Tag Archives: creatures

Monster Problems A to Z by Stacie Green (Book Spotlight)

Journey through the alphabet with mythical creatures as they confront real-life challenges. From anxious aliens to zoned-out zombies, this vibrant hand – illustrated book combines fantasy and empathy with clever vocabulary to create a world where monsters are a lot like us. Delight in this story from the author of “Monsters Need Breaks Too!” and continue the fun with these relatable whimsical mythical creatures!

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Meet the Author

Hi. I’m Stacie Green, Illustrator and artist. My love of art started around the time I learned how to hold a crayon. Growing up in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, I would spend countless hours outdoors with paper and crayons in hand. One of my earliest memories is sitting outside next to a tree stump watching my grandparents’ brown and black farm dog, asleep stretched out in the sun. As I began to draw him, I noticed how the light played on each color of his fur differently. I was fascinated by all the little details around me, especially in nature. The repeating patterns in leaves, the spots on the back of a crawdad in the creek, and the tiny seeds of a dandelion were all beautiful and interesting to me.

I seek to capture those little details in my artwork, whether it is hand drawing, paintings, or graphic designs. There is often a story or memory behind my work. Many of my characters and creatures are from stories I’ve written and developed. As you take in my work, I hope you will find the beauty in the details and come to appreciate lines, patterns, color, and texture as much as I do.

My background is in Studio Art and Fibers. I hold a Masters in Art Education and taught in public, private, and international schools for over 10 years. My family includes my engineer hubby and three quirky kids. In my free time, you will find me studying more about surface pattern design, reading, drawing with my favorite oil pastels, traveling, and hanging out with my friends. I love Boho style, flowy clothing, and lots of jewelry. When we meet, I will probably remind you of your favorite quirky art teacher!

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How to Keep Monsters Out of Your Room by Catie Cat (Book Review)

Dru has monsters in his room! After several attempts, he finally figures out how to get rid of them! This rhyming picture book includes a project so YOU can get rid of YOUR monsters too! Afraid of the dark + problem solver.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Every night, kids worldwide fear the possibility of a monster lurking under their bed or in the closet. They sleep with lights on, fearing what could creep out from the shadows if they are left in complete darkness. Dru, like so many other young children, has difficulty falling asleep due to fear and anxiety over bedroom “creatures.” 

Due to vivid imaginations, every monster’s appearance varies to some degree. Dru’s unwelcomed guest has large, pointy teeth and green bulging eyes. He looked like a cross between a wolf and a dragon. I can understand why the beast was causing such a fright. I applaud the artist’s skills. Each page looked like a painting.

Dru yelled at the beast to leave his room immediately, but his demands went unannounced. He then remembered the warning signs he’d seen with his mom and recalled their meanings. No left turns. No dogs allowed. No cell phones. Everyone followed these signs and more, promptly Dru to have an ingenious idea. He knew how to keep the monsters out of his room for good! 

Children will witness Dru’s plan in action. They’ll cheer at his success. Then, after the story’s conclusion, they can follow Dru’s instructions and make a “No Monsters Allowed” sign to hang up anywhere in their room. 

When bedtime calls, kids can’t help but fear darkened corners, what supposedly is waiting under their bed, or what else is in their closet besides toys and clothes. How to Keep Monsters Out of Your Room aims to teach kids how to scare “monsters” away so they can get a peaceful night’s sleep. I think everyone will agree that is a great end goal!

Studies show that fear of darkness begins around the age of two; therefore, I recommend sharing the picture book with children as young as two. I also recommend creating your monster “stop” sign. 

Let’s squash those fears before they keep anyone up all night! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author 

Catherine Castoro (Catie Cat) is an author and illustrator. How to Keep Monsters Out of Your Room is her third children’s book. Published Adult non-fiction: THE FERRY TO DUBLIN, January 2018 edition of The Ocotillo Review. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Austin, Texas.

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A Wretched Little Book of Poems: Remastered by Allen Isom (Book Review)

This Wretched Little Book is a must-read for fans of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Where the Sidewalk Ends. It promises to leave you both delighted and frightened. Embark on a spine-tingling journey through the pages of this book, featuring 10 brand new poems and eerie illustrations crafted by artificial intelligence in this remastering of the original.

Explore the bone-chilling tales of the Man in the Mask, Squid Face Girl, and The Depths, as you immerse yourself in the haunting and poetic stories of this collection. With a perfect blend of macabre terror and spooky fun, these poems are bound to stay with you long after you finish reading.

So, beware of the Little Beasties and other malevolent entities that may be Waiting in the Woods. And, above all, never look Behind You! Each page is filled with dread and suspense, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Get ready to uncover the horrors that lie within your closets and under your bed, and experience the thrill of this illustrated horror poetry.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


We’ve all heard the familiar statement, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I judged A Wretched Little Book of Poems: Remastered by its, and my assessment proved accurate. Every image would please horror, supernatural, paranormal, or occult fans. His poetry contained the right blend of suspense and horror, making me thirsty for more. 

My favorite selections revolved around the living dead. “The Deadwoods” was one of my favorite poems. I also enjoyed the horde of the “walking dead” image that followed “Zombie Town.” Each made me itch to watch a zombie flick. 

“Squid Face Girl” was hauntingly sad. Kali, the girl with tentacles on the lower half of her face, never felt love. She’s never been kissed. Kids were horrific towards her. Poor Kali was alone and only wanted someone to look past the squid face and see the beauty within. “Squid Face Girl” illustrates how the real monsters are the ones who look normal to the naked eye. 

“Dream Come True” was phenomenal. It gave readers a horrific twist on the power of a genie and how one should take great thought into stating a wish. The mother/monster image also scared the holy heck out of me! 

“Something Ate Me” gave me goosebumps, especially the line, “At least it cannot eat me twice.”

I’ll never look at my daughter’s rock collection after reading “Pet Rock.” NEVER! 

While many, MANY drawings sent shivers down my spine, one will definitely haunt my dreams tonight and many nights in the future. The severed head that accompanied “Old Severed Head” had a realness quality to it. It didn’t look like a creature straight from hellIt looked like an everyday man whose path crossed with the worst evil imaginable. Wait until you see the drawing…seriously, SHIVERS! Further into the book, the writer drew an axe-wielding man who reminded me of Jason from Friday the 13th. Again, images that show plausible monsters are the scariest (in my opinion). 

“What’s for Dinner” made me think of tall tales centering around “witches” capturing children to cook and eat them. The writer’s picture of the person sitting in the pot of boiling water made me shift nervously in my seat. His eyes seemed to stare at me, and I almost expected him to jump out of the book and grab me, bringing me into the bubbling cauldron with him. 

If you loathe bugs, you’ll want to avoid “Timmy’s Tummy,” “Creepy Crawlies,” and “Infestation.” The images are cringe-worthy! 

Allen Isom’s spine-tingling poetry book needs to be transformed into several 30-minute episodes. His creative mind designed drawings that any special effects artist (make-up and digital) would jump at the chance to bring to life. 

Poem after poem, drawing after drawing, each page is more haunting than the last. Evil lurks everywhere, even in space.  

Grab a copy of A Wretched Little Book of Poems: Remastered and step into the world of the strange, the frightening…YOUR worst nightmare!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

When Allen Isom isn’t conjuring up spine-tingling tales of terror, he can be found lurking in the shadows, cackling maniacally and muttering to himself. Born in a haunted house, Allen Isom has always had a fascination with the darker side of life. His writing is a twisted mix of horror and humor.

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Gladiator (The Arena Book 1) by Casey Lea (Book Review)

One Arena. One Love. ONE DAY.

Happy-ever-after is never guaranteed but that’s the gladiator’s mission. It wasn’t his plan to fight to the death, but plans change. When Harvesters steal his wife, he tracks them down. The hunt takes all of his money and most of his self-control, but she’s worth it. He joins her as a slave forced to fight for his life without hesitation.

His wife is a deadly warrior, so it’s too bad she doesn’t know him. Memory stripped and struggling to survive she has no interest in the fool claiming to be her husband. He’s just another target standing between her and freedom, but not for long. She’ll take down anything and anyone in her way.

Can the gladiator live long enough to win his wife’s love? Unlikely. It’s the end of the season and the final day of fighting. They’re about to enter the Carnival of Death which leaves only a single survivor.

One of them must die.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Imagine waking up and not knowing who you are, what species you are, where you are, or how you got there. That’s how Gladiator (The Arena Book 1) by Casey Lea begins. Haze’s com (nicknamed Connie) informs him that he is on the slave-trading planet Vertigo. It claims he’s seeking work in the arena as a gladiator. Haze is confused. Nothing makes sense. 

Slowly, snippets of who he is resurface and, with it, a name. Silk is his wife, and he’s on a mission to find her. The path takes him to the Carnival of Death, a battle where many walk in, but only one will leave…alive. 

Haze will do anything, sacrifice anything to ensure Silk makes it to the center of the area (the maze) and claim the prize, the knife. However, there are several obstacles in Haze’s way. For one: the other contestants vary in size and species from an enormous dragon to a scrawny guy. Two, he has to face non-contestants who love to snack on the fighters: eels and wolves. Thirdly, there’s Umpyre, the guard of law, who is a stickler for following the rules he made up. And finally, the most challenging obstacle of all, Haze’s wife, Silk, doesn’t remember her hubby. 

The cards are stacked against Haze, but he is a tenacious S.O.B. He will battle creatures, contestants, and even his wife’s stubbornness. I won’t disclose what Haze is, but he’s not your typical lawyer. He puts fear in many, and you’ll understand why once you see him lose control. 

Many shall enter. Only one is supposed to win. The road to victory was hard. The fights were intense, bloody, and brilliantly written. 

There were several shocking developments as the day came to a close. I did not see the twists coming. I was left stunned, like the characters in the book. 

Who survives 24 hours of hell, aka the maze cut out of stone? That question will only be answered by reading the book. So read it! 

The story did end with a set-up for a sequel. I can’t wait to read it as well!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤1/2

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Meet the Authors

Casey Lea is the pen name for a mother and daughter creative duo, dedicated to sharing their passion for all things sci-fi and fantastical.

A doting grandmother with too much time on her hands took the opportunity to put pen to paper.  Her older daughter kindly placed the resulting scribblings in one of those new-fangled so-called “computing machines” and a writing partnership was born.

The Lea (pronounced Lee) half of Casey Lea now spends her days wrestling with words and her memory while reading aloud to any cat careless enough to settle nearby. Daughter Casey edits the results while wrangling her adorable offspring.

After a decade on the rollercoaster ride of indie publishing their shared passion for epic love and grand adventure, spiced with advanced tech and ancient magic, remains undimmed.


You can find us at:

Sci-fi Fantasy Authors / Caseyleabooks.com
Casey Lea | Facebook
 Casey Lea (@CaseyLeaBooks) / Twitter




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Gladiator (The Arena Book 1) by Casey Lea (Book Spotlight)

One Arena. One Love. ONE DAY.

Happy-ever-after is never guaranteed but that’s the gladiator’s mission. It wasn’t his plan to fight to the death, but plans change. When Harvesters steal his wife, he tracks them down. The hunt takes all of his money and most of his self-control, but she’s worth it. He joins her as a slave forced to fight for his life without hesitation.

His wife is a deadly warrior, so it’s too bad she doesn’t know him. Memory stripped and struggling to survive she has no interest in the fool claiming to be her husband. He’s just another target standing between her and freedom, but not for long. She’ll take down anything and anyone in her way.

Can the gladiator live long enough to win his wife’s love? Unlikely. It’s the end of the season and the final day of fighting. They’re about to enter the Carnival of Death which leaves only a single survivor.

One of them must die.

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A Beginning

I want to tell you my story—or at least my part in a much larger story. It may seem sad, but like all of us, this story is a work in progress.

                                                                                           The Old Man’s Journal



The man standing in darkness had no idea who he was. That realization hit like a fist in the gut—folding him forward to rest his hands on his thighs. His head ached and dizziness came with the movement, tipping him to one side.

His shoulder collected a cliff face. He let the rough rock hold him in place while his fingers explored the pain in his temple. He found a sticky mass cutting across his brow. It felt like a furrow that was damp in the middle, but dry and crusted around the edge. When he lowered his hand to inspect his fingertips, they looked dark in the low light.

It took him a long slow minute to realize they were wet with blood. His blood.

The man sucked in a breath. He was shocked to be hurt, but not surprised. The wound explained his amnesia, although little more. Was he a fighter? A criminal? Someone who courted danger, or an innocent who’d suffered an unprovoked attack? More importantly, was he still at risk?

A careful step let him turn to brace his back against the wall.

Sweat coated his bare skin and he tasted bile when he tipped his head back to rest it against the cool rock face.

The stars above were strange.

He took a long breath and held it until his panic settled.

The confusion still made him dizzy, but he ignored it to look around, gathering information. It was night-time, with no sign of dawn or dusk on the horizon. His fingers drifted carefully across the cliff supporting him until they found a straight line of something more brittle than rock. It flaked away under his touch, and he realized it was mortar. He was leaning against a wall made of massive blocks.

They scraped the man’s bare shoulders, and he was suddenly aware of the chill night air against his uncovered skin. He looked down and was relieved to find he wasn’t naked. He was wearing a leather vest with a cloak thrown back over bare shoulders, and trousers with reassuringly solid boots beneath.

There was a matching wall opposite, across a rough path. He was standing in an alley that felt more like a gully. It fell away to angle down toward a cluster of lights in the distance.

Where the hell am I? he wondered and shrugged. He was jumping ahead, but questions were like that. They tended to stack up quickly. He needed to start at the bottom of the pile. He drew a deep breath, and his voice was surprisingly steady. “Who the hell am I?”

“Your gene tag identifies you as a gladiator. You are seeking work in the arena on the slave-trading planet Vertigo,” a warm female voice said beside him.

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Meet the Authors

Casey Lea is the pen name for a mother and daughter creative duo, dedicated to sharing their passion for all things sci-fi and fantastical.

A doting grandmother with too much time on her hands took the opportunity to put pen to paper.  Her older daughter kindly placed the resulting scribblings in one of those new-fangled so-called “computing machines” and a writing partnership was born.

The Lea (pronounced Lee) half of Casey Lea now spends her days wrestling with words and her memory while reading aloud to any cat careless enough to settle nearby. Daughter Casey edits the results while wrangling her adorable offspring.

After a decade on the rollercoaster ride of indie publishing their shared passion for epic love and grand adventure, spiced with advanced tech and ancient magic, remains undimmed.


You can find us at:

Sci-fi Fantasy Authors / Caseyleabooks.com
Casey Lea | Facebook
 Casey Lea (@CaseyLeaBooks) / Twitter

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