Tag Archives: family

Wow Bow, the Dog Who Barked Backwards by Milt Lowe (Book Spotlight)

As Wow Bow lay sleeping in the drafty old barn at the edge of the forest, his mother was thinking about their wonderful life together and the horrible thing she had to do.”

The opening line from Wow Bow, The Dog Who Barked Backwards, sets the stage for this enthralling adventure of overcoming adversity, finding your inner strength, and having unshakable faith. Wow Bow has been abandoned by his mother in the cold Canadian woods and must learn to overcome his tragic loss while thrown into a world eager to taunt him for his freaky bark and mongrel looks. 

Sent to a dog pound to be killed, Wow Bow is saved by a blind boy who hears his unique bark, makes an instant connection, and adopts him. He sees Wow Bow as the noble breed beneath the outer mutt.

Wow Bow’s inspiring and emotional saga spans his life from abandonment to meeting a wolf who teaches him survival skills to exploring several other relationships and finding his space in the world. Wow Bow’s story heroically proves that you’re never an underdog if you never quit.

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Small sample

Otto walked slowly toward Wow Bow and the other dogs with a cane that he tap-tapped on the ground in front of him. He asked his mother to describe the dogs she liked. None of the descriptions seemed to please Otto.

“Exactly what kind of dog are you looking for?” said his mother.

“I don’t want ordinary,” said Otto. “I want different, unusual, a dog that stands out in a crowd.”

“The only dog here that fits that description is a shaggy mutt with a droopy left ear, oversized feet, a curly bushy tail, and a big brown patch over one eye.”


Visit Milt Lowe’s Website for More Information!



Meet the Author

A former copywriter at top New York City advertising agencies, Milt Lowe has won over 60 major awards -including Gold and Silver Lions at the TV Cannes Film Festival – and has written humor pieces for The New York Daily News and Advertising Age. Milt has written four children’s books so far.




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How to Make a Sandwich by Lorena M. Proia (Book Review)

Making a sandwich is fun and easy! And Rae knows just how to do it. The bread is like the parents, it keeps the sandwich safe and happy. The turkey is the love, the lettuce is the fun. But every time Rae adds an ingredient, it disappears, and she soon realizes there is a sandwich-stealing thief intent on eating her creation!

Will Rae ever get to eat her lunch? Suddenly making a sandwich isn’t so easy after all!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Rae has a BIG imagination. With it, she can transform into anything she desires. On Mondays, she’s a budding artist, while Saturdays see her donning the role of a doctor for her stuffed toys. She’s also a scientist on Wednesdays, but today, she’s embracing her culinary skills as a chef. 

Feeling a little hungry, Rae heads to the kitchen with her kitty trailing close behind. I loved how Rae spoke to Nero (the cat) as if the feline understood every word. I do the same thing, and I’m sure many other pet owners do as well. While Nero was super cute, the real showstopper was another pet. Its identity is purposely hidden in this review not to spoil who’s stealing Rae’s sandwich contents. While her dad does snag pickle chips from her, the main bandit’s sorry expression will melt your heart and make you say aw, look at those big, sad eyes.

As Rae makes her sandwich, she compares it to her family. She remarks that the bread is like her parents, each keeping their ‘family’ safe and happy. Rae also draws interesting parallels between turkey, cheese, mayo and pickles and her family dynamic. My daughter does tell a lot of cheesy jokes and makes life interesting, so I agree she is the “cheese” of our sandwich, too! 

After reading the final page, I was left wondering what role did the avocado play in the family. I bet kids will have a theory on this! I also pondered what professions she pretended to play during the rest of the week. I bet your child or class will have input on this topic, too! 

How to Make a Sandwich is a delightful, humorous story that your family will love to read. It might even make your belly growl. After reading it, I recommend you and your kids put on your chef’s hat and make a sandwich together. Be sure to watch for sandwich-stealing furry friends or pickle-loving dads!

I recommend How to Make a Sandwich to children three years and up. It’s a cute story that will make your whole family smile from ear to ear!

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

When Lorena graduated with a BFA, she never imagined she’d become an Information Architect. She thought her creativity was lost until she was rescued by an Australian Shepherd named Phebe. How to Make a Sandwich is her first picture book. Find out more at www.lorenaproiabooks.com

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The Adventures of Bunny and Fawn by Michael Lingo (Book Review)

An oddball pair of animals, a bunny and a fawn, love each other like sisters. In the forest that is their home, they play and laugh and learn together all day long. At night, they sleep cuddled together inside a big log. But when a sudden storm sweeps their home away, and they become separated in the melee, they have to fight hard to find each other again. Bunny is despondent at the loss of their home, but Fawn reminds her that as long as they’re together, they are home. The bonds of friendship, chosen family, and sisterhood are both tested and proven in this adorable picture book.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


As the story begins, we meet two sweet forest animals, who we learn live together in a log. Fawn, the deer, and Bunny met as babies and have remained together ever since. They are more than best friends; they are sisters by choice. Fawn and Bunny’s temperaments are vastly different, but their differences complement one another nicely and come into play as the story progresses. Fawn, the protective sister, always watches for Bunny’s safety. When Bunny finds herself stuck, Fawn is nearby to give her sister some helpful advice: take a deep breath and stay calm. When Bunny gets too close to a coiled-up snake, Bunny recalls and enacts Fawn’s sage advice from the pond incident and avoids getting bitten by the sun-bathing snake! Thank goodness! 

As the sky darkens and a storm brews, Bunny and Fawn choose to take shelter. Wise choice! They have ridden out other storms in this very log, but this one appeared to be worse than all of the past. Globally, natural disasters are happening more frequently. More tornadoes and floods are ravaging the states this storm season. Fawn and Bunny faced what many children and their families face every year. Often several times a year! The poor animals had to make a hard decision while the thunderstorm was still barreling down on them: leave the only home they’ve ever known and seek studier shelter or stay in harm’s way. They said goodbye to their broken home. 

Every storm season, the news covers all the homes severely damaged or lost to natural disasters. Families of all sizes must start anew, and even animals must find new homes. Fawn and Bunny had the misfortune to lose the only home they’ve ever known, but worse than that, they lost each other for a time in the storm, too. Thankfully, the two siblings safely found their way back to each other. Unharmed, too!

The Adventures of Bunny and Fawn is a relatable, lovely story that shows that “home” is any place where the ones you love are. I loved the message that families come in all shapes and sizes. It’s true that family members can be biologically related, adopted, or fostered, or you can recognize someone you are very close to as your sister, brother, uncle, and so forth. 

Bunny and Fawn were fortunate to find a new home quickly; however, that is only sometimes the case for people in the real world. If your community has been affected by storms, fires, floods, etc., encourage your family to give back to their neighbors, near and far. Also, if your family doesn’t have a disaster plan, now is the time to make one. I would encourage discussing what to do if your family gets separated during a storm or dangerous event.

My recommended reading age is 2-8-year-olds.  


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Having pursued an education in Architecture, and a career in construction-related fields, Mike is not your typical children’s book author. The concept for this book began as a joke, but transformed into an exciting journey. He’s excited to continue writing in the future.

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My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One and Act Two by Donna Glass (2 Book Spotlight)

Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have!

In My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act OneI’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.

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As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction, comedy book makes your day a little brighter.

So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.

Content warning: A few adult words are not intended for younger audiences.

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(ACT ONE) Kris ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  I thoroughly enjoyed this act! This book needs to be a real show!! The real life situations and topic make it so relatable!!

(ACT ONE) Adecco Stanton ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I laughed at Donna’s funny stories for an hour or so. This book is beneficial for cheering up and having stories to tell friends. Absolutely recommended reading

(ACT TWO) Nancy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This is what I needed! After being stressed out and working long hours I grabbed this book. It was so good that I didn’t want to put it down. “Pooh Bear has come out of the honeypot tree” This was one of my favorites! I kept remembering and started laughing again…I recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a good laugh! (but be prepared to keep reading until you finish it because it is very good).

(ACT TWO) Jordan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This book had me laughing since the very first page. The book is a perfect match for the ones having family. Some of the author’s life incidents were my favorite ones such as :- “Here’s your cake, BITCH” Incident showing their craziness for “Breaking Bad” Series, “YOLANDA” dream , Kitties, and the conversations between them over texts. I highly recommend this book. Hope to read more books from this author.

ACT ONE Purchase Link

ACT TWO Purchase Link




Meet the Author

Donna Glass is an award-winning author who loves to laugh. And, wow, her laugh is boisterous! In her free time, she’s either reading a book or playing a game with the family.

For more information about Donna’s current and future books, follow her social links.

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Sylvia Locke and the Three Bears (Tairy Fails Book 1) by David Horn (Book Review)

RED ALERT FOR FAIRY TALE LAND: Sylvia Locke is out and ready to cause mischief.

Once upon a time in Fairy Tale Land, there lived a very bad girl indeed. Sylvia Locke may have been abandoned by her adventuring parents but that’s no excuse for being mean to her loving grandparents, rude to everyone at school, and even bullying rare magical creatures. Right?

One day, when out on a break-and-enter job at the Bear family’s house, Sylvia happens upon a magical mirror that turns out to be more than she bargained for. Could even a kid like Sylvia find a friend? Could some warm and fuzzies change her heart?

The first book in Tairy Fails, a modern fractured fairy tale humor series that will have elementary school kids and early chapter book readers screaming with laughter.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known fairytale. Sylvia Locke and the Three Bears have some of the same characters, and similar moments play out, but this story is far more entertaining than the classic. Sylvia never claims to be a sweet, mild-mannered child. Everyone in Farmington would agree with her assessment, too. Sylvia loves having the loudest voice in the room, is quite mischievous, and enjoys bending the rules. She also has a habit of putting her wants and needs before others. It’s her need for a particular brand of sugary cereal that sets in motion a series of comedic events. 

Sylvia’s sweet tooth and rumbling belly lead her to the neighbor’s house, the famous little bears. As Sylvia waits for her neighbors to leave, she overhears them discussing Goldilocks and how they moved to this village because of that person. This mysterious girl was why the bears moved to the town and installed the security system. Kids will laugh when they see the security measures in action. 

Sylvia gets more than she bargained for when she enters through a window. She also realizes she is not alone in the house. Without spilling too much of the comedic moments, I will talk briefly about the bear in the magic mirror. Unlike the magic mirror person from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the magic mirror bear brings the funny. I cackled when he tried to kick Sylvia back after she kicked his frame. His ghostly antics were a hoot, too. If the text doesn’t make you chuckle, the hilarious illustrations will. Especially the one where Sylvia tests mirror bear’s I’m unbreakable theory. BTW: He is not really unbreakable, but I’ll keep his kryptonite a secret. He also has a real name, but you’ll need to read this comical fairytale to discover what it is. 

As I stated above, Sylvia’s journey does have some semblance to Goldilocks’s time in the bears’ previous home. Silver streak-haired Sylvia does test things, looking for what screams just right. Did Sylvia escape the house before the family returns, or does she get caught like Goldilocks? Did she ever eat her Cookie Crunchies? Read the book and find out! 

The recommended reading age is 6-10. While that is a great age range, I would even introduce the story to pre-k students. The story is simple to understand, so they should be able to follow the plot and find the drawings funny. Everyone will enjoy watching Sylvia get into sticky situations, watching her and the mirror bear interact, and the surprise introduction of the ninja. Wait until you see the ninja sketch! It’s hilarious! 

The story ends by answering a burning question that puzzled Sylvia, her grandparents, and the whole town: What happened to Sylvia’s parents? I’ll be on the lookout for book two in the Tairy Fails series, and I know once your family and class read this story, they will be, too.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
(Deserves more than five hearts!)

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Meet the Author

David Horn lives in New Jersey with his wife, two daughters, and a funny dog named Trixie. He is the author of the popular Eudora Space Kid early reader humorous sci-fi chapter book series. He enjoys making kids laugh.

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