Tag Archives: graphic novel

Deadpool and Wolverine (3 Comic Book Spotlight)

 Deadpool and Wolverine’s movie is out! Hooray! 

Go watch the movie, but first…order these comics! 


Uncover the wiles and insights of the Merc with a Mouth in this lavishly presented collection of Deadpool’s best, worst and frankly outrageous moments from his comic book history.

Deadpool: a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a frankfurter skin suit. Even he doesn’t know what the *?@$ is going on in his brain! In this little guide to everyone’s favorite mercenary, discover what makes the katana-wielding, gun-toting, insult-firing anti-hero tick, or maybe more accurately in his case, tock.

With a collection of the greatest comic book covers, scenes we love to remember (or forget, depending on your disposition), and the musings of our morally confused comrade, there’s sure to be some wisdom gained from the ravings of a psychotic killer who cracks wise more than a comedian on Prozac.

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Wolverine. Logan. Weapon X. By any name, Marvel Comic’s savage, brooding antihero is, in his own words, the best at what he does–killing with gratuitous precision. Paradoxically violent yet humane, the beer-swilling, cigar-smoking mutant with retractable claws is universally misjudged in the Marvel Universe yet esteemed by fans worldwide.

The author explores Wolverine’s development from bit character to modern legend over more than four decades, with a focus on his enduring appeal as an allegory for resilience through torment.

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WADE WILSON AND LOGAN AT THE ENDS OF THE EARTH – AND EACH OTHER’S THROATS! The most intensely mismatched team-up in comics and pop culture – the best there is and the merc with the mouth – undergoes a radical change as we kick off a three-part, globe-spanning saga for the ages! The mysterious DELTA believes in change. Change is good. But as he sets his sights on DEADPOOL, and WOLVERINE is caught up in the plot, is the third time really the charm, or the curse? Get ready for WWIII to erupt on the scene with the wildest duo in comics from legends Joe Kelly (DEADPOOL, UNCANNY X-MEN) and Adam Kubert (WOLVERINE, UNCANNY X-MEN)! Rated T+

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Highlander: The American Dream by Brian Ruckley (Comic Book Spotlight)


Travel through time in this sword-clashing adventure spanning over a hundred years from the 1860s to the beginning of the first movie. 

In the thirty years since its release, Highlander has inspired a cult following and numerous spinoffs with its epic clashes between powerful immortals. Now, The American Dream follows Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod as he navigates through the American Civil War and 1950s Manhattan toward The Gathering in 1986. Reunite with familiar faces, such as Connor’s secretary Rachel, and meet new immortals, such as Osta Vazilek, but remember… There can be only one!

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I can’t wait to see Henry Cavill take on the role of Connor MacLeod.
He has some BIG shoes to fill. 

Christopher Lambert




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Garbage Can Drive You Crazy: A World Patrol Kids Adventure Story and Activity Book by Ben Goldstein (Book Review)


Join the World Patrol Kids: a multi-ethnic daring ensemble of crime-solving young detectives in a gripping tale of adventure, action, and suspense.

A garbage monster the size of Godzilla pursues Thoreau, the youngest member of the World Patrol Kids, through the streets of his hometown. He wakes to find it is only a dream. But is it? The World Patrol Kids are on the case!

The graphic novel-style adventure is followed by 8 pages of fun facts, puzzles, experiments, and more. Garbage Can Drive You Crazy serves up a blend of mystery, tantalizing thrills, and soul-stirring life lessons, perfectly brewed for middle-grade readers and beyond.

The World Patrol Kids – “Inviting kids everywhere to become environmental champions.”
Start your mission to make a difference today with the World Patrol Kids empowering eco-adventures for young readers.
Titles include: Save Our Animal Friends, Garbage Can Drive You Crazy and Kids Can Change the World.

Amazon Purchase Link




(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


The World Patrol Kids are back, tackling a new problem: trash. 

Garbage and pollution is a global issue. It dirties our waters, causes a real stink on the streets, and is dangerous to this planet. The comic book’s title, “Garbage Can Drive You Crazy!” is spot-on. Watching our landfills grow taller and broader, witnessing the litter scattered along streets and grass, discovering animals held captive by what we toss out, and understanding how Earth is suffering from overuse does take its toll on each of us. 

Debates occur every day on how to curb the waste. A popular solution is recycling, but that comes with obstacles. For one, recycling comes at a hefty price. It’s not cost-effective…for now. Second, it’s easier for residents and businesses to toss everything into one bin rather than clean out containers and bottles and sort trash from recyclables. BOSS MACKAN suggested a big incinerator, but as the skateboard’s father stated accurately, burning trash fouls the air. 

Townspeople argue over how to handle the mounting problem. Voices are raised, but that tends to happen when money is involved. The World Patrol Kids visit the town landfill and tour the recycling center. A quiet trip turns dangerous as sabotage strikes, leading to a fiery situation. Danger doesn’t just lurk at the recycling center. The driver of a black sports car aims to run down an innocent bystander. 

They saw that money is the root of all evil, and that’s the case in this comic book. BOSS MACKAN wants to make a buck and is willing to cross any line to do it. 

The World Patrol Kids believe in justice, and again, their investigations lead them into some sticky situations. Will the kids survive the flames and gunshots, or have they met their match? You know the answer, but read the story anyway to find out how it all plays out! 

Be sure to check out the recycling games, puzzles, and hands-on projects!

This comic is educational, entertaining, and perfect for elementary students and beyond. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author


Ben has written, illustrated, produced, and directed books, films, plays, and songs, for Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact, Columbia Records, and many others. He has written for such licensed characters as Clifford the Dog, Snuggle the Bear, Rainbow Brite, Sweet Pickles, and more. Ben has an early childhood teacher’s license and has taught grades K-6. He also taught film courses at Western Connecticut State College. His children’s songs have sold millions of copies and his films have appeared at the Museum of Modern Art and on television stations around the world. Other books and plays by Benjamin Goldstein include: The Adventures of the World Patrol Kids, Kids, Kids Can Change the World, Garbage Can Drive You Crazy, Save Our Animal Friends, Looice, Been Dere?, Looice in the Stargarden, Looice Walks for President, Guess Again, Tales of the Baal Shem Tov, The Storyteller, An Evening with Jack and Charmian London, Jack London: The Musical.



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Justice: A Tale of the Nepali Civil War (The Graphic Novel Book #1) by Ram Khatri (Book Review)

Justice is the story “with all too familiar human challenges,” says Paul Levitz, former president at D.C. Comics. He further adds that it seems like “the world keeps getting smaller” with the emergence of such graphic novels.

Ram Khatri’s Justice: A Tale of the Nepali Civil War is the story of a young girl’s brave journey to reclaim the life she left behind during the unforgiving conflict of the Nepali Civil War. With its sublime settings, diverse characters, and riveting narrative, the young girl learns the truth about the life that she left behind.

During the decade-long “People’s War” in Nepal, more than 17,000 people were killed. Thousands of innocent civilians were also abducted and beaten by both government and Maoist forces. Even today, years after the war has ended, it is unknown what happen to many of the nearly 1,400 people who went missing. While the people mentioned in Justice are fiction, the story is based on events that actually occurred during and after the Civil War era in the country.

The graphic novel has two sections. The first section was illustrated in color by Sandipan Santra while the second was illustrated in black and white by Ingrid Lilamani.

Amazon Purchase Link


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Justice: A Tale of the Nepali Civil War (The Graphic Novel Book #1) by Ram Khatri is based on actual events that occurred during and after the Civil War era in Nepal. The people and places mentioned are fictional, but the story shows the magnitude war has on a country and its people despite using a fictional cast of characters. 

Before the graphic novel began, I read “A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR.” In it, the author informs the reader the book is divided into two sections. “The first section was illustrated in color by Sandipan Santra while the second was illustrated in black and white by Ingrid Lilamani. The purpose is to show how different artists from diverse backgrounds visualize the unique Nepali settings, characters, and its historical events.” As an avid reader of comics and graphic novels, this unique feature intrigued me because I have never witnessed any other book mimicking this setup. 

Going into the reading, I was unfamiliar with Nepal and enjoyed the brief overview of it. I learned many new facts. For instance, the currency is the Nepalese Rupee. Since geography is not my strong suit, I liked the zoomed-in image of Nepal on the map. 

Justice: A Tale of the Nepali Civil War (The Graphic Novel Book #1) shows war’s effects on a country. It affects every component: economy, citizens, and livelihood. Both illustrators did a lovely job of making the reader feel the family’s fear, sorrow, and regret. As the illustrated story demonstrates, no matter how hard you try to avoid getting involved, often, there’s no hiding from the battle. 

Justice: A Tale of the Nepali Civil War ends on a cliffhanger, making any reader eager to read what happened next for the major character. 

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading comics and graphic novels. I would also recommend this book to those who want to share the effects of war with their children (elementary age and older).


Meet the Author
Translator of Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ in Nepali, Ram Khatri works in book publishing. He holds an M.S. in publishing from New York and an M.A. in English literature from Kathmandu. Ram is always fascinated by truly diverse, unrepresented, and heartwarming stories that touch lives.
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Spacekid iLK: Stranded! by Andrew Hammond (Book Review)

Spacekid iLK is a sci-fi comedy about an alien finding courage through connection.

iLK’s dad is an alien overlord that invades Earth, but finds ruling over this complex planet too annoying, so he hands it down to his son to look after. iLK resists, but ultimately find a diverse range of friends on Earth and discovers a planet that is worth protecting.

In book 2 – Stranded! – having only recently saved Earth from complete destruction, Spacekid iLK now finds himself stripped of his power and sent to school!

iLK must find a way to get his power back, in order to save the world, from the evil genius he accidentally left in charge – Emilio.

Author’s Website


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Spacekid iLK: Stranded! by Andrew Hammond is a comedy, sci-fi novel illustrated with comics and cartoons. While the suggested reading age is 7-13, I (a mid-age person) was drawn to the story. The characters were lovable, and the plotline’s resolution was unique. 

iLK, an alien, came to Earth with his father. His father’s mission was to make Earth go boom. Thankfully, he didn’t carry out his orders. Instead, he put his son in charge of the planet, who then delegated the “boring stuff” to Emilio, a human. iLK and Emilio soon butted heads on who should run the world and be named King. Emilio suggests having a special election in forty-six days to decide who should rule the world.

While iLK plots to win the special election, more aliens arrive on the planet. It was funny how earthlings seemed to grow accustomed to being invaded by aliens from outer space. The “Bubbles” were so cute, and earthlings loved them. The bubble aliens went pop a lot – some by accident and some not. I might’ve been a person who popped them on purpose. 

This story had several storylines happening simultaneously, but they soon merged at the end. Humans and Glubwark aliens were working together to save the planet! 

As I said in my opening statement, this book had comedy. I know readers will laugh at the “villain” who has set out to destroy Earth and the means to defeat them. The illustrations will delight young readers. I loved them all, especially the image of a drooling midget fartfly from Squench. It was oddly cute. Oh, and Y-bot posing as a Philosophy teacher was humorous. iLK wondered why no one saw through Y-bot’s disguise. I have three words for you: Superman, Clark Kent. 

I 100% recommend this series to readers of sci-fi or comic books. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Author’s Website



Meet the Author

Andrew is a Writer, Illustrator and Director from London. He believes we all have the capacity to be creative and regularly attends schools, delivering comic book workshops, creating opportunities for kids to discover their own stories.

Reedsy Author Link




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