Tag Archives: be kind

The Grumpy Growly Tree (Stories With Heart Book 3) by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

The animals in the forest are scared of the Grumpy, Growly Tree. The other trees are growing as far away as be. But is there more to Grumpy than what they see?

Join the forest animals in their daily adventures and follow along as they learn that sometimes things are not always as they seem. In a story that reminds us that even the smallest acts of kindness can sometimes make the biggest difference.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The Grumpy Growly Tree, the third book in the “Stories with Heart” series, is a heartfelt story about the power of love, kindness, and acceptance. 

Grumpy was a sad and lonely tree whose face reflected these feelings. Other trees and many animals reacted unfavorably when they saw Grumpy’s droopy facial features. His forest companions either kept their distance from him or fled in fright. Grumpy’s fellow trees and nine animal visitors never stopped to ask if he was okay. Why did he look so sad? Thankfully, one adorable forest animal didn’t dash away in fright. Instead, this sweet animal stopped and talked to Grumpy, and in doing so, they discovered Grumpy was not grumpy at all; the tree was sad and lonely, and they only wanted someone to love them. (I kept the animal’s name a secret on purpose.) 

In real life, people are judged for looking, acting, or speaking differently from what their peers consider “normal.” Often, it is for the color of their skin. Sometimes, we look at someone’s facial expression and decide to keep a safe distance from them. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of such judgments, you’ll empathize with the sad tree in this story.

The Grumpy Growly Tree beautifully demonstrates the power of kindness. It proves that one act, big or small, can profoundly affect a person’s life. It can lift spirits, give hope, and give a person a reason to smile. The cute animal in the story caused all three effects on the initially grouchy-looking tree. I must say, the artist made the cutest sad tree ever! I loved his big nose and expressive eyes. The illustrated “a light of love so bright” page and all the glowing drawings after that made my face light up, much like the tree.

I adored the children’s book’s positive underlying messages: We all deserve love and should treat others how we want to be treated: with kindness and acceptance!

I recommend this wonderful story to children 3- 7 years.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author 

Debi K Fraser is the author of the Stories With Heart series of children’s picture books.

Her love of stories and the characters that inhabit them has been with her since she was old enough to hold a book. As a child she could often be found with a pile of cucumber sandwiches and any number of books containing dragons, witches and magical adventures. Her passion for creating her own naturally followed.

Although Debi is from New Zealand, she currently lives in Quebec, Canada with her two sons and her two dogs. She loves being out in nature and can often be found walking her dogs through the forest, where for her, magic and inspiration live. Stories dance their way into Debi’s imagination morning, noon and night.

But mostly in the forest.

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Loris Opens Up His Heart: An Emotional Story For Kids (Courage Tales) by Dagmara Sitek (Book Review)

It takes courage to stand up for others. It takes even more to stand up for yourself.

When Loris is placed in a new foster home (again), his foster siblings just can’t make sense of him. He doesn’t play, joke, or laugh, and he certainly has no interest in the town’s charity race. But when things get tough, Loris amazes his newfound family with his hidden courage and resilience!

Join Loris and his newfound family on this journey of self-discovery and acceptance with this relatable children’s book perfect for home or the classroom.

“Loris Opens Up His Heart” by Dagmara Sitek is a testament to the power of empathy and compassion. It models positive interactions and helps kids put themselves in someone else’s shoes. More importantly, it encourages them to help one another through their grief and fears.

Children will learn that even though fears might be scary, facing them can lead to feelings of safety and love.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


According to Let it Be Us (website), there are approximately 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. Fifteen percent live in institutions or group homes—also, 26,000 “age out” of the system each year. Most kids in foster care move from home to home, never knowing stability. Due to childhood trauma that led them to be in the foster care system, it’s common for them to have mental problems and trust issues. In addition to that, when a kid enters the system, they don’t remain in one home but get bounced around from place to place. This causes more trust issues and takes a toll on them mentally, even more so if their foster parents are unkind.  

Loris didn’t have the best home life before living with Cam, Inaya, and their foster mom. Because of this, he closed himself off from everyone. Loris couldn’t accept their kindness. He mentally and physically shut the door on them. Loris displayed behavior that is typical of a lot of kids in his situation. Thankfully, his new family didn’t give up on him. Cam and Inaya tried to include Loris in the charity run, offered to tutor him in math and thanked him when he helped them out of a sticky situation. 

Foster kids are like every other child in the world. They need security, to feel loved, to know they belong, and their family has their back 100%. Loris shared with his siblings about his anger issues: how it can be like hot lava. In time, Loris realized he had found everything he wanted: people who cared about him and would literally and figuratively give him the shirt off their back. 

The book’s synopsis states, “It beautifully illustrates that true bravery and strength can come from the simple act of opening up their hearts.” I absolutely agree with their assessment. Loris’s story is touching and depicts a child’s emotional journey in the system. I recommend sharing Loris’s journey with your foster family and not just telling them but showing your new family member that they are in a safe place and are wanted and loved. 

Amazon’s recommended reading is 5-10 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author

Dagmara Sitek is a Montreal-based mother of two, passionate about teaching children valuable social and emotional life lessons through her beautifully illustrated, and relatable books about children in foster care.

Amazon Author Page Link

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Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf by Avery Smart (Book Review)

In this charming retelling of the classic tale, “The Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf” the author weaves a delightful narrative filled with whimsy, humor, and unexpected twists. The three little pigs, each with their distinct personalities, set out to build their homes, unaware of the lurking danger posed by the big ‘bad’ wolf.

As the story unfolds, readers are treated to a heartwarming journey of friendship, resilience, and the realization that sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. The author infuses the narrative with valuable life lessons, emphasizing the importance of not judging others based on preconceived notions. The unexpected alliance between the pigs and the wolf adds a unique and refreshing twist to the familiar fable, making this book a captivating read.

The storytelling is complemented by vibrant illustrations that bring the characters and their world to life. The author’s vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue capture the imagination, making it an ideal bedtime or classroom read. Beyond the surface-level narrative, the book encourages readers to reflect on themes of empathy, kindness, and the potential for unlikely friendships. It’s a must-read for those seeking a fresh perspective on a beloved classic.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Most of us know the classic children’s story The Three Little Pigs. In it, the wolf intentionally blows down the piglets’ homes made of straw and sticks and attempts to knock down the brick house as well. The famous wolf is labeled a villain for good reason. Readers will be introduced to a more thoughtful animal in Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf. Children will discover this wolf is a sweet, caring canine, not a scary beast. 

This story contains some elements that the original fable possessed. Three pigs do go off to build their homes from the same materials found in the famed edition. A wolf goes to each home and asks to come inside. However, this wolf didn’t huff, puff, and knock down their homes with sinister intentions. He did not want to make them his late-night snack. Yes, he accidentally dismantled the straw and stick home. He tried to extinguish a fire, not cause the straw structure to fall. The stick home tumbled down, too, but again, the wolf didn’t have food on the brain. No, he had an important story and item to share! 

The three little pigs judged the wolf by his outward appearance. They reacted based on old fairytales and didn’t think twice about giving the wolf the benefit of the doubt. They were filled with shame once they realized the error in their ways. This was not an angry, hungry beast wanting to satisfy his hunger; it was just a friendly animal trying to do the right thing. The wolf found something that didn’t belong to him and wanted to return it to its rightful owner: the three pigs’ grandma. 

This story teaches valuable lessons. One, don’t judge a book by its cover. Second, friends come in all sizes, colors, and forms. Lastly, don’t be quick to dismiss someone. Listen and be kind. 

The artwork was out of this world! I can’t rave enough about it. The artist did a masterful job updating the piggies’ look from the famed story we’ve grown accustomed to. I loved how expressive their faces became, especially when the wolf came knockin’, or the oinkers went a runnin’. The artist didn’t stop with the three little pigs; they painted many emotions on the wolf’s face, showing a softer and friendlier side of the famous, menacing, canine breed. While I loved the illustrator’s skill, the text sometimes became muddled. On occasion, the background overpowered the text in the foreground. Despite that, I highly recommend sharing this story with your family or class!  

Amazon’s recommended reading age is baby-5 years. I would change that scale to 2-6 year olds. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Avery Smart, a vibrant author who resides in the heart of the lively family chaos with her three energetic kids. Nestled in the midst of parenting, she channels her passion for nurturing well-mannered children into delightful tales.

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Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano – 20th Anniversary Edition (Icelands) by Jorge Tello Aliaga (Book Review)

Over 1 million downloads and 5 Years in the Top Ten

Pookie and Tushka are back! Meet Pookie and Tushka, the proud winners of the “BEST NEW CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE YEAR” award, with this heartwarming story.

A frozen little piano arrives on the shores of the Icelands, bringing Pookie the penguin and Tushka the polar bear an abundance of fun, excitement, and a valuable lesson about the essence of friendship.

This enchanting tale also includes educational facts about penguins, polar bears, Antarctica, and the Arctic.

Don’t miss out on “Pookie’s Song” by Jorge! Listen at Icelands.com and on popular platforms such as Spotify, Amazon, Apple, YouTube, and more!”


20th Anniversary Edition includes:
• “Pookie’s Song” lyric video.
• New character profiles
• Deleted pages
• Sketches and work in progress
• 15 page preview of “Pookie and Tushka Become Friends”
• A letter from the author
And much, much more!

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Pookie and Tushka are back and celebrating twenty years of bringing joy to kids worldwide. Including in this edition, kids will enjoy bonus material such as new character profiles, deleted scenes, and a 15-page preview of Pookie and Tushka Become Friends. First, let me share my thoughts on today’s featured title, Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano.


Pookie, the penguin, loves to sing. Happy or sad, he let the words pour out. To his dismay, his songs carry so much ache. One day, while hanging out with his new friend Tushka, the polar bear, they spot a little blue piano in the sea. Pookie was excited to play the piano and happy songs for his best buddy. He tried with all his might, but only sad tunes surfaced. The little bear also tried to make music but failed as well. In his defense, he didn’t know what a piano was until Pookie informed him. That didn’t matter to the sweet bear; he was devastated he couldn’t play the piano and erupted in big tears. 


Pookie was more concerned for his friend’s feelings than his own. Determined to lift Tushka’s spirits, the penguin had a great idea: a wonderful gift for the small polar bear. Tushka discovered that playing the drum required practice, and Pookie found the key to playing happy tunes. (No spoilers. Read the story!)


Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano teaches children valuable lessons. 

1.) To be good at something requires practice. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but you grow through these mistakes. Have patience, and keep trying!

2.) Thinking of ourselves is easy, but sometimes we must put others first. Helping others may be the ticket to your problem and lift your spirits. 

3.) Always be nice and ready to help your friends! 


I loved reading Pookie and Tushka’s adventure with the little blue piano. Tushka once again amused me with his vivid imagination. I would also be worried about a monster fish in the frigid waters, but a monster piano…hmm, not so much. The bear’s overboard response to everything touched my heart. After reading two books by Jorge, I can see why their series has been downloaded over a million times. These two will warm your heart and make you smile.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Jorge (or Jorge Antonio Tello Aliaga for short) is a writer and illustrator born and raised in Lima, Perú. He has created books, toys, and apps that have received several awards including a “Children’s Book of the Year” award. His experience includes having worked for Apple, Adobe, Cisco and Oracle.

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When Pookie Met Tushka by Jorge Tello Aliaga (Book Review)

Over 1 million downloads and 5 Years in the Top Ten – Pookie and Tushka are back!

* Features gorgeous watercolor illustrations and educational facts about penguins and polar bears.*

The famous penguin who played piano and his best polar bear friend are back. Literally, millions of children have grown up following Pookie and Tushka but not many know how their story began.

Finally, this story is told in “When Pookie Met Tushka – A Cool Tale of Polar Friendship”: Pookie, a penguin with big dreams, journeys to the magical Icelands, where an unexpected friendship with Tushka, a young polar bear, helps them conquer challenges and uncover the essence of true friendship.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


In the wild, polar bears and penguins live in two different locations. Penguins live in the Antarctic (to the south), while polar bears call the Arctic (to the north) home. Their paths only cross in the fictional world, like in When Pookie Met Tushka. Pookie, a small penguin, wanted to become a great musician and bring joy to the world through his music. Where he lived, though, nobody seemed to understand his dream. Therefore, he decided to travel to Iceland, hoping to discover like-minded, creative animals. Pookie had the love and support of his family, which many people don’t have. He was one lucky penguin!

When Pookie arrived at his destination, things didn’t go as planned. An avalanche tossed him around; he lost his belongings in the mound of snow and felt defeated. That’s when his luck would change. I loved how the main character’s dialogue was in a particular color, so readers could always infer who was speaking. Pookie’s was in bright blue, and Tushka’s was in orange. Even Pookie’s mom had their own assigned dialogue color! Too bad Pookie’s father didn’t. It was bolded bright blue. Still, the others were a brilliant design idea!

Pookie left hoping to share his musical talents but found a friend in the new, strange land instead. He educated the young polar bear pup on what a penguin was and made the bear’s tears vanish over the disappearing stars. The bear helped the flightless bird with a poor sniffer find his belongings. Their kindness and helpfulness to one another created an instant bond, and a friendship blossomed between two unlikely pairings.

The book teaches children that friendship comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It promotes being kind and helpful to others, which is always a valuable lesson for young kids. After the story, there is also an avalanche of cool penguin and polar facts. I’m sure everyone will learn a thing or two in this section; I sure did!

I hope Pookie’s musical dream eventually comes true! I bet others will too!

I recommend the book to children 2-8.

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤1/2

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Jorge (or Jorge Antonio Tello Aliaga for short) is a writer and illustrator born and raised in Lima, Perú. He has created books, toys, and apps that have received several awards including a “Children’s Book of the Year” award. His experience includes having worked for Apple, Adobe, Cisco and Oracle.

Reedsy Author Link




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