Tag Archives: communication

Rethinking Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Life with an Autistic Child : How to Identify Early Signs Kindle Edition by Bev A. Lanier (Book Review)

Discover powerful communication strategies to become your child’s strongest ally and advocate. If you’re losing sleep over your child’s behavior or feeling frustrated with the lack of support, this guide is your go-to resource.

As a parent of a child with autism, understanding their unique communication style is crucial. This guide takes you on a transformative journey, starting with observing your child’s cues and delving into their world. Drawing on your own childhood experiences, you’ll realize your innate ability to be their window to the world.

Navigate through the complexities of autism with insights into the three levels, physiological reasons for behavioral challenges, and gender differences in communication. Learn from real-life stories, identify signs of autism, and explore various therapies, including speech, physical, and occupational therapy.

This guide goes beyond therapies, exploring the neurodivergent brain’s magic and providing communication strategies tailored to each autism level. Discover tools for establishing routines, handling challenges, and prioritizing your well-being to avoid burnout.

This guide empowers you to be the expert on your child’s needs, making informed choices that lead to victories and a more purposeful life. Take a breath; help is here for your parenting journey.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

What is ASD (autism spectrum disorder)? As the author said quite eloquently, “autism” is more than just a label we can assign to people. It is a framework that can guide us through raising these individuals to become the best versions of themselves. 

Even though the first diagnosis occurred in 1943 by Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist, we still have much to understand about the condition. What doctors look for are common tell-tell signs or indicators on the “spectrum”: repetitive behavioral patterns and hyperfocus on interests or activities. The writer breaks down the three levels, which tell us more than just a child’s level of proximity to either end of the spectrum: from functioning independently to those who require assistance with everyday tasks. 

What I learned that fascinated me was more kids are being misdiagnosed with ASD. On the flip side, many kids never get diagnosed with it and should have so they can get proper care. I was also amazed by the number of famous people believed to have autism, such as Jerry Seinfeld (actor and comedian) and Elon Musk. It just shows that sometimes you never know who has autism and who doesn’t. One thing is apparent: you can’t look at a newborn and know they will have ASD or not. However, as a child grows, there are signs that you should be on the lookout for and share with your doctor. Bev A. Lanier (the author) discusses these in Chapter Two: “What to Look For,” alongside possible causes, preparing for evaluation, and what should you expect. I would advise reading this area carefully and possibly more than once. It’s a lot of information to absorb in one sitting. 

As I said earlier, Bev A. Lanier mentions different levels on the autism spectrum. As you read chapter three, you’ll get valuable intel on the lowest level, formerly known as Asperger’s, to level three, where an individual will require substantial support. No matter what “level” you or your loved one lands on, getting a diagnosis from a trained professional, the initial point of treatment, is important, as stated in Chapter 4. Remember, each person is different, so “treatments” must be catered to your or your child’s mind and body. Speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational medicine, non-invasive activities, and meds are tools you must utilize to bring out the best versions of your autistic child. With all that in mind, treatments will change as your child grows older and becomes more independent. I want to note there is more to this subject matter; I am merely touching the tip of the iceberg regarding the information presented.

As you move into Chapter Five, we get a closer look at the brain and how the spectrum shapes it. Okay, this section brings me back to my school days. Lots of science information that I can see people glossing over. I imagine the average person will focus more on treatment options, resources, or the mini stories between each chapter. Bev made a wise choice including the heartwarming tales. Just hearing your child has ASD can strike fear in any parent’s heart, but these stories give glimmers of hope to many parents. Hope that one day their own child will be thriving like David, Sofia, Liam, and the other kids.

There are challenges with having ASD or taking care of someone with ASD. As the author pointed out, it affects language, reaction to stimuli, social interactions, behavior, and how we manage tasks. Parents, as overwhelmed as you might feel, remember you are not alone, and all your feelings regarding the diagnosis are normal. Take the writer’s advice and set time aside for yourself. Do something that you enjoy. Join a support group. Remember, we all need help now and then, so never be afraid to ask for some! 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

As a neurodivergent mom of three neurodivergent children, I am on a journey of understanding, advocacy, and empowerment. My life has been shaped by the diverse neurodiversity in my family, and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. Through my writing, I aim to provide support, guidance, and a sense of community to fellow parents and individuals who are navigating the neurodiverse landscape. Together, we can embrace and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiversity brings to our lives.

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The Essential Social Skills Handbook for Teens: Fundamental strategies for teens and young adults to improve self-confidence, eliminate social anxiety and fulfill their potential in the 2020s by By Richard Meadows (Book Review)

Have you been missing out on getting what you want most in life because you lack confidence or are shy? Do you want to have the confidence to do anything you want and not care about what others think of you? Then keep reading….

When I was a shy overweight kid who lacked confidence:

I was always the last person to be picked for the soccer team.

I was afraid of looking like an idiot for asking a question out loud in front of everyone in class.

I thought I could never become the person I dreamt of becoming: the confident and badass person who doesn’t care about what other people think.

I stood in a corner at the party afraid to talk to the girl that I liked.

If you can relate to what I’m talking about and you would like to transform yourself then this book is a must-read for you….

These are just some of the problems I faced as a teen. I made it my mission to figure out what was making me anxious and what was holding me back from doing all the things I wanted to do. I‘ve now come a long way since and I want to help you.


In this handbook, you’ll discover:

  • How to communicate and get the message across even when you feel like no one will understand you.
  • Exercises used even by the U.S. Navy Seals unit uses to remain calm under pressure.
  • The one simple word fix to your sentences that will take your communication to the next level and grasp anyone’s attention.
  • How to work with your parents even if you feel like they don’t get you at all or can’t help.
  • Absolutely everything you need to know to achieve every single goal and ambition you have.
  • Bonus templates for parents and teens to help with goal setting, planning, and mindset transformation.

Attention Parents! There’s also an addendum with special advice and tips for you to help the teens in your life develop stronger social skills and overcome anxiety.

I am eternally grateful to my parents as they played an instrumental role in my personal and social growth. I want to share with you everything my parents, counselors and mentors did right and a few tweaks and improvements that in retrospect would have helped me gain confidence faster.


I guarantee you that this book will work for you because:

  • I’m not going to bore you with facts. I’ll tell you about the challenges and problems I faced, how I overcame them and how you can too.
  • If you’ve tried all other self-help books and have not found them useful, this book will work for you because this is not a self-help book, it is a book to help you take specific action using templates to start today and get closer to your goal today.
  • Even if you don’t like to read books or read in general, this book will work for you because this book is easy to read and relatable.
  • Even if you’ve tried all the mainstream advice, this book will work for you because the advice is relevant for the 2020s.


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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The Essential Social Skills Handbook for Teens: Fundamental strategies for teens and young adults to improve self-confidence, eliminate social anxiety and fulfill their potential in the 2020s focuses on real issues facing our teens and young adults in today’s society.

Every generation has its own set of stress inducers. Teens and adults have the same stressors as their parents did when they were younger; however, today’s teens have to handle social networks and all their pitfalls. 

Richard Meadows was correct when he stated, and I’m paraphrasing, That we are all imperfect in the real world. The social platforms constantly thrust images of “perfect bodies” or “perfect lives” into our youth’s faces. They give the impression this is how the real world lives, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Teens view the pictures, watch the reels, watch every video under the sun, see these “perfect lives,” and then (sometimes) see their life as less-than. Negative thoughts bloom, causing low self-esteem and self-worth. We mustn’t feed into this “perfect image.” I’d suggest taking Richard’s advice – replace a negative thought with a positive one! 

Richard stated more truths in this book. Prime example, communication is more than just speaking words. Tone, body language, and facial expressions contribute a lot to a conversation. When my daughter speaks with a tone, I call her on it every time. When my teen states she did nothing wrong, I say firmly, “It’s not the words you used but how you said them.” “Stop and Think” or think before you speak. 

Other important truths – “Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness.” It’s a “powerful show of strength.” Also, help doesn’t always mean medication. Yes, some people will need a pill. But, many people only need to be heard. Being seen and being heard are essential in having good mental health. 

No one spoke about teen depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues when I was younger. I’m thrilled today’s world is more vocal. There is no shame in asking for help. Please utilize the websites and helplines in the book if you need them. Remember, you’re not alone! 

Even though The Essential Social Skills Handbook for Teens: Fundamental strategies for teens and young adults to improve self-confidence, eliminate social anxiety and fulfill their potential in the 2020s is directed towards teens, parents should read it. 

Teens and adults, be sure and check out the templates and the journal prompts shared in the final pages. Great resource tools! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Richard Meadows: Maximizing quality of life for teens and parents of teens with anxiety, ADHD, depression & stress.

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