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The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared by Andrea McLean (Book Review)

New Release! 

Step into a day of excitement and unexpected turns with Burnie and Chloe as they anticipate a fun day playing with new toys. The duo faces a mysterious and frightening banging noise while Ava, their owner, is unexpectedly outside the house. Chloe’s fear clashes with Burnie’s determination to find Ava. Together, they navigate through the house, barking loudly and confronting the source of the disturbance.

Burnie’s bravery shines in this heartwarming tale as he leads the way into the unknown, eventually uncovering the surprising culprit behind the loud banging. As the story unfolds, friendship, courage, and loyalty take center stage, leaving readers with a delightful and comforting conclusion. Willing to face their fears head-on, Chloe and Burnie prove that sometimes, the scariest situations can lead to the most unexpected resolutions.

The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe, Chloe Gets Scared, is a charming story that teaches young readers the importance of courage, friendship, and facing challenges together. Join Chloe and Burnie in this delightful, suspenseful story that will leave readers smiling at the outcome.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Dogs, like humans, have fears. These fears or phobias can manifest at any time or anywhere. When Chloe visits Burnie for a playdate, they both hear a loud banging noise. Burnie, being curious, wants to investigate the sound immediately, while Chloe prefers to wait for Ava, Burnie’s human, to return and help locate the source of the noise. 

Burnie asked Chloe more than once to join him in searching for the loud noise, but he couldn’t persuade her to come. Burnie’s curiosity led him to the noisy culprit in the laundry room. A washing machine can make quite the racket when it is overstuffed, has an unbalanced load, or is on uneven footing. I understand why the loud noise or shaking device can cause some pets to run for the doggie door. At least this washing machine wasn’t spewing white foam from its metaphoric mouth.  

The two canine buddies learned from Ava what caused the strange noise. Even though Burnie didn’t want to wait for an adult’s help, we should remind kids that it is perfectly okay to wait for backup. And there’s no shame in being afraid of anything! 

The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared is a delightful story encouraging readers to face their fears or challenges. While the story was cute, I would’ve liked consistency in how the text was displayed. Some pages had the words presented on a white, rectangular backdrop, while others had the text directly on the scenery. I also noticed the inconsistencies in the various clock times. A minor detail that other readers might overlook. 

This charming children’s book, The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared, is specifically designed for children aged 1-8. Its engaging storyline, adorable characters, and simple text make it an ideal choice for independent readers. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Andrea C. McLean is a champion of personal discovery. She is passionate about kindling diverse connections and watching the resultant magic unfold. When she’s not spinning captivating narratives, Andrea coaches individuals to uncover their superpowers and navigate life’s twists with resilience.

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Sutherland’s Crossing – A Beau Crenshaw Detective Novel: A Sinister and Twisted Murder Mystery by Gwen Kelly (Book Spotlight)

Set in steamy Charleston, South Carolina, the mysterious disappearance of a twin daughter to wealthy socialites has the town ablaze with rumor and conspiracy.

What began as a missing person’s case now has Detective Beau Crenshaw heading in a different direction when a body turns up at a swamp. The pattern of death is eerily similar to Mary’s, an unsolved murder from years earlier.

The collision of similarities too great to be a coincidence makes him suspect he is chasing the same person, but how can this be possible? Has this person been lying dormant all these years, waiting for the right opportunity to erupt, or is this a copycat?

Beau goes on the hunt for a killer. He can’t mess up this time. He’s given a second chance to get a madman off the streets.

What follows is a dark web of intrigue and deception that will push Detective Beau Crenshaw to his limits.

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Chapter 1

Sunday, June 18, 1995


A slight breeze caressed the Spanish moss draped over the limbs of the live oak trees—majestic portraits of southern charm—holding secrets of the past tightly embedded in every vein of their massive frames. Oh, the stories they could tell. A voice echoed brazenly through the forest walls.

“Come out, come out wherever you are.”

The salty air was oddly silent, yet noticeably dense. As the late-afternoon sky set in motion its dark descent, the billowy softness of the pure white clouds shifted against the backdrop of the periwinkle-blue sky, causing fragmented glimpses of the sun poking through the clouds. Staring long enough, the mind could take hold and contort the images into characters as if watching a movie, but in a flash these clouds contorted the mind into a new scene, forever in motion and constantly twisting the narrative. Audra knew her narrative was about to become twisted.

“I know you’re here.”

The screech of cicadas came from every direction as they started up their early-evening songs of the South, intermittent with katydids in a much higher staccato-style pitch, frogs croaking to the beat. As if silently orchestrated, birds harmonized their ballads to make magic. It was a classic June afternoon in Charleston, South Carolina, known for its relentlessly humid subtropical climate, and yet for Audra, this day would be anything but typical. She had to carry forward, somehow. Think, Audra, think, she told herself, and breathe, for God’s sake! Every second counted. From here on, every decision would have a life-altering effect. As an introvert, acting impulsively was as uncomfortable to her as orbiting the moon.

Today all her senses were elevated, her nose first detecting the rotting flesh of a dead animal nearby, its odious stink compounding by the potent smell of jasmine, which by itself is a beautiful aroma, unless commingling with the foul stench of death. Her eyes feasted on the scene before her to force the scent from her mind, but Audra’s nostrils couldn’t escape the wicked unpleasantness.

“Come on. This is ridiculous. Where are you?”

She shuffled forward and grabbed onto the weathered porch railing, stumbling with each step. Sweat beaded on her brow, and her drenched clothes stuck to her body, the material creasing and pinching her skin when she moved, its restriction only adding to her sensation of constraint. Droplets of briny sweat would land on her upper lip unnoticed. Every so often, a piece of the paint flaked off the porch railing and stuck itself to her wet skin. Pieces of her thick, shoulder-length brunette hair glued itself to her face, and when she raised a hand to swipe the stray strands from her skin, the saturated hair resisted leaving the flawless complexion.

The cawing from a trio of black crows jerked Audra back to reality as they flew past her, their tone first eerily piercing but eventually softening as they glided into the periphery, then disappeared entirely from view. Their departure left behind the sound of her heart beating madly in her chest. Each thump sent a chilling echo throughout her.

Why did everything have a sensation of being so exaggerated? She wanted to scream. And yet . . . there was still a drive in her pushing her forward . . . to get to the finish line. Like the sensation on a roller coaster as it creeps ever so slowly to the top . . . click clack . . . click clack . . . click clack. Finally, it reaches the top, and for a moment, is suspended in an odd weightlessness, with no way of turning back. You are now relying on the metal bar lying across your lap to keep you tucked in place, preventing an escape, forcing on, and providing a false sense of security. And as it crosses the threshold, the coaster picks up momentum, and that sinking feeling in your stomach begins an uncomfortable dance. The weightlessness is amplified until everything catches up. Then the nervous laughter begins, and you embrace the triumph of conquering the beast. The lines become blurred between normal excitement and what is deep-seated agony.

She spotted her twin sister, Abby, now, less than a 100 yards away, but Abby couldn’t see her. She was fiercely looking for her, though, and now mad as a rabid dog, screaming out into the swamp to an audience of no one.

“I know you’re there, Audra. Come out, and let’s talk about this. Grow up and face me for once in your life. Come on, Audra. Stop this.”

Audra felt conflicted. How was she going to protect herself? Everything was rushing forward like a dam that had broken. She needed to settle down, to think clearly. But the panic wouldn’t let go. The horrible panic. Oh, how she hated that word. She was sick of its grip on her, of its being in charge of her life knowing that panic held the cards for what the day would bring. She was so sick of it all. What a strange existence. Maybe death was the best end.

At only thirty-three years old, Audra didn’t want to deal with this, to experience this kind of torment. A ripple of strength overcame her, and Audra knew what she needed to do. She needed to finish the ride. She turned around and gasped as a voice broke against her stillness so close she could feel the warmth of the breath.

“Hello, sister. It’s been awhile.”


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Lovely Leo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: I am a once avid reader who in the last few years has not done much reading that is not on a device. I have to say that reading this book has rekindled my love of reading books! This is an amazing author who we need to be following and telling everyone about! I had a hard time putting this book down because every time I wanted to, a new twist happened that I didn’t see coming and I needed to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. I can’t wait to read the next book to see the story continue. I love it when a series wraps up the main event but leaves some unanswered questions on the backstories so they carry forward in the next book. I’ll be watching for Ms. Kelly’s next installment in the series.
Lee Austin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  Love this book! I couldn’t put it down. It’s a great read and I highly recommend to anyone that loves a good mystery thriller. I don’t want to say too much and spoil anything but what a great twist that I didn’t see coming! This book would make a great gift as well.
Kelly ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:   This book was fast paced with extremely interesting characters! I enjoyed the story and it had me on the edge of my seat until the very last page! The character development was fascinating and the story was fresh and utterly unpredictable. I truly enjoyed reading every page!

Meet the Author

I am an award winning author who’s passionate about writing. I love to share stories. I’m always evolving to become the best fun version of myself. As I follow my path, I will continue to write stories, help shelter dogs find beautiful loving homes and aid individuals needing financial assistance to spay and neuter their pets.

My ultimate goal is to one day have a small farm called Sutherland’s Crossing Sanctuary for animals needing a place to be loved, to feel at peace and eventually die with dignity.

I have many stories still brewing in my head and will continue to write books in many genres – murder mystery, children’s book, historical true story, comedy book and whatever else formulates.

Please join me on my journey as I produce more books for you to enjoy and so together, we can continue to get lost in the world of words all while helping the animals!

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Doggie Detectives (The Everyday Adventures of Papa & Paws Book 8) by Papa Paws (Book Review)

Today, Molly Paws and her sisters discover another dog toy is missing. Their toy box is empty, so they put on their detective hats and work together to find clues to solve the mystery. Will they ever see their toys again? Will they find out who did this?

Children’s picture book about a sweet little doggie named Molly Paws and her family.

  • Created by a dog dad, every story is based on a real-life event.
  • Toddlers and preschoolers ages 0-5(ish) will enjoy the cute illustrations of the dogs.
  • Moms, dads, and grandparents will love reading the heartwarming stories.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Doggie Detectives (The Everyday Adventures of Papa and Paws) is based on an actual event, which makes this story more relatable in the eyes of young readers. Children will think of their canine companions and be eager to help solve the mystery of the missing toys! 

Toys bring hours of joy and comfort to young children. They grow incredibly attached to certain ones, and to lose one breaks their hearts. Molly Paws and her sisters did not lose just one toy; they lost FIVE in a week. This news is devastating; they must find them. I adored the doggies wearing detective hats illustrations, and so will kids. And who can resist a dog with a heart-shaped nose? No one!  

Molly Paws and her sisters work together to sniff out clues. The clues were not hard to uncover, so children as young as two could join the investigation. Papa Paws illustrated five missing toys. Adding a suspect list would’ve been a nice touch. It would help young minds wager a guess who snatched the missing toys. As you continue reading, ask your young listener who they think stole the toys. Ask if they agree with one dog’s suspicion that Mama the butler did it. 

I’m not an expert on dog breeds, so I can’t pinpoint which breed made which comments in the story. But I agree with the tiny dog with the pink bow that I’m surprised they didn’t question any kitty cats.

Without disclosing who did it, I will say the culprit learned a valuable lesson after they were found with the loot— It is more fun to share and play with friends.

Doggie Detectives (The Everyday Adventures of Papa and Paws) is a fun, interactive storybook with charming illustrations. I recommend sharing the story with children two years and older. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author 

Nicholas J. Nawroth is Papa Paws. He is a dog lover and artist. At age 9, he created his first comic book featuring his dog, Woody, and has been drawing ever since. He has never lost touch with his childlike wonder and love of dogs, which he shares in his stories. In his free time, he enjoys snuggling up on the couch with the family to watch movies.

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Sylvia Locke and the Three Bears (Tairy Fails Book 1) by David Horn (Book Review)

RED ALERT FOR FAIRY TALE LAND: Sylvia Locke is out and ready to cause mischief.

Once upon a time in Fairy Tale Land, there lived a very bad girl indeed. Sylvia Locke may have been abandoned by her adventuring parents but that’s no excuse for being mean to her loving grandparents, rude to everyone at school, and even bullying rare magical creatures. Right?

One day, when out on a break-and-enter job at the Bear family’s house, Sylvia happens upon a magical mirror that turns out to be more than she bargained for. Could even a kid like Sylvia find a friend? Could some warm and fuzzies change her heart?

The first book in Tairy Fails, a modern fractured fairy tale humor series that will have elementary school kids and early chapter book readers screaming with laughter.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a well-known fairytale. Sylvia Locke and the Three Bears have some of the same characters, and similar moments play out, but this story is far more entertaining than the classic. Sylvia never claims to be a sweet, mild-mannered child. Everyone in Farmington would agree with her assessment, too. Sylvia loves having the loudest voice in the room, is quite mischievous, and enjoys bending the rules. She also has a habit of putting her wants and needs before others. It’s her need for a particular brand of sugary cereal that sets in motion a series of comedic events. 

Sylvia’s sweet tooth and rumbling belly lead her to the neighbor’s house, the famous little bears. As Sylvia waits for her neighbors to leave, she overhears them discussing Goldilocks and how they moved to this village because of that person. This mysterious girl was why the bears moved to the town and installed the security system. Kids will laugh when they see the security measures in action. 

Sylvia gets more than she bargained for when she enters through a window. She also realizes she is not alone in the house. Without spilling too much of the comedic moments, I will talk briefly about the bear in the magic mirror. Unlike the magic mirror person from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the magic mirror bear brings the funny. I cackled when he tried to kick Sylvia back after she kicked his frame. His ghostly antics were a hoot, too. If the text doesn’t make you chuckle, the hilarious illustrations will. Especially the one where Sylvia tests mirror bear’s I’m unbreakable theory. BTW: He is not really unbreakable, but I’ll keep his kryptonite a secret. He also has a real name, but you’ll need to read this comical fairytale to discover what it is. 

As I stated above, Sylvia’s journey does have some semblance to Goldilocks’s time in the bears’ previous home. Silver streak-haired Sylvia does test things, looking for what screams just right. Did Sylvia escape the house before the family returns, or does she get caught like Goldilocks? Did she ever eat her Cookie Crunchies? Read the book and find out! 

The recommended reading age is 6-10. While that is a great age range, I would even introduce the story to pre-k students. The story is simple to understand, so they should be able to follow the plot and find the drawings funny. Everyone will enjoy watching Sylvia get into sticky situations, watching her and the mirror bear interact, and the surprise introduction of the ninja. Wait until you see the ninja sketch! It’s hilarious! 

The story ends by answering a burning question that puzzled Sylvia, her grandparents, and the whole town: What happened to Sylvia’s parents? I’ll be on the lookout for book two in the Tairy Fails series, and I know once your family and class read this story, they will be, too.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
(Deserves more than five hearts!)

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Meet the Author

David Horn lives in New Jersey with his wife, two daughters, and a funny dog named Trixie. He is the author of the popular Eudora Space Kid early reader humorous sci-fi chapter book series. He enjoys making kids laugh.

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Kaida Brightscales and the Rare Pollinators: Beehive Secrets 2 by Xanda Monteiro (Book Spotlight)


Step into a world filled with wonder and enchantment, where a young dragon’s unquenchable curiosity meets a promise that must be kept.

The meadow, once a vibrant haven of buzzing life, is now facing a new threat. Kaida and Bella return to their beloved meadow, only to discover a troubling silence—the bees have vanished. As they embark on a quest to uncover the mystery, they stumble upon distressing events. A farmer’s actions threaten their meadow’s delicate ecosystem; hedges, home to the Carder Bees, are being cut down, leaving our bee friends homeless and vulnerable.

Bella and Kaida have made a promise to help their buzzing friends and are set on a path fraught with challenges—trampled hives, pesticide exposure, and relentless destruction.

United by a common goal, can our colorful friends find a miraculous solution to save the bees?

Kaida Brightscales and the Rare Pollinators is the second book in the Beehive Secrets series for children aged 4-6. If you or your child like vivid and beautiful illustrations, fun ways to learn about nature, and making new friends, then you’ll love Xanda Monteiro’s tale of teamwork towards harmony.

Get your copy of Kaida Brightscales and the Rare Pollinators today, and join the quest to protect the meadow and make a difference in the world!

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Readers’ Thoughts


“Beautifully written and with bright illustrations, children will love this new tale with Kaida Brightscales and Bella. In this adventure, the two friends team up to protect the meadow and save the bees. I liked that the book included additional free resources about the world of bees and a glossary.” — ACG ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


“My 4yo loved the story!”  — Linaewe  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


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Meet the Author

Xanda’s story is one of a lifelong explorer, born in Africa with a sense of adventure that took her far and wide. She spent countless hours getting her clothes ripped in tree branches and her knees scratched, but the magic of discovering new places made it all worth it. 

As she grew older, Xanda’s curiosity led her to chase eclipses and capture the perfect shot with her camera. Her passion for nature and fascination with bees inspired her to write a series of books for children about their struggles and possible solutions. 

When she’s not writing, Xanda can be found practising Qi Gong and meditation to deepen her understanding of the world and herself. She loves spending time with friends from all over the world and is always seeking out new experiences and adventures. 

Xanda’s African roots instilled in her a deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and the wonder that can be found in everyday moments. She believes that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and that we can do so without causing harm to other beings. 

If you’re looking for a guide to help you explore the wonders of the world, Xanda is the perfect companion. With her infectious enthusiasm and boundless curiosity, she will show you the beauty in even the most ordinary things. So come along and let’s discover the magic together – just watch out for those tree branches and knee scratches! 

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