Tag Archives: kids

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story by G.M. Reyes (Book Review)

A Rhyming Book About a Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story

Dad just wants to play video games, or go to the gym, or just unwind. But there’s something in the way of his relaxing evening. His kids want him to read a bedtime story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


In a child’s eyes, their parents are superheroes—super strong, never tire, and have all the time in the world. They don’t understand that their parents need time to recharge their battery after working all day, or maybe they need or have to do something that doesn’t include small tag-a-longs. The two darlings in this sweet children’s book had one teeny tiny request: Dad, please read us a bedtime story. Dad tried to politely turn down their request, saying he was in a hurry, but they were persistent, which is 100% relatable to many adults reading this book to their kids. 

Despite his initial reluctance, the dad in this story caved and agreed to read only one story. Nestled in bed with his two kiddos, the dad did what many parents do once they noticed the book’s length—he skipped a few pages. When your child is a baby or toddler, you can absolutely get away with summarizing the story. However, as your child grows up, they become more observant and will call you on the sneakiness. The fictional kids demanded their dad read the story againproperly this time.

Their father did a smashing job the second time around. He used different voices and even rapped some lines. I adored the drawing of him wearing a witch’s hat and nose, fairy wings, and a princess crown. But the real showstopper was the image of him with his hat flipped backward, shades on, bling around his neck while rapping into the microphone. I would laugh until my sides hurt if I witnessed my spouse recreating this scene. 

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story would make a great book to read at nap time or bedtime. It would also make a great Father’s Day gift. 

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age: baby to 8 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

A dad of two who wants to write stories that his kids will want to read and enjoy.

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How to Grow a Marshmallow Tree (Amelia & Paco) by Stefanie Gamarra (Book Review)

Join Amelia and her best friend, Paco the polar bear, on a tooth-aching adventure in a world where cotton candy clouds and ice cream slides are just the beginning. When they are almost running out of their favorite treat, marshmallows, Amelia’s wild imagination leads the friends to an idea: a marshmallow tree!

But can you really grow a tree from a marshmallow?

With a dash of school knowledge, a sprinkle of sugar, and some really bad dentist jokes, Amelia and Paco are determined to find out.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Amelia and Paco, the polar bear, have the most delicious dreams about cotton candy clouds and ice cream slides. Their sweet tooth is not just present during sleepytime; they also crave sweet treats during waking hours. One day, while enjoying a sugary snack, they noticed a big problem: only one marshmallow remained in the bag. What to do?

Amelia shares with Paco what she learned in school about apple trees. A tree full of apples will grow if you plant an apple seed. With that thought in mind, Amelia has the bright idea to grow a marshmallow tree by planting the last marshmallow from the bag. I like how she thinks, and I’m sure many children will like it, too! 

Paco was skeptical, with good reason. Who has ever heard of growing a marshmallow tree? Was it even possible? Instead of squashing his best friend’s dream, Paco supported his best friend’s unconventional idea. As Maya’s marshmallow refused to sprout life, she brainstormed the problem. Was it thirsty? Hungry? Amelia’s ingenuity, patience, determination, love, and attention paid off. Marshmallows grew in huge numbers! 

Many theories and invention ideas were deemed impossible, weird, or crazy yet proved useful or lucrative, such as Silly Putty (inventor wildly disputed) and The Pet Rock by Gary Dahl. Yes, we all know that you can’t technically grow a marshmallow tree by burying a marshmallow in the ground, but that’s not the point of the story. The picture book teaches children to follow their dreams. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. With hard work and determination, you might make the impossible…probable. 

I highly recommend reading this story as you snack on a bag of marshmallows. If you feel silly, plant the last one in honor of Amelia and the author. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

I’m a full-time project manager, part-time marshmallow tree cultivator and have officially added ‘children’s book author’ to my list of LinkedIn titles. While originally from Germany, I now call the US home and peppered my debut children’s book with a unique blend of transatlantic charm and humor.

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Why Is This My Name?: Not Just a Children’s Story by Aloysia Burgess (Book Review)

A young girl goes through her first day at a new school and struggles with her unique name as she introduces herself to new teachers and friends. With the encouragement from her family, she will soon discover how special her name really is.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Every child who ventures back to public school has their own feeling about stepping into a new school or classroom. Jitters. Excitement. Apprehension. Indifference. Most kids prep for the big day with a new haircut or selecting the perfect outfit. What they can’t prep for is how kids will interact or treat them. The little girl in the story went from excitement to nervousness because of her name. Why? Because people have trouble pronouncing it. This dilemma happens every day, all across the globe. 

When the little girl went to school, her fears came to life. The teacher had difficulty pronouncing it. Some kids snickered at it. BUT, she met kids who were kind. Students invited her to sit with them at the lunch table. 

When the child’s dad picked her up from school, she asked him why they chose that name and not something “normal.” To avoid spoilers, I will not disclose what her name is, why it was chosen, or its meaning. I will share a snippet of her father’s response, though. “Everyone has things that they may want to change about themselves, but what’s most important is loving yourself.” Words to live by! 

The second day of school went spectacularly well, and hooray for her! 

After Why Is This My Name? Not Just a Children’s Story, there’s a box where the child writes down the meaning of their name. I looked up mine and was shocked to find out it meant “crooked nose.” Since I did break my nose when I was a teenager, the meaning fits (now). 

Amazon didn’t list a reading age when I was writing my review. I think any preschool and elementary school child, new to a class or school, can relate to and find enjoyment in this story. Maybe teachers can read this story to their students on the first day of class and discuss the importance of being kind to others and embracing our differences. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Aloysia Burgess, née Colquhoun, is a wife and mother to two boys. She always had a love of literature and, as a child, would write her own stories. Her goal is to encourage acceptance and self-love through her writing.

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Olive and the Valentine’s Spell by Helen Millman (Book Review)

** 2022 Family Choice Award Winner **OLIVE AND THE VALENTINE'S SPELL by Helen Millman

​Olive is a sweet elementary school boy who is afraid to go to school on Valentine’s Day. . .because he thinks he’ll have to get married! Olive’s mom joins in his fight to defeat the “princess of love,” but along the way he learns an even bigger lesson, discovering the true meaning of love.

Olive and the Valentine’s Spell is an inspiring children’s book for all ages that shines a humorous light on Valentine’s Day and overcoming your fears.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
As a parent who’s raised two kids, my children didn’t have fears regarding Valentine’s Day like Olive did in Olive and the Valentine’s Spell by Helen Millman. However, there have been many times they’ve been afraid when it came to other firsts. So, with that said, I’m sure other children will be frightened or have questions regarding their first Valentine’s party. 

If you have children or take care of children, you know that we caregivers go to any lengths to take a child’s fear away. Much like the mommy in the story, we listen to a child’s fear(s), hold them tightly, reassure them everything will be all right, and maybe we’ll toss in a bit of magic. 

While being scared is no laughing matter, Vanessa Alexandre bought a smile to my face with her adorable illustrations. I loved the children’s expressions, and Cali’s glasses were just the cutest! The fairy was also darling. 

There are a couple of words that might need to be defined: humbly and oh vey. While I can see readers (ages 3-7) following along when being read to, I think it’ll prove challenging for them to read independently. No worries though – they’ll be old enough to read this story solo sooner than you think! 

No matter the age, I think it’ll be enjoyed by many! 

Happy Valentine’s! 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Meet the Author:
Author Helen Millman
Children’s author Helen Millman is a loving wife and mom. Her three young boys continually inspire her with their wild adventures and vivid imaginations. They even helped inspire her to write her new book, Olive and the Valentine’s Spell!

While living in Vero Beach, FL, she spends her time writing, reading, singing, and growing through her life’s experiences. She knows the importance of “seeing the bright side of life” and encourages her readers to “choose love, even when it seems impossible”. A friendly, optimist Helen has always loved to read to her own children and remembers how much her imaginative voices really helped bring the stories to life. She invites her readers to gather with a beloved book, for it truly is one of the best places to snuggle, giggle, imagine, and make unforgettable memories – together.

connect with the author: website facebook ~ instagram


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Espoused by Jean Marie Davis (Book Review)

Espouse: (v.) to take in marriage; to make a marriage permanent by court decree; the court-approved process by which couples may stay together beyond the legal 15-year term.

In the contemporary world, fifteen years is considered the legal life cycle of a marriage. If a couple wants to stay together (married), they must hire a lawyer and petition the court to become Espoused.

After 14 years of marriage, Sara and Thomas Healy are still in love. Their decision to go to court to be espoused permanently is a source of great embarrassment for their children. Avery is ready for the benefits of uncoupling, and Sam really doesn’t need the social stigma of parents who decide to stay together, on top of everything else. Lame! Their espouse attorney, Gwen Stevens, has other problems. The judge for the Healy case is her nemesis, Carly Abraham, also known as “the Wicked Witch of the Bench.” Judge Abraham was previously married to Gwen’s husband Dennis, from whom she uncoupled after the allotted 15 years. She hates espouse lawyers on principle, and seems to have an extra dose of dislike for Gwen personally.

While the Healys struggle through the espouse experience—trial separation, uncouple counseling, and ongoing financial burdens—Gwen has to deal with the judge and her own struggles at home. In this fight for love, who has the answers?

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

In the real world, married life has no time limit. Some people stay together for decades, months, weeks, or even a few days. No one dictates how long you have to stay married. It’s all in the hands of a couple. However, Espoused by Jean Marie Davis has changed all the marriage rules. In this novel, couples stay married only fifteen years. Then, they must start the process of becoming uncoupled. I mean, it’s the law. Of course, they could choose to remain married, but the process is lengthy and a royal pain in the keister. There’s a trial separation, counseling for the kids, couple counseling, and TONS of paperwork. Plus, court check-ins — all in the name to stay joined. See, A PAIN IN THE BUTT! 

Unlike in real life, the majority of children in Espoused want their parents to become uncoupled. They want the two Christmases, parties, and separation gifts. In a conversation between a child and their parents, the child thought it was his fault the parents wanted to stay married. WOW, talk about a bizarro world! 

Espoused stated parents who stay together are considered “freaks.” Children of espoused parents are the laughingstock of the school. 

Espoused uniqueness is what drew me in and kept me turning the pages. It’s a book I will be recommending to others! 
Content Rating: PG for the subject matter of adult relationships/marriage/divorce, but there is no bad language or explicit sex scenes. For those who have cancer or have lost someone to cancer, some scenes might be a trigger for you. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤1/2
Meet the Author:
Jean Marie Davis was born and raised in Huntington, New York. After graduating from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, she moved back to Long Island where she worked in the Marketing Research industry for over 30 years. She currently lives in Centerport, New York close to her daughter and son.

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