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The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story by G.M. Reyes (Book Review)

A Rhyming Book About a Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story

Dad just wants to play video games, or go to the gym, or just unwind. But there’s something in the way of his relaxing evening. His kids want him to read a bedtime story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


In a child’s eyes, their parents are superheroes—super strong, never tire, and have all the time in the world. They don’t understand that their parents need time to recharge their battery after working all day, or maybe they need or have to do something that doesn’t include small tag-a-longs. The two darlings in this sweet children’s book had one teeny tiny request: Dad, please read us a bedtime story. Dad tried to politely turn down their request, saying he was in a hurry, but they were persistent, which is 100% relatable to many adults reading this book to their kids. 

Despite his initial reluctance, the dad in this story caved and agreed to read only one story. Nestled in bed with his two kiddos, the dad did what many parents do once they noticed the book’s length—he skipped a few pages. When your child is a baby or toddler, you can absolutely get away with summarizing the story. However, as your child grows up, they become more observant and will call you on the sneakiness. The fictional kids demanded their dad read the story againproperly this time.

Their father did a smashing job the second time around. He used different voices and even rapped some lines. I adored the drawing of him wearing a witch’s hat and nose, fairy wings, and a princess crown. But the real showstopper was the image of him with his hat flipped backward, shades on, bling around his neck while rapping into the microphone. I would laugh until my sides hurt if I witnessed my spouse recreating this scene. 

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story would make a great book to read at nap time or bedtime. It would also make a great Father’s Day gift. 

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age: baby to 8 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

A dad of two who wants to write stories that his kids will want to read and enjoy.

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The Many Personalities of Me by Miss Yael Gottesman aka Bailey Gee (Book Review)

Comprised of poems hand chosen by the author, The Many Personalities of Me tells a story of struggle, triumph, heartache and above all perseverance. Stories and poems based on first hand experience from my every day life living with mental illness.


Stranger in the Mirror
Footsteps in Reflection
The Loneliness Pandemic
Bigger than Life
Because of You
An Ativan, an Invisibility cloak and my thoughts …..
Jekyll and Hyde
Blade of Glory
A Different Kind of Drought
Faded Memories
People ask me
She wonders
Today I went to a funeral
Cross my heart
New blood

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)


Miss Yael Gottesman (Bailey Gee) opened her soul up when she wrote The Many Personalities of Me. Through her poetry, she shared what it’s like to live with an abuser and mental illness. 

As a person living with her own set of mental demons, several poems moved me drastically: “Stranger in the Mirror,” “Tired,” “Lost,” and “An Ativan, an Invisibility cloak and my thoughts.”

A few touched so close to home that they were painful to read—those involved cutting. Example: “Blade of Glory” 

I know for a lot of people they get great comfort in knowing they are not alone, that other people have gone or are going through the same situations as them. For me, it makes me face things I have worked hard to bury. I know I’m not taking the healthiest route, but it’s kept me moving forward for over 3 decades (the decades I realized I was different). 

I do commend Miss Yael Gottesman (Bailey Gee) on expressing her emotions, all her struggles. I do hope she keeps moving forward and never finds herself in another toxic relationship or situation. She has shown a great deal of strength, so I have complete faith she will find her happiness one day. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: 1/2

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Bailey Gee is a graduate of her local colleges creative writing program, and has since published two books. She has a special interest in writing poetry, which tells a story about her life experiences living with mental health issues. Her books are a prime example of perseverance and strength, and is a reminder to anyone going through similar situations, that they’re not alone. Bailey is currently working on her third book of poetry to be released later this year.

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Author Tanya S.M. Kennedy (4 Book Showcase)

Series: The Terarch Rebellion (Book 1)

For fans of Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series comes this medieval fantasy romance.


To save her people from slavery, Raivien must trust the very people who held her captive.

Raivien has never relied on anyone else; as a terarch, it is the only safety she has. But if she wants anything to change, she needs help and it comes from the most unlikely place: the very handler that captured her and the son of the man in charge of it all. Now if she could just get them to get along, she could focus on the upcoming battle.

Blerk was once the most promising terarch handler in Algar. Once, he had one of the most powerful terarchs the kingdom had ever seen. But he lost it all. One twist of fate and his life was balanced on a razor’s edge. But the closer he gets to Raivien the deeper his guilt grows. Faced with the true brutality he himself inflicted; he is determined to make amends. But one final mystery threatens to overwhelm everything he has worked so hard for.

For once in his life, Alden knows he is doing the right thing. He had looked aside so often when his father performed some heinous act or another. But no more. For his fallen sister, for the mysterious Raivien, he will make things right. Gathering his loyal men, he prepares to overthrow his own father.

Thrown together by fate, tested by fire, these three former enemies must risk everything.

Raivien had never sought out battle, but some things you can’t run from. With a vengeful king hunting them, a savage man out to capture her, and a flood of unaccustomed emotions threatening to overwhelm her, there is more than enough to keep her mind off the impending war and the inevitable deaths that comes with it. The only thing she is sure of is she can’t stand by while a monster sits on the throne of Algar.

The Terarch Rebellion is the opening to an epic fantasy romance series. If you like compelling characters, epic battles against oppression, and a gripping story, then you will love Tanya SM Kennedy’s tale of this feisty heroine’s battle for freedom.

Pick up your copy of The Terarch Rebellion and join the fight today!


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Series: The Terarch Rebellion (Book 2)

Raivien is back in the long anticipated second installment of The Terarch Rebellion.

Welcome to Algar where beloved King Alden has turned the kingdom from a symbol of fear to a safe-haven. With the aid of Raivien and Blerk, Algar has grown and prospered. But not everyone is pleased with the change as an unknown foe appears to have their sights set on the throne. With a warlord threatening their border, the mysterious Hawk hunting her every move, and even those she loves doubting her, how can Raivien keep her family from being torn apart? Mystery abounds and enemies are everywhere as we return to Algar where the fight for freedom is never over.

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(Stand Alone, not a part of  ‘The Terach Rebellion’ series)

Adjusting to this new world is impossible, returning to her old world means certain death.

Eylsa has an easy life; as long as she follows orders, she avoids punishment. But a poison is growing within her, stealing her sleep and twisting her thoughts, making a once easy job torturous. And it all started with nothing more than curiosity.

Brendan can’t imagine why his mentor Darius is trying so hard to rescue the very assassin sent to kill him. Everyone seems blinded by the girl’s youth but Brendan isn’t fooled. He can’t deny there is something about her that calls to him, but only a fool would trust a killer.

Assassin retraining did nothing to purge the deadly compassion from Eylsa’s mind. Every day is a constant battle to hide how broken she is. If anyone were to find out the weakness pulsing through her veins her life would be forfeit. When Darius reenters her life she knows she has no choice but to accept his offer of protection. At least imprisoned she might find peace. But what is she if she can no longer be what she was raised to be?

An Assassin’s Redemption is an urban fantasy about two worlds colliding. If you like compelling characters, bad-a** female antiheros, and an epic battle of struggling against evil then you will love Tanya SM Kennedy’s tale of one woman’s struggle for survival.

Pick up your copy of An Assassin’s Redemption and join the fight against the Trinity today!

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(The Ruling Priestess Book 1) 

To give in could mean the loss of everything she holds dear but resisting is tearing her apart.

All Pria wants is to protect her family, but as one of only two high priestesses in all of Reia, everyone has an opinion on her life. But as the stories reach her of the peril of Trimera, there is nothing she will not give to return to the only family she has left, her older brother Janu. Emotion is dangerous for a priestess, something she realizes all to keenly when she thinks about her brother’s friend Mian. 

From the day she was born, Mian knew he would die for Pria. But the woman that returns from the Lorien is a pale shadow of the fiery girl he remembers. Still scarred by the loss of his Prince’s advisor, the previous high priestess, he now has to watch his Pria face the same danger. But the more he tries to protect the high strung Pria, the angrier she gets. The only thing he knows for sure is that Trimera would not survive the loss of Pria; that he would not survive the loss of Pria. 

A mysterious being has gained control of the monstrous grinlo and every second that ticks by only serves to confirm that they are after Pria. With the Lorien watching her every move she can’t afford even the hint of weakness. But the longer she spends with Mian the more addled she finds her thoughts. How will she save Trimera when her very emotions could spell ruin?

The Battle for Trimera is the opening to the epic Ruling Priestess medieval fantasy series. If you like compelling characters, epic battles against savage monsters, and a gripping story, then you will love Tanya SM Kennedy’s tale of a priestess struggling against tradition to save her home. 

Pick up your copy of The Battle for Trimera and join the fight to save Trimera today!


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Tanya SM Kennedy was born in the wilds of West Virginia where she was raised to be strong, independent, and bull-headed. She spends her free time (any she can find) reading, writing, and taking care of her menagerie. She still lives in the wilds of West Virginia with her family enjoying the solitude.

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The Trapper by Ellie Douglas (Book Showcase)

They can’t run. They can’t hide. Danger is around every corner, waiting for them.

Chased into the Tongass National Forest by their father and left for dead, adolescent Blake Stevenson and his younger sister Kitty fight for their lives in extremely terrifying conditions.

Lurking in the trees is a hunter and experienced trapper, and he isn’t just hunting animals. Troy Cage is extremely dangerous, cruel, and clinically insane. His traps are everywhere, he’s everywhere, and he won’t stop until he finds them. And it’s what he’ll do with them when he finds them that’ll make them scream bloody murder.

He’s not the only one hunting the kids, for the forest is home to many dangers; wolves, bears, fallen trees, the nasty elements, and many hidden traps.

On the brink of starvation, hypothermia, and a brutally cold winter, how will they survive?

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“I have to find my sister. He could have shot her, too. Will you help me find her, please?” When he didn’t answer, Blake asked again, and he instantly regretted it when T.C. lashed out and thumped him across the mouth with a closed fist. Blake was sure he’d loosened a tooth. He wanted to spit the blood out but was too afraid to. He swallowed hard and coughed back the urge to puke.

“I told you to shut up. I didn’t go looking for some kid—not my job. You can find her yourself. If I let you. If ya ask me again, I’ll string you up by your balls and gut you like a pig.” T.C. slammed the door on his way out of the room, leaving a bewildered Blake to figure out what he’d done to deserve such ill treatment. His twelve-year-old brain thought he would have been better off dead. It was his determination to make sure his sister was alive and not dead at their father’s hands that helped him to recover. His focus was on finding her. He hoped that people were out looking for him and his sister, but he hadn’t much hope for that. In the time he’d been with T.C., he had heard no choppers, no police dogs, nothing. Which made him question just where the hell he was.


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This was an amazing read! Ellie quickly made it to my favorite author’s list. From beginning to end, The Trapper was a captivating tale of trial and triumph, intrigue and suspense. Well Done!
First, this needs to be adapted into either a movie. It was amazingly powerful and endearing. Extraordinary visually descriptive. I felt every bone breaking punch, branch, twig; even when winter arrived, I could feel how cold things got for those kids, and the breath out of their very mouths. It gave me goose bumps. What those children experienced is unbearably well told. As a parent, you want your children safe, unharmed, in a world where they can play and learn and grow. In this story, you follow Blake and his little sister Kitty into one hell of a roller coaster ride of survival. It plays on your mind, grabs at your heart and pushes you into a world so vividly well imagined. That you fear for your own kids’ safety.
I could hear every creepy noise, alarmingly well. What this author does is something I’ve not seen for a very long time. The way she writes captures you and holds you on every page, you actually feel your own heart racing against an invisible clock. Breathtaking, scary, heart pumping action, never a dull moment. Every page held my attention. I remember when I read Hannibal Lector and felt those similar emotions. This book evokes those emotions by taking you hostage along with those kids, turning this into a survival of yourself as much as it is for them.

All three of the characters are more than just three dimensional, they are so believable, so much so, that I had to pinch myself. Right down to the location of where this book is set, everything just felt unbelievably real. The antagonist, T.C. He is something from nightmares, yet one can’t help but feel sorry for him, for what he went through and how he became to be such a horrific monster.

Don’t pass this one by, it is a and unusual psychological horror tale, terrifying you at the edge of your seat, action packed and yet heart-warming, that will leave an everlasting impression. You’ll scream, your eyes will bud tears, you’ll jump with joy, you’ll hit something with frustration; when I say it evokes emotions, it really does.


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Ellie Douglas, born and raised in New Zealand. A graduate of Massey, is a freelance graphic artist, spent 10 years working with Autistic Children, and has done some overseas traveling. She is a member of NZSA and SpecFicNZ.

Ellie went into motherhood, with four children, including one set of non-identical twins. Ellie was able to dive right into her creative side. She started out as a freelance graphic artist, and to this day she still creates award-winning professional pre-made book covers.  During her designing of book covers she would write, sparking her inner desire to be an author.  Writing more and more until she finished her first novel, Zombie Dogs.

Ellie has two brothers, one younger, one older, both of whom she adores dearly. Ellie is a very warm, fun-loving, friendly, generously giving woman, she’s mysterious and enjoys keeping the suspense going.  She is hard-working, loyal and very down to earth.

I suggest you bookmark her site, and join her emailing list, because believe you me, you’re not going to want to miss out on her novels.

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Love In The Key Of Magic by Sylvie D. Parris (Book Showcase)

Claire doesn’t know why people are after her, or who she is. Alex is curious why his magic has sensed hers. He is no stranger to taking risks, she knows the risk of letting anyone get close. Those that hunt her don’t care who they hurt as he is about to find out.

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~~ Short Teaser ~~


“Who is after you?” he asked as he moved closer, keeping the distance between them constant.

“You are,” her eyes widened as she saw cars pulling up behind the man, blocking that exit of the alley. Hearing the squeal of tires behind her, she turned to see two more doing the same on the other end. People got out of the cars heading her way.

She felt arms around her as the man dropped them both to the ground with him as bullets flew overhead.

“I promise you; I am not the one after you,” she heard him murmur into her ear.    

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~ Amazon Review ~

Megan ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
A wonderful book! As a reader you dive into the mystery right away and the unknown. Overtime there is a relationship that develops and is full of passion with a very deep love that as a reader, made me want the same thing! It’s a must read!!!

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Sylvie D. Parris is a product of a large family, good food, bad religion, terrific books and an over active imagination. Sylvie raised three children in the mountains of North Caroline along with an array of cats. She eventually settled in the upstate of South Carolina. Recently widowed, she co-exists with a grey tabby named Miko and a tuxedo wearing kitten named Baffi.

Sylvie started writing doing feature pieces for a local community newspaper, before moving to SC. She then spent two years writing a weekly humor column called Miss Mom for The Spartanburg Spark, a community weblog. That is where she learned how much she loved writing stories. She’s since had a short story, several of poems and two novels published. She enjoys reading, playing MMORGP games, haunting Twitter at 3 A.M. and gardening. 

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