Monthly Archives: September 2023

Cruel Lessons (Lessons in Peril Book 1) by Randy Overbeck (Book Review)

On a school camping trip, fifth graders experiment with a dangerous new hallucinogen and die in a horrific accident, their deaths shattering the quiet town. Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks, hoping to redeem a fatal mistake from his past, grasps the opportunity to conduct the district investigation of how students are getting the drugs. Almost before he begins, the cops make a stunning arrest. But Parks battles on, convinced the real pusher is still out there, poisoning more kids until he receives an anonymous threat: if he continues, those close to him will pay. Is Parks willing to risk those he loves for a chance at redemption?

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Cruel Lessons was a 457-page novel (print edition) that touched on a sensitive real-life issue: drugs in school. It’s common for young adults to experiment with pot, cigarettes, or alcohol. The age bracket partaking in illegal drugs exists well before high school. Cruel Lessons features the effects of drug use among 11 to 13-year-olds. Drugs are entering Foster Middle School, mainly a hallucinogen-inducing wolf tattoo. Once the young buyer presses the drug to their skin, their time is almost up. 

Cops witness numerous horrific crime scenes through their time on the force; the death of 4 young boys close to the science camp will haunt their dreams for a long time, maybe forever. 

The school board asked Ken to take point and find out how the kids got a hold of the drugs and discover if the school was liable for their deaths. The board seemed more interested if they would get sued or not. I wasn’t surprised people valued the bottom line over the loss of 4 lives. 

Ken, not a trained investigator, began to work the case. He interviewed staff members and students and enlisted the help of Bart (resource officer). His “meddling” was not appreciated by the dealer, “the doctor.” Lives were lost in the pursuit of justice. A popular teacher was fighting to prove her innocence. Through all the school drama, readers also watched love triangles unfold in the background. Wow, the cheating spouses drama could be its own soap opera. While I understand each purpose in the story, I wanted their faithful spouses to discover their misdeeds. I wanted more drama! 

The list of suspects was long. Who brought the tattoos into the school and how they did it might stun you. As you work the case with Ken and Bart, do not write off a suspect so quickly. At the end of the story, I had 75% of the resolution figured out. I was wrong about one prime suspect, which falls in the 25% category. 

Cruel Lessons will keep you guessing. When you think you figured it out, the author throws you a curveball. The uncertainty, the twists, kept me going back for more. Even though I loved the book, it left me with many unanswered questions. To avoid giving out spoilers, I will refrain from elaborating on what puzzled me. 

If you like crime stories that take time to solve, this book is for you! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Releases 10/11/23: Preorder (Amazon) Link



Meet the Author

Dr. Randy Overbeck is an award-winning educator, author and speaker. As an educator, he served children for more than three decades in a range of roles captured in his novels, from teacher and coach to principal and superintendent. His thriller, LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND (2012) and his recent mysteries, the Amazon No. 1 Best Seller, BLOOD ON THE CHESAPEAKE (2019), CRIMSON AT CAPE MAY (2020) and SCARLET AT CRYSTAL RIVER (2021) have earned five star reviews and garnered national awards including “Thriller of the Year”—, “Gold Award”—Literary Titan, “Mystery of the Year”— and “Crowned Heart of Excellence”—InD’Tale Magazine.

As a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Dr. Overbeck is an active member of the literary community, contributing to a writers’ critique group, serving as a mentor to emerging writers and participating in writing conferences such as Sleuthfest, Killer Nashville and the Midwest Writers Workshop. When he’s not writing or researching his next exciting novel or sharing his presentation “Things Still Go Bump in the Night,” he’s spending time with his incredible family of wife, three children (and their spouses) and seven wonderful grandchildren.

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How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile: An ocean wide hunt for kindness! by Rebecca Kurien (Book Review)

Dive into the depths of the ocean and meet Barry, the saltwater crocodile who is in desperate need of help. With a toothache so terrible it won’t go away, Barry sets out on a journey to find the most talented sea creatures in the ocean for help. Along the way, he meets

  • An octopus with 8 helpful arms
  • A sperm whale, the loudest creature on earth
  • A sailfish, the fastest fish in the ocean
  • A blue whale, the biggest creature on earth
  • A great white shark, the fiercest in the ocean
  • An orca known for their extreme intelligence

Through this heart-warming and inspirational children’s book, your child will learn incredible facts about sea creatures woven into the plot of the story and discover the value of kindness and empathy.


Featuring beautiful illustrations, lovable characters and an awe-inspiring twist in the end, this book promises entertainment for your child. Perfect for children between the ages of 3 and 7, this book is a must-have in any collection.
Amazon Purchase Link



(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


At some point, everyone will require help from a friend, family member, or stranger. It could relate to work, schooling, a flat tire, sewing a tear in clothing, a scrape from a fall, or carrying a heavy or bulky object. Barry, the saltwater crocodile, required medical assistance. He, unfortunately, was dealing with a terrible toothache. He couldn’t eat or sleep. The pain was making him downright miserable.

Tooth pain is no laughing matter. While humans can call a dentist, Barry didn’t have that luxury. Even though Cleo, a little bird, swore she could help him, Barry rebuffed her help due to her small stature and species. Instead, he ventured into the ocean, where readers will meet the most extraordinary creatures in bright, beautiful colors. I was highly impressed with the underwater images. Every page was more stunning than the last. It was movie-quality artistry. (illustrator: Eduardo Paj)

Rebecca Kurien’s children’s book had a balanced collection of new and familiar water friends. For example, depending on age, kids should recognize the great white shark, but maybe not the sailfish. As Barry talked to the six ocean dwellers, he learned an interesting fact about each. In turn, your child will gain fun facts, too, such as an octopus does not have teeth.

While the crocodile’s toothy situation wasn’t fixed during his adventure under the sea, the trip proved worthwhile. He met and gained knowledge about new animals. He also learned a valuable lesson. We should never discount someone’s worth based on outward appearance. Also, if help is needed, be open to a person’s ideas or assistance. You never know who has the right tool for the job. Finally, we should teach kids to help others in need.

Children will fall in love with the vibrant colors, the many animals featured, and (of course) Barry’s mission to fix his achy tooth. Parents: Buy a copy for your house. Teachers: Include it in your themed lessons. Librarians: You’ll want multiple copies because I see the book flying off the shelves!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
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Meet the Author 

Rebecca Kurien is an Indian-Australian writer, lawyer, musician and perhaps most importantly, a mother of two. She has lived between Oman and India in her childhood, before moving to New Zealand and then Australia.

Her debut book, ‘How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile’ was inspired by her son’s fascination with the ocean and its wondrous creatures. She wanted to create a book for her children that was based on science and fact, while still leaning on the charm and magic of storytelling.

It is her dream to fill children’s lives with the richness and amazement of the world that we live in, by showing them that the journey to learning is never complete.

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Do I have Something on my Face? by D.L. DiBenedetto (Book Review)

Step into the heartwarming world of Michael, a young man with Down Syndrome, and experience a delightful story from his perspective that will connect with children of all ages. This beautifully illustrated children’s book is a must-read for any young person who has ever felt different or struggled to fit in.

With its uplifting message of self-acceptance and positivity, it is perfect for anyone who wants to teach their children about empathy, acceptance, and the power of seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. Whether your child has Down Syndrome, autism or other challenges, this book with inspire them to focus on their strengths and see the positive in every situation. Get your copy today and embark on an endearing journey of everyday life through Michael’s unique perspective.

Our motto is: we laugh (a lot), sometimes we cry, but most of all we try!

Amazon Purchase Link



I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


During those long months in the womb, our bodies grow and develop from zygote to baby. A fetus has no control of the process; they are just floating in the amniotic fluid, patiently waiting for the time they can greet the world. They do not select what color eyes they’ll have, how their limbs will form, how tall they’ll become, or decide if they’ll be born with 46 or 47 chromosomes. Michael was born with Down Syndrome; a genetic condition where a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21, meaning he has 47 chromosomes total. This extra chromosome affected how his brain and body developed but did not change who he was on the inside. 

Michael’s head and face structure may look differently than yours, but he still likes to do the same activities as you. He loves play video games, especially the dancing ones. He loves watching videos online and listening to music. He enjoys family trips, such as visiting the zoo or theme parks. Michael can not fly due to air pressure behind his eyes, but that’s okay. Many people avoid them due to a fear of flying. Moving floors are tricky, but I’ve seen people without Down Syndrome get tripped up by them. Michael has to adjust how he handles some obstacles, but don’t we all have something that is hard for us to do? I’ve known many children and adults without D.S. who find swallowing a pill impossible. I prefer liquid or powder over solid pills, too. 

Michael’s courageous story teaches children to treat others the way you want to be treated. Don’t stare unless you like being stared at. And, just because a person looks or sounds differently than you does not mean they are unintelligent. Judge people on how they act, not how they look or sound.

Michael’s story will inspire all children with Down Syndrome, autism, or other challenges to focus on their strengths and see the positive in every situation. I recommend this sweet, inspirational book for children 4-10. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

I’m a software program/product manager juggling work while being a caregiver for my bedridden mother and my nephew, Michael, who has Down Syndrome. Michael’s experiences, and musings have inspired the creation of this book. He truly inspires, and challenges me every day to be a better person.

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Look Out for the Little Guy by Scott Lang (Book Spotlight)

Look Out for the Little Guy is the in-movie memoir by Scott Lang, also known as Ant-Man, that he’s written and shared with the world, as seen onscreen in the new Marvel Studios film Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. Hyperion Avenue is proud to bring this book to real life.

This is the incredible story of an ex-con turned world-saving Super Hero.

In Look Out for the Little Guy, Scott Lang shares with the world a bracingly honest account of his struggles and triumphs, from serving time to being a divorced dad to becoming Ant-Man and joining The Avengers. These are stories of epic battles won and lost, as this everyman turned Super Hero finally tells all—from the official account of what really happened between The Avengers and Thanos to how shrinking down to ant-size really feels to the challenges of balancing the roles of hero and dad.

Across his many adventures big and small, Scott has gathered the wisdom of countless amazing experiences into this, the first memoir from a real-life Avenger. Once you learn the unforgettable details of his epic journey, you won’t need to be reminded . . . to look out for the little guy.



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Meet the Author

Scott Lang is a scientist and inventor with a master’s degree in electrical engineering. He has been an ice cream scooper, a corporate whistleblower, a consultant for The Pym Van Dyne Foundation, and an Avenger. He lives in San Francisco.


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Shinning Bright A Journey of Dreams by Kiana Frederick (Book Review)

This book tells the story of Maya, a little black girl with big dreams. Maya loves to dance and dreams of performing on a stage, inspiring others with her talent. One day, she meets a wise old tree who encourages her to believe in herself and trust her heart. With newfound courage, Maya practices tirelessly and catches the attention of a famous dance crew who invites her to join them. Her story spreads far and wide, inspiring other little black girls to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams. Maya’s journey teaches the importance of determination, self-belief, and the power to inspire others. The book encourages young black girls to dream big, knowing that they are capable of achieving greatness and making a positive impact in the world.

Amazon Purchase Link



I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Maya loved to dance and aspired to dance across a stage one day. She wanted to inspire others with her movements, which was a beautiful dream. One day, Maya met a wise old tree who whispered, “Believe in yourself.” The wise tree did precisely what every adult, friend, and family member should do, encouraging our youth to follow their heart. 

Maya found her courage and determination to practice. And with each step, each twirl, she became closer to achieving her dream. Maya leaped across the stage and into my heart. She was a shining role model and beautifully demonstrated what one can achieve. 

Maya’s talent caught the eye of a famous dance crew, and with that, the young star’s life’s goal was achieved: Maya danced across the stage and inspired little black girls to follow their passions. 

Doctor. Artist. Astronaut. World leader. Pilot. Shinning Bright A Journey of Dreams proudly proclaims, “No dream is too big, no goal is too high, with determination and love, they’ll reach for the sky.” What a wonderful message! We should all support children wherever life takes them, whether they want to be stay-at-home parents, musicians, teachers, scientists, etc. 

Kiana Frederick wrote an inspirational story that children and adults would love to read together. It encourages young black girls to dream big, knowing they can achieve greatness and make a positive impact in the world. Every child has the capacity for greatness, and Maya’s story can motivate every gender, every color, and every child to believe in themselves, trust their heart, and follow their dreams. 

With the storybook’s lovely message and artwork, I recommend Shinning Bright A Journey of Dreams to children 3-9. Speaking of the paintings, I appreciated the children were not cartoon-looking. Their realness only heightens the story’s profound message and helps readers connect more with Maya’s journey. 

Share this book with your child and help them reach for the stars! 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

As a young woman and first-time children’s book author, found my inspiration after welcoming my daughter into the world. With love as my guiding force, I have embarked on a journey to create a magical and heartwarming story that would captivate young minds and celebrate joy.

Reedsy Author Link



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