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Midnight of the Soul by Nicholas Nawroth (Book Review)

The hours between dreams & death.

The chill of my own grave seeped into my bones as I awake.

Time stands still in this liminal space, a twilight hour of eternity where I find myself suspended between realms of the living and the dead, my past a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

A cryptic raven at one shoulder, an enigmatic angel at the other as a malevolent darkness closes in. Together, they guide me through dangers and dreams, but their secrets cast shadows of doubt in my mind.

With each step, I descend deeper into the labyrinth of the midnight of my soul. To reclaim my life and uncover the truth, I must unlock the powerful magic that lies dormant within me.

But I have to wonder if it’s already too late.

Am I trapped in an endless dream, or am already dead?

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Imagine waking in a grave with no recollection of how you got here, no memories of your past, with only your name fresh on your mind. Anna faced such a fate. She snapped free of a troublesome dream and bolted upright, causing a coin to fall from her “good” eye. A silver coin with strange markings that Anna couldn’t decipher yet and that changes to fit Anna’s dire needs. She questions if she is dead. Readers will ponder this question, too. In the city of the dead, she is not alone. Anna will meet Raven, a mysterious creature who converses with her and becomes her companion as she tries to evade the Darkness Within—an entity that will devour Anna’s soul and drain her of her life, one agonizing molecule at a time, if given the chance.

When we meet the Raven, we are first introduced to auras. Auras play a significant factor in Midnight of the Soul, and, thankfully, the author defined aura and clarified what each color represents—also mentioning that aura colors can intermingle for complex feelings. Besides “reading” people’s auras, Anna relied heavily on her “dead” eye. It didn’t see the world as we did but tingled or burned hot when danger was close or closing in on her. Her “dead” eye would be a commanding tool in her mission to complete her task. 

Each chapter represents an hour Anna spends facing challenges with the Darkness Within inching closer, hell-bent on wiping Anna out of existence. But why? This question will be answered during the twelve-hour journey. But until then, readers will travel with Anna, Raven, and Angel through the depths of purgatory. We will sail on the Ferryman’s vessel and witness what dwells in the water. We will march on the shore and watch in horror as skeleton armies’ arms reach out to rip away Anna’s soul on their way to damnation. We will question who sent Raven and Angel to Anna. Are they friends or foes? Who is “she” that keeps getting referenced? What of Anna’s family?

From the start, I wondered why Anna, who lost all her memories, wasn’t freaked out that she could understand the Raven and converse with it like she would with another human. Why wasn’t she more unnerved by the fact she woke up in a cemetery with one good eye and another that she (from the beginning) labeled as “dead.” I had more questions but voicing them would reveal moments and exchanges that would spoil the story.

Midnight of the Soul featured locations and circumstances that would be phenomenal to see on a big screen, especially the scene where Anna dips her hand into the river Styx. The final showdown between the Darkness Within and Anna would be spectacular to see as well as certain moments featuring Angel and Raven. (Staying vague on purpose). I’m fascinated how the cinematic world would recreate the characters and the kaleidoscope of colors following their every move. The book did lag in several spots, but a key event during each hour kept me turning the page. I was hooked! Plus, I had to know if my suspicions were correct on who “she” was. 

Is Anna locked in a nightmare? Is she dead? Is she stuck in purgatory? Read the novella and prepare to walk through fire AND more as Anna braves the unknown and danger is constantly nipping at her heels. Midnight of the Soul is a twelve-hour journey into the depths of the unknown, facing lost souls, finding the path home, and vowing never to give up while also weaving in elements of mythology. Under 150 pages, this book is perfect for both teens and adults, offering a thrilling adventure for all readers. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤1/2
(rounding to four on Amazon and Goodreads)

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Meet the Author

Drawing from his lifelong fascination with mythology and dreams, Nicholas J. Nawroth weaves a mesmerizing tale that explores the shadows of the human psyche and the otherworldly beings that dwell within. His visual storytelling skills, honed since childhood, breathe life into the ethereal creatures and haunting landscapes that populate his dark fantasy world.

When he’s not crafting stories or art, Nick enjoys spending time with his wife and their beloved doggies, who inspired his children’s picture book series, The Everyday Adventures of Papa & Paws®. 





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Blaze Union and the Puddin’ Head Schools by W.T. Kosmos (Book Review)

A divided nation has a ludicrous new hope.


Welcome to Island Nation, where powerful knuckleheads have turned schools into battlegrounds between the Puddin’ Heads and Sweeties. Amidst this turmoil, hope emerges in the form of a courageous teen on a mission to lead the nation’s schools. Narrated by a sarcastic teacher, this 2023 Mark Twain Book Award finalist is a “gloriously absurd” adventure (Kirkus Reviews) in the spirit of George Orwell, Douglas Adams, and Terry Pratchett. Dive into a world of social absurdities and laugh-out-loud moments in this sharp, satirical romp through the madness of modern life.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Our nation is divided. People on the right and left sides of the aisle can’t come together and agree 100% on anything. Their gut reaction to hearing the opposing side draft an idea is to say, “No.” Every day, the U.S. is taking giant steps back. Blaze Union and the Puddin’ Head Schools take creative liberties over things that have occurred throughout history. That is happening today! In this chapter book, people are grouped into two categories: Smalls and Bigs. This grouping is related to a person’s hand size. Big-handed people are seen as “lesser than” beings and have more restrictions put upon them. They couldn’t lead anything, such as teams or bands, and had to pay higher school fees. Many BIGS drop out of school over the high fees.

Past or present, we’ve all witnessed people in power make decisions that suit their agendas. Citizens have lost some of their rights because of it. As our next BIG election nears, we could see more of our freedoms vanish. Blaze and Chopper are two teens who are ready to help make change happen in their fictional world. But, like in the real world, change won’t happen if brave individuals don’t stand up for their rights. Blaze and their growing numbers of supporters want the three F’s: freedom, fairness, and fabulous schools. Students, teachers, and parents do not want absurd rules thrust upon them.

What they do want is this: Stop with the book bans. Stop rewriting history. Encourage free thinkers. Executives should not be swimming in cash while middle and lower-class individuals fight to pay medical bills and school fees.


Blaze (Puddin’ Head) and Kai (Sweetie) were adversaries, each blaming all their problems on the opposing side. After visiting the five regions and seeing each other’s schools in action, they realized this was not a one-sided problem. It was a universal issue. The narrator quickly learned that there were schools worse off than theirs. Kai, Blaze, and Chopper soon realized that some schools, their curriculum, and their leaders were bat-shit crazy. (Talkin’ like a pirate School Boss J.R. as one example!)


Here’s one crazy school scene from each side

Cape Freedom, Puddin’ Head Region 3: Students are forced to eat spicy chips and boosters of varying degrees. Goal: They must handle the heat for one minute without drinking water. The longer they forego liquid assistance, the stronger the immunity from the Sweetie Zombies. An absurd idea, right?! Here’s another: At Sweetie Experimental High School, students are forced to handle extremely hot peppers (like the ghost pepper) with zero protective gear. This school was permanently harming and disfiguring their students. Another absurd idea! (Remember, readers, the author promised absurdity. *smiley face*)


Kai, Blaze, and Chopper didn’t have time or resources to tour every school; they agreed that there were good teachers out there, but things still needed to change. For that to happen, they needed cash. The supreme prime minister decided that whoever won the football (aka soccer) game would win the ultimate prize: Noble Deed for each winning team member. Their represented leader would be granted a hefty budget, too. The Sweeties versus Puddin’ game had a very shocking and funny moment. The game’s conflicting results set the stage for what would happen next. Hint: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


The author and narrator promised absurdity, and they delivered. I laughed at many scenes and dialogue. I’m going to find a way to include “Moldy fart tart” in a future conversation. While this story is built around absurdities, it does touch upon things in real life: demands to “build a wall,” banning books, political leaders doubling down on lies, and leaders with NO educational degree deciding what should or should not be taught in schools. The characters demonstrate that both sides (red and blue) can come together harmoniously for the betterment of all! Readers, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for change. And remember to work with others instead of butting heads with them. Oh, and thank your lucky stars, you don’t have to play tag like the students had to at Hard Rocks High School.

Blaze Union and the Puddin’ Head Schools had comedic moments, but sometimes, the book moved at a snail’s pace. Also, a noogie between friends is done in jest, but Kai and Blaze were not friends and opposite sexes; therefore, I do not think Kai (boy) should’ve given Blaze (girl) a noogie. Some people (I won’t say which side of the aisle) might have issues with kids laying hands on the school boss, causing him to break several bones. Burning of school property might also be a hot-button item for some individuals. 

The recommended reading age for the satirical fiction story is 12-18 years.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

W.T. Kosmos is a humorist author and playwright whose works include the award-winning Blaze Union and the Puddin’ Head Schools, the Maya and Waggers series, and The Golden One. W.T. Kosmos is the wry alter ego (pen name) of a life-long educator.

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Garbage Can Drive You Crazy: A World Patrol Kids Adventure Story and Activity Book by Ben Goldstein (Book Review)


Join the World Patrol Kids: a multi-ethnic daring ensemble of crime-solving young detectives in a gripping tale of adventure, action, and suspense.

A garbage monster the size of Godzilla pursues Thoreau, the youngest member of the World Patrol Kids, through the streets of his hometown. He wakes to find it is only a dream. But is it? The World Patrol Kids are on the case!

The graphic novel-style adventure is followed by 8 pages of fun facts, puzzles, experiments, and more. Garbage Can Drive You Crazy serves up a blend of mystery, tantalizing thrills, and soul-stirring life lessons, perfectly brewed for middle-grade readers and beyond.

The World Patrol Kids – “Inviting kids everywhere to become environmental champions.”
Start your mission to make a difference today with the World Patrol Kids empowering eco-adventures for young readers.
Titles include: Save Our Animal Friends, Garbage Can Drive You Crazy and Kids Can Change the World.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


The World Patrol Kids are back, tackling a new problem: trash. 

Garbage and pollution is a global issue. It dirties our waters, causes a real stink on the streets, and is dangerous to this planet. The comic book’s title, “Garbage Can Drive You Crazy!” is spot-on. Watching our landfills grow taller and broader, witnessing the litter scattered along streets and grass, discovering animals held captive by what we toss out, and understanding how Earth is suffering from overuse does take its toll on each of us. 

Debates occur every day on how to curb the waste. A popular solution is recycling, but that comes with obstacles. For one, recycling comes at a hefty price. It’s not cost-effective…for now. Second, it’s easier for residents and businesses to toss everything into one bin rather than clean out containers and bottles and sort trash from recyclables. BOSS MACKAN suggested a big incinerator, but as the skateboard’s father stated accurately, burning trash fouls the air. 

Townspeople argue over how to handle the mounting problem. Voices are raised, but that tends to happen when money is involved. The World Patrol Kids visit the town landfill and tour the recycling center. A quiet trip turns dangerous as sabotage strikes, leading to a fiery situation. Danger doesn’t just lurk at the recycling center. The driver of a black sports car aims to run down an innocent bystander. 

They saw that money is the root of all evil, and that’s the case in this comic book. BOSS MACKAN wants to make a buck and is willing to cross any line to do it. 

The World Patrol Kids believe in justice, and again, their investigations lead them into some sticky situations. Will the kids survive the flames and gunshots, or have they met their match? You know the answer, but read the story anyway to find out how it all plays out! 

Be sure to check out the recycling games, puzzles, and hands-on projects!

This comic is educational, entertaining, and perfect for elementary students and beyond. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author


Ben has written, illustrated, produced, and directed books, films, plays, and songs, for Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact, Columbia Records, and many others. He has written for such licensed characters as Clifford the Dog, Snuggle the Bear, Rainbow Brite, Sweet Pickles, and more. Ben has an early childhood teacher’s license and has taught grades K-6. He also taught film courses at Western Connecticut State College. His children’s songs have sold millions of copies and his films have appeared at the Museum of Modern Art and on television stations around the world. Other books and plays by Benjamin Goldstein include: The Adventures of the World Patrol Kids, Kids, Kids Can Change the World, Garbage Can Drive You Crazy, Save Our Animal Friends, Looice, Been Dere?, Looice in the Stargarden, Looice Walks for President, Guess Again, Tales of the Baal Shem Tov, The Storyteller, An Evening with Jack and Charmian London, Jack London: The Musical.



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ROSA AND MEE: An AI Adventure Story by Ben Goldstein (Book Review)

Ten-year old Rosa lives in a shelter and attends a failing school in New York City. At school, Rosa is bullied and robbed. Things are going badly for Rosa until she is contacted by “MEE,” a newly created artificial intelligence, who inhabits her school’s computer system. Mee teaches Rosa to defend herself and helps her save her family from falling through the cracks of the welfare system. An inner-city Cinderella story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Rosa and Mee written by Ben Goldstein, captures all the drama one might experience in school and much more. The author dives into family drama and issues with the law and even incorporates artificial intelligence into the storyline. 

As the story begins, eleven-year-old Rosa, her mother, brother, and other tenants in the building are rushing to safety. Their home was engulfed in flames. With nowhere to go, Rosa and her family had to turn to a shelter for help. Living in a shelter for any reason is a last straw solution for many families. But when life knocks you down, it’s their salvation. 

While Luishana searched for employment and new housing, Rosa spent her days at P.S. 101. Rosa’s school consisted of shy students and bullies. Like almost every other school in the U.S. and abroad, the bullies love to make shy kids’ lives miserable. The class bully Shantel did just that and participated in illegal acts. These unlawful acts put many lives in danger. Every character was connected in this story down to Mee, the artificial intelligence. 

Rosa was shocked when she initially met Mee. She had never met a computer that could communicate of their free will. Her reaction was realistic. Doubt what she was seeing and spoke to the teacher about the development. 

Mee proved to be very useful. It helped Rosa academically, aided her family out of a sticky jam, and also helped save her and Luis from thugs with deadly intentions. Mee was extraordinary, but so was Rosa. 

The more Rosa interacted with Mee, the more confidence she gained: in school and on the streets. Through Mee’s guidance, Rosa was able to learn martial arts. Rosa’s new skills were tested, and she prevailed victorious.

When the school was robbed, and a student went missing, Rosa and Mee worked together to save the day. When some people think of artificial intelligence, they imagine robots taking over the world. Mee proves that they are there to help those in need. Only criminals should fear them. Mee had eyes everywhere and could call upon his minions at any time. Okay, that last one will make more sense as the cliffhanger plays out. 

Rosa’s family did have a VERY happy ever after. They no longer have to fear falling through the cracks of the welfare system. Luis, the main target of the bully’s taunts, went from victim to hero. And the villains of the story received the appropriate punishment. Justice was served! 

Will Mee be Rosa’s sidekick forever, or is it the end of the dynamic duo? You’ll have to purchase the book to find out, and I hope you will. It had action, suspense, drones, drama galore, and plausible scenes. With the rapid advancements in A.I. and their remarkable learning capabilities, I’m confident we will one day communicate with a similar version of Mee.

There was one minor inconsistency: chapter one states Rosa is eleven, while the book summary says, “Ten-year old Rosa lives in a shelter and attends a failing school in New York City.” That should be a quick and easy fix. 

This book is perfect for teens and young adults. 


Review submitted  to Reedsy 2/25/23.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Ben Goldstein has written, produced, and directed, books, songs, films, and audio and video productions for such companies as Sesame Street, Jim Henson, Holt Rhinehart, Nelvana, CBS, and Scholastic. He has written for licensed characters, Clifford the Dog, Snuggle the Bear, and Rainbow Brite.

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Find Me In Time: Meeting Columbus by L.T. Caton (Book Review)

A group of young friends travel back in time to key periods in history in this new chapter book adventure series, making learning fun!

A normal day of hide-and-seek turns into a discovery of a lifetime when five young friends are transported back in time after finding a secret clubhouse at the top of a sycamore tree. Dubbing themselves the Tree House Club, Ashley, Emma, Keith, Aaron, and Harry learn that events of the past didn’t necessarily unfold the way they learned in school.

The treehouse has magical abilities that take Ashley and her friends to Guanahani in 1492, a time the kids requested to witness Christopher Columbus’s first arrival on his voyage to the New World. There, the friends—dubbed the Tree House Club—meet the kind and generous Taino Lukku-Cairo tribespeople who welcome their new visitors with food and gifts.

It isn’t long before the Taino chief, Tiburon, and the Tree House Club friends see three sailing ships approaching. With history on their side, the kids realize it is the famed explorer, Christopher Columbus, who quickly makes his claim for the Taino’s native land for the Queen of Spain. The kids soon learn that what their history books did not teach them was some of the lesser-known facts about Columbus, his greedy intentions in Guanahani—or San Salvador, as he named it—and his poor treatment of the humble Taino people. But the children’s friendships with the Taino put their own lives in danger from the European colonists. Will the treehouse save them in time?

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Imagine, if you will, casually playing hide-and-seek with your best chums when the unexplainable, the imaginable, occur. One moment, you’re seeking a prime hiding spot; the next, a ladder appears out of nowhere, leading to an extraordinary treehouse. Five best friends entered the treehouse and noticed that the interior didn’t measure up to its exterior. Looks were truly deceiving. While that alone would boggle anyone’s mind, what happened next shook them— literally. As if the treehouse comprehended Harry’s question of who built this home, it answered him by transporting all five friends into the past. Floor shaking. Lights flashing. The experience was disorienting, but it didn’t negate they were, in fact, in the past. They were observers of the events unfolding, frozen and scared about what they witnessed. Their first trip to the past was short-lived, but they did manage to time travel again and again.

The group chose many points in history to visit. Their brief time at the Alamo in 1936 was frightening. War is never a pleasant experience for any age. But, a bright spot came out of the adventure; they met Davy Crockett. Since their second trip was quite jarring, they decided to do more research before they haphazardly asked the treehouse to work its magic. Great idea. Their next trip had them setting sail to the time of the infamous Christopher Columbus. Young readers will learn interesting information about the explorer as the group discloses what they learned during their research. 

Readers will enjoy how this journey differed from the other voyages. This time, the five friends were active participants in the past. They looked like they belonged. They walked around the village. They could smell the flowers and food. They had the fortunate opportunity to touch hand-crafted objects displayed in modern-day museums behind touchless glass. They also spoke to the Native Americans and bore witness to the arrival of Christopher Columbus. 

Many revere Christopher Columbus, but they shouldn’t. Find Me In Time: Meeting Columbus shows the truth about the explorer. He did not respect the natives or their land. He devastated their land, destroyed the natives’ way of life, and was a brute. When the children revisited the Taino tribe, they were stunned by what Christopher Columbus and the colonists did to the tribespeople and their home. The children can’t fathom why we still celebrate this man, and I don’t either.

While the truth of Christoper Columbus and his mark on his history isn’t pleasant, children must know the truth about him and his actions. 

The story concludes with possible more journeys ahead, even to outer space. I can’t wait to read that one! 

I concur with Amazon’s recommended reading age of 6-11 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Children’s book author L.T. Caton knew early in her teaching career that she wanted to be a writer. When she was a young student, history was her least favorite subject. She found it boring and often questioned why the delivery of historical facts presented in school only provided one perspective.

As a teacher and writer, her goal is to provide students with an entertaining opportunity to learn about people in history who are often not mentioned in textbooks, and to explore the many conflicting versions of history that exist. She hopes to achieve this goal through her new chapter book series, Find Me in Time, a collection of chapter books covering significant events or periods in history.

L.T. thinks a great book has relatable characters, an engaging plot, and a lesson learned that can be applied to real life long after the book is closed. She hopes her books inspire a love of reading, and in particular, inspires children of color and young girls to learn about people in history who look like them.

Hailing from New York, when she’s not writing fascinating historical fiction stories for young readers, L.T. enjoys being near the ocean—fishing, walking on the beach, sailing, and cycling. She also enjoys baking, cooking, traveling, community service, and being with family and friends. Her family has been supportive in her professional journey, including her parents, sister, and late grandmother.

Find Me in Time’s debut title is Meeting Columbus, about the famed explorer’s first landing in the New World.





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