Tag Archives: sweet treats

A Sweet Surprise by Brittany Smith (Book Review)

Do you like sugar as much as Sam does?

Follow Sam as he discovers many sweet treats and surprises throughout his day. A giraffe in purple pyjamas, chocolate crocodiles and some gummy snakes are only the start.

Is there ever a thing as too much sugar?

Join Sam throughout his day and see. 

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InHouse Bookstore



I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Kids love candy! They would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if allowed. Sam, the shining star of this children’s book, has yet to meet a sugar-based treat he didn’t like. He wishes he could eat gumdrops, lollipops, cotton candy, ice cream, candy canes, candy apples, and more every day, whenever he wanted! Not a bad wish! If it weren’t for the potential for cavities, I would follow Sam’s lead and eat chocolate for breakfast, jelly beans for lunch, and gummy snakes for dinner, too. 

Sam does not have an off switch when it comes to sugary delights. The images show Sam hiding candy when a craving hits: under the couch, behind the bed, up the stairs, and even in his hair. Only a kid would eat candy covered in hair. The illustrator also shows empty, colorful wrappers scattered all over the floor. While Sam’s tastebuds were all for eating more candy, his stomach rejected the idea. Sam suffered the painful effects of overindulging in sweet treats—the dreaded bellyache. He also experienced a sugar crash. Parents and many young readers will empathize with Sam’s belly woes. His story paints a beautiful picture of why less is more. 

The author and their design team did a fantastic job constructing A Sweet Surprise. Families will love the playful and creative way the text is displayed. My two favorite pages are the upside-down words and the page where words are arranged to mimic a staircase. The brightly colored illustrations will activate everyone’s sweet tooth, even those who prefer savory over sweet! And the unicycle-riding giraffe wearing purple pajamas will tickle your funny bone! 

I recommend this wonderful and vibrant storybook to children ages two years and up. I also suggest a trip to the candy store, playing Candy Land, or both!

Join Sam as he shares his love for all things sugary! Don’t forget to bring your favorite sweet treat along the way! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤




Meet the Author


If you think Sam has a sweet tooth you should meet Brittany. After experiencing the side effects of having too much sugar far too often. She decided this book would be a great way to help show people that candy is not always as fun as it seems.

Growing up on the East Coast of Canada. She has spent many years at summer camp discovering the best the tuck shop had to offer. Some might think she survives off apple juice and her hidden stashes of candy. Which only makes sense that she is a Pastry Chef in Sydney.

Kangaroo Cove Publishing

Reedsy Author Link





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How to Grow a Marshmallow Tree (Amelia & Paco) by Stefanie Gamarra (Book Review)

Join Amelia and her best friend, Paco the polar bear, on a tooth-aching adventure in a world where cotton candy clouds and ice cream slides are just the beginning. When they are almost running out of their favorite treat, marshmallows, Amelia’s wild imagination leads the friends to an idea: a marshmallow tree!

But can you really grow a tree from a marshmallow?

With a dash of school knowledge, a sprinkle of sugar, and some really bad dentist jokes, Amelia and Paco are determined to find out.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Amelia and Paco, the polar bear, have the most delicious dreams about cotton candy clouds and ice cream slides. Their sweet tooth is not just present during sleepytime; they also crave sweet treats during waking hours. One day, while enjoying a sugary snack, they noticed a big problem: only one marshmallow remained in the bag. What to do?

Amelia shares with Paco what she learned in school about apple trees. A tree full of apples will grow if you plant an apple seed. With that thought in mind, Amelia has the bright idea to grow a marshmallow tree by planting the last marshmallow from the bag. I like how she thinks, and I’m sure many children will like it, too! 

Paco was skeptical, with good reason. Who has ever heard of growing a marshmallow tree? Was it even possible? Instead of squashing his best friend’s dream, Paco supported his best friend’s unconventional idea. As Maya’s marshmallow refused to sprout life, she brainstormed the problem. Was it thirsty? Hungry? Amelia’s ingenuity, patience, determination, love, and attention paid off. Marshmallows grew in huge numbers! 

Many theories and invention ideas were deemed impossible, weird, or crazy yet proved useful or lucrative, such as Silly Putty (inventor wildly disputed) and The Pet Rock by Gary Dahl. Yes, we all know that you can’t technically grow a marshmallow tree by burying a marshmallow in the ground, but that’s not the point of the story. The picture book teaches children to follow their dreams. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. With hard work and determination, you might make the impossible…probable. 

I highly recommend reading this story as you snack on a bag of marshmallows. If you feel silly, plant the last one in honor of Amelia and the author. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

I’m a full-time project manager, part-time marshmallow tree cultivator and have officially added ‘children’s book author’ to my list of LinkedIn titles. While originally from Germany, I now call the US home and peppered my debut children’s book with a unique blend of transatlantic charm and humor.

Reedsy Author Link





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