awe. He asked, “Did you just come up with that all by yourself?”

I decided I wouldn’t retell an existing story. If I wanted a story strong enough to meet my expectations, I was going to have to write it myself.



  1. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.


(Steven) Everyone suffers from writer’s block at one time or another. We all have our own ways of dealing with it. I have a couple of different things I do when so afflicted. I watch old movies, the older, the better. Then, I imagine the scripts of those movies. I imagine the words that would be needed to arrange the scene for the actors. Sometimes, my attempt to simplify what I’m seeing will prompt questions that need answering.

My other answer to writer’s block is sleep. I sleep. My dreams are the backbone of my stories and I often resolve the dilemmas in those tales with my eyes closed.

(Kam) Love this response!  I solve a lot of dilemmas in my sleep, too. 



  1. Will you please share with the visitors what genre(s) you write? Also, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?


(Steven) I write both science fiction and fantasy. My first book, a fantasy novel, The Soulweb, took seven years to write and a year to edit.

Centuries ago, King Mavius’s spell caused destruction beyond reasoning, weaving a web around and through the souls of his knights. Even now the spell of that long dead king pulls at his descendants and Jaron must trade his books for blades when Mavius, with his knights behind him, returns from beyond the grave to reclaim his throne.

Pushing heavy tomes onto marble shelves and translating archaic text until the wee hours of the night could not prepare Jaron for the trials in store for him. After years of teaching history, he will learn that books do not always tell the truth as he becomes a pawn in a war between kings.

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Audiobook Purchase Link




My first science fiction novel, Memory Reborn, took a year to write and two years to edit.

When I’m not writing I have a number of hobbies and so little time for any of them.

We are what we do. Here is a list of some of my favorite things: motorcycles, camping, kayaking, screen-printing. I have a lot more as well, but that’s enough for now.




  1. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?


(Steven) I don’t hide anything about myself. I share my writing with the people around me (maybe a little too much) but I love my creative side and feel I don’t get to take it out to play often enough. I know my wife is sick of hearing about it. Oh, well. Most of my friends and family are supportive, even if they haven’t read anything I’ve written.

(Kam) It’s lovely to hear those around you are supportive of your work. Congrats. 



  1. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.


(Steven) In no particular order, here’s a list of my ten favorite authors. Their stories have built my dreams.

  • Philip K Dick,
  • William Gibson,
  • JRR Tolkien,
  • Piers Anthony,
  • Stephen King,
  • Douglas Adams,
  • Margaret Weiss,
  • George Orwell,
  • Isaac Asimov,
  • Frank Herbert.

(Kam) There are several authors unfamiliar to me. I might need to rectify that. 🙂



  1. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?


(Steven) Choose a book for the big screen? Of course, the book would have to my latest, Memory Reborn. This book holds a cinematic feel to it and I could definitely see it becoming a movie one day. As far as actors I would choose, there are so many that have held my admiration over the years, but if I got my choice, I would choose Letitia Wright, Chloë Grace Moretz, Wilmer Valderrama, and James Spader to fill out the four main character roles.


At his new job at the memory storage facility, Darien Mamon is stunned to discover that he is the intended storage device, and has been all along.

Darien thought MemorSingular hired him for his brain. They did. They just don’t need what’s in it. After finding details of a century old knowledge retention program, Darien learns the company has been grooming the minds of new hires to be overwritten with the personas of their most valued employees.

An old classmate, Nancy, could be Darien’s only chance to escape MemorSingular before his mind is overwritten. Unfortunately, Nancy hates his guts, and if she doesn’t change her mind the company will change his.

Kindle Purchase Link
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  1. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? 


(Steven) I have several works in progress. I’m currently preparing my science fiction novel, Memory Reborn, for publication. In parallel to the print publication, we are also producing the audiobook for Memory Reborn, with George Kuch (http://www.georgekuch.com) narrating.

As far as writing, I’m working actively on the second book of The Soulweb Trilogy while storyboarding the third book.

In addition to the books I also have several short stories in the works. As I complete them, I like to make them available for free on my website. These stories are usually written to go along with some writer’s game or as part of an online collection of stories that all follow the same theme.

I don’t understand how anyone works on only one thing. As I get ideas about new stories I jot them on some paper and let them fester in the back of my head for a couple of years while I push on with the most pressing project.

(Kam) Whew, you are a busy bee! 



  1. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?


(Steven) Since all of my books so far are in separate genres, there is no reading order assigned. That is to change in the coming years as The Soulweb is book one of a trilogy. We expect to be publishing the remaining books of that trilogy soon.

Right now, you can find all of my books on Amazon, as long as you spell my name correctly. The Soulweb is available in kindle, ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Memory Reborn will be available in ebook, kindle, paperback, and audible at Amazon as well, but will also be available just about anywhere you can purchase books. Initially, as far as brick and mortar stores are concerned, physical copies of Memory Reborn may only be available at a few select Barnes and Noble retailers, however, we expect the reach of this book to expand.

My play, The Unlikely Hero, a Fair Play Renaissance Fair Play, is only available in paperback format at Amazon at this time.


A narrator tells the tale of not so brave Sir Issanass and the dragon Pestulis Pejorative. This is intended as a live performance play for two to four actors and additional audience participation. There are minimal props and set requirements. Ideal for Renaissance Fairs, school productions, or public events.

Amazon Purchase Link

(Kam) Cute cover. 



  1. Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?


(Steven) My website http://www.StevenMNedeau.com has a contact section that I pay attention to, but I can often be found playing on twitter (@StevenMNedeau), and a little less often at Instagram (@theleastinterestingmanalive). I almost always respond to my fans. You’re the people I write for.



  1. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.


(Steven) No more questions? I get to say what I want? That’s unusual, and dangerous. Where shall I take this? Will I use this time to build my global empire, to seize power? Probably not.

All kidding aside, I’m not used to such freedom. Here’s what I have to say. If you want to be a writer, write. Don’t wait.

What else is there? Oh, yeah.

Writers build emotional rollercoasters. But, we can’t hear your screams. If you enjoyed the ride, leave a review.

(Kam) Yes, I absolutely know the importance of reviews — giving and receiving of them. 🙂




Steven, it was a pleasure to meet you. I can’t wait to share my review of Memory Reborn with you and my audience. 

Folks, Steven has given you several reading options. I encourage you to click on any of the links and purchase something OR everything by him. 

If your budget is tight and you’re seeking free reads, Steven has FOUR short story titles for you to choose from on his website. Just click HERE to be redirected to the page.

Again, thank you, Steven, for joining us today. I wish you great success in all your future endeavors! 





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