Tag Archives: pre-k

B is for Barbecue: A Flavorful Safari Through the Alphabet by Henrique Meyer (Book Review)

Embark on a sizzling alphabetical safari with B is for Barbecue! This delightful children’s book serves up a hearty helping of fun, combining the joy of learning letters with the excitement of barbecue and meats. Each letter of the alphabet is celebrated with a whimsical poem that introduces young readers to barbecue-related terms-from A for Angus to Z for Zebra. The vibrant two-page spread illustrations burst with color and flavor, capturing the imagination and taste buds alike.

Perfect for little foodies and aspiring grill masters, this book not only teaches the ABCs but also kindles a love for cooking and outdoor gatherings. The rhythmic poems and captivating artwork make each page turn a new experience, keeping children engaged and eager to learn. Whether read aloud at family cookouts or enjoyed during cozy bedtime routines, B is for Barbecue is sure to become a cherished favorite that brings smiles and appetites together.


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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Barbecue is a popular cuisine that involves cooking food over a live fire or smoke, typically outdoors. Barbecue, also known as BBQ and barbeque, can refer to the cooking method or a gathering of people where BBQ foods are the main course. B is for Barbecue: A Flavorful Safari Through the Alphabet mainly focuses on meats you’d prepare using a grill or smoke, but it doesn’t limit itself to just those. The writer shares vegetables, like zucchini, can also be prepared on a grill. But for many of us, when we think of barbecuing, common foods spring to mind: steaks, burgers, ribs, and hot dogs. 


B is for Barbecue: A Flavorful Safari Through the Alphabet uses poetry to introduce readers to barbecue-related terms, beginning with A for Angus and ending with Z for Zucchini and Zebra. As I peered at the vibrant and charming cover, I asked myself what barbecue-themed foods or meats begin with N, U, X, and Y. Now I know! Thanks to the creative prose, I have a better understanding of two Japanese grilled foods, too. 


B is for Barbecue: A Flavorful Safari Through the Alphabet is more than a book that teaches kids their ABCs. It’s a celebration of food, family, friends, and memories shared over a meal. The rhyming lines are cute as can be, but sometimes the flow is interrupted with a word kids might pronounce incorrectly or baffled at its meaning. Take “confit,” for instance. Kids might pronounce kän fit instead of känˈfē. Kids and adults might not know that confit is a French cooking technique that involves slowly cooking food in fat at a low temperature to preserve it. 


Amazon has the book listed for kids up to age 8, making it a versatile learning tool for a wide range of children. The bold, beautiful, colorful pages will delight babies and toddlers. Preschoolers and kindergarteners will also love the illustrations and creative ways of learning their letters. Kids between ages 6 and 8 can use this book to strengthen their reading skills. It’s a great mixture of easy and complex words, ensuring that it’s engaging and beneficial for all. 


B is for Barbecue: A Flavorful Safari Through the Alphabet is perfect for any household that loves to cook or eat BBQ foods. The short poems and adorable artwork will enlighten and entertain kids and adults. Everyone will walk away learning at least one new fact centering on a specific meat or BBQ item. For me, it was yakitori. Read the book to gain insight into Japanese food.


Make reading this story a part of your next BBQ event! 



Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author

Henrique Meyer, born in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and raised in Florida, is a software engineer and technology consultant residing in Fort Lauderdale. Henrique enjoys spending time with his children, barbecuing, fishing, and traveling.

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When Mom Feels Great Then We Do Too! by Phyllis Schwartz (Book Review)

When Mom, one day, came home and said, “I think I better get in bed,”

it was up to us to get together as a team so she’d feel better.

We came up with all sorts of things to do.

Because “when mom feels great then we do too!”

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Growing up, I don’t recall my mother being sick very often. However, when she was under the weather, the entire house jumped on board to help out. I learned to appreciate everything my mom did in and out of the house at a young age. As a parent, I do my best not to get ill. When it happens, I have an excellent support team who do their best to make me feel better. 

My husband reminds the kids to use their library voice while indoors. They make sure I always have a drink nearby. My youngest also brings me a stuffed toy that is supposed to “chase the sick germs away.” 

When someone, anyone, in your home is feeling under the weather, band together like the family did in When Mom Feels Great, Then We Do Too! by Phyllis Schwartz. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine!

At the story’s start, Phyllis Schwartz mentions the dad helping the kiddos make mom’s favorite dish, wieners and asparagus. Be prepared for your child to giggle when they hear “wieners.” Mine did. 

My kiddos are not a fan of asparagus or hot dogs, but if your kids are, I have great news for you—the author included the recipe for mom’s favorite dish. They even included suggested sides: rice and corn (kernel or on the cob). FYI: It “serves 2 adults and multiple kids.”

When Mom Feels Great, Then We Do Too! by Phyllis Schwartz was a charming story. It did have some words that will need exploring, depending on your audience’s age: Motown music. Also, I’m no fashionista, so “Frida Kahlo” went right over my head. 

 Siski Kalla did a lovely job on the illustrations. They were all very nice.

I will recommend When Mom Feels Great, Then We Do Too! to family and friends. 

Recommended reading age is 4-10.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

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Meet the Author

Phyllis Schwartz is a married mother of two, who, after a highly successful career in the TV news business, finally has the time to indulge in and focus on her “civilian” writing. Even as a kid, she kept a diary and wrote little stories and poems, a creative release that continued well into adulthood. She wrote news by day and poetry by night. And despite battling three different types of cancer over more than three decades, she is still filled with energy, joy, and optimism, and she looks forward to writing much more poetry and children’s books in the future. Her writing often centers on what she observes daily: including her friends, husband, and two children, as well as her garden and her beautiful beach town residence in dreamy Encinitas, all providing continued inspiration for her verse.

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Coming Soon

A delightful picture book that teaches kids 15 Spanish, Yiddish, & Japanese words as Yoshi crafts a poem about what bothers them the most!

Read My Review on Reedsy Discovery!


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Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs by P.E. Shadrick (Book Review)

Do you know what happens at night when you sleep? Ladybugs come out to play.

Lisbeth, a lively six-year-old, wakes up one morning to discover a tangled mess in her hair. Her grandmother tells her the story of how a group of playful ladybugs is the cause of all the knots in her hair. Through Grandma’s fanciful story of the ladybugs’ glorious grand gala, Lisbeth learns the lesson of how shared responsibility can be both necessary and fun.

Inspired by the stories of P.E. Shadrick’s own grandmother, this charming story comes to life through the vibrant and dreamy illustrations of artist, Maya Penzlik.

Available in a special extended artwork edition as well as hardcover, paperback and digital editions, this colorful picture book draws children, ages 3 to 6, into an imaginative world of classic storytelling and traditional illustration, certain to delight audiences both young and old.

Join Lisbeth on a whimsical adventure, and get to know her curious and free-spirited ladybug friends.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Have you ever woken up with your hair knotted and looking like you put your finger in a light socket? Lisbeth woke her hair resembling a rat’s nest, and her grandma told her she knew exactly who was to blame: ladybugs. You might be puzzled why the grandmother would think this; Lisbeth did. Grandma shares the story of Lana, Lola, Laney, and other ladybugs who like to party in a child’s hair while the kid is asleep. 

It all began one gloomy day when Lola told Lana how she wished the sun was out. Rainy days sometimes bring lightning and thunder, which scare her. Kids and adults can empathize with Lola’s fear of storms. The sudden thunderous booms and the sharp crack of lightning have made me jump several times over the years. Being a good friend, Lana didn’t minimize her friend’s fear. Instead, she suggested they dance because no one can stay sad for too long when they are dancing. I agree! This moment in the book would be a prime time to ask children what other suggestions they’d give Lola to quieten her fears.

After a bit, Lana had another brilliant idea; they suggested throwing a party for all their friends. Readers will meet many partygoers whose names all begin with the same letter: L. Kids will also notice that each ladybug has a unique look thanks to Lorelei’s impressive costume design and sewing skills. I love the retro sewing machine! (Special thanks to the imaginative artistry of Maya Penzlik.)

Ladybugs came to the bash wearing various masks, hats, multi-colored clothes, and make-up. They drank tea, ate tasty treats, and danced to and fro as they held onto streamers. When the party ended, the ladybugs left without cleaning up. Lisbeth connected the streamers to her hair, an imaginative explanation of why some people’s hair is a wild, knotted mess in the mornings. See if your kids can as well before Lisbeth offers her guess. (Three cheers to P.E. Shadrick’s wonderful imagination!)

Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs is a lovely picture book teaching kids the importance of being responsible and having good manners. As Grandma said eloquently, “It’s best to clean the mess you made, but sometimes we must clean up even when we didn’t create the clutter.” Very true!

Grandparents, I recommend sharing Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs with your grandkids the next time you get together or when their hair is unruly. Educators and parents: Ask kids to draw a ladybug in a costume for an extension activity. 

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age: 3-6 years.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

From an early age, Atlanta, Georgia-born, P.E. Shadrick was surrounded by masterful storytellers. Carrying forward a shared love of boundless creativity, she pursued opportunities of artistic expression in design and writing, eventually settling into a career in marketing & communications.

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The Tardy Tooth Fairy by Shauna Farris (Book Review)

“There were three things that all of the other fairies knew about Luna Bloom. She always wore purple, she never met a creature she didn’t like, and she was easily distracted. Therefore, she was always late.”


Luna Bloom may not be the most punctual tooth fairy, but she sure is dedicated! After studying diligently at the Tooth Fairy Academy, Luna is finally ready to put her training to the test. Will her wandering mind get the best of her? Follow along as she does her best to gather everyone’s lost teeth in one night.

If the tooth fairy has ever skipped past your house, The Tardy Tooth Fairy is for you. This book offers readers the answer to what tooth fairies really do and the relief of knowing that the tooth fairy probably hasn’t forgotten you-they’re just late! Watching Luna attempt to break her untimely habits will teach us to be more understanding and remind us that it’s all right to take a moment to breathe.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


“If you’ve ever woken to find a forgotten tooth, you might need to seek the help of a sleuth. But listen close, for the reason may be that it is just the fault of a tardy tooth fairy.”

Luna Bloom was well-known to her peers for three reasons. One, she always wore purple. And who can blame her—the color is fabulous! Two, she never met a creature she didn’t like. Even a black mamba or piranha? Not me! Lastly, she was easily distracted; therefore, she was always late. Many kids and parents will relate to number three, especially in the morning on school days.

Luna Bloom had a valid reason for her tardiness; she was distracted by the world’s wonders, and those curiosities caused her to ponder questions. For instance: “How do ladybugs get their spots?” This question made me stop and do a little internet investigating. I encourage you to look it up since the answer was not disclosed in the story or the end credits. 

Luna Bloom knew her lack of punctuality would not fly when she became a tooth fairy. She wanted to make her family proud and vowed to work on her tardy behavior. The day before her first assignment, Luna was bubbling with mixed emotions. She was excited and nervous, typical reactions for the first day of a job, new school, or class. Luna knew all would go well tomorrow because Marigold, the most talented tooth fairy in the land, would be by her side. She never imagined Marigold would call in sick, but that exactly what happened. Without Marigold to keep Luna on track and away from distractions, the newly crowned tooth fairy couldn’t resist all the tempting sights and smells or the cat who wanted pets. As a cat owner, I couldn’t resist scratching the fairy-sized kitty, either! 

Luna’s first night as a tooth fairy didn’t go as planned; mistakes were made. At this point in the story, readers hear comforting words from Luna’s mentor and teacher, Marigold. Kids also learn what “flower breath” is. (You and your youngster will discover what that is when you read the story!)

The author and number 1 tooth fairy gave Luna Bloom a wonderful pep talk, words to live by: Mistakes will happen; when they do, it’s important to say, “I’m sorry.” Learn from them and don’t be scared or nervous to ask for help! 

The Tardy Tooth Fairy is a delightful picture book that reminds readers it’s okay to make mistakes. Learn from them. Apologize. And don’t be afraid to ask for help!

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age of 4-8 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

I’m an elementary school counselor/mom/avid reader/amateur baker and feel passionately about the healing power of books. It’s always been a dream to publish, so The Tardy Tooth Fairy is close to my heart! I hope to continue sharing my love of storytelling through creating future books.

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The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Burnie Takes the Plunge by Andrea McLean (Book Spotlight)

Embark on a heartwarming journey of courage and friendship in “The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe, Burnie Takes the Plunge.” When Ava’s family moves to a new house with a sparkling swimming pool, excitement fills the air. But Burnie, skeptical of the water’s vast expanse, refuses to join the fun. Despite Ava and Chloe’s encouraging words, Burnie remains steadfast in his fear.

As days pass and temperatures rise, Burnie becomes more curious. With gentle coaxing from Ava, he tentatively enters the pool, only to retreat just as quickly. But as the heat intensifies, Burnie’s adventurous spirit awakens, leading to an unexpected discovery: he can swim! Filled with joy and newfound confidence, Burnie surprises everyone, especially Chloe, during a playful pool party. Through laughter and splashes, Burnie learns that trying new things can lead to unexpected joys and friendships.

“The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe, Burnie Takes the Plunge” is a charming story of overcoming fears, embracing new experiences, and the enduring bond between friends, both furry and human. Join Burnie and Chloe on their journey of discovery and dive into a world of fun and friendship.

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Take a peek inside…

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Meet the Author

Andrea C. McLean is a board-certified life, career, and executive coach. She is a global leadership coach and mentor focused on developing women leaders in corporate and university settings. Andrea has a spirit of encouragement and a passion for inspiring others on their journey toward achieving personal transformations. She can be reached at andrea@acmcoachinggroup.com and you can follow @andreacmclean on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn for more inspiration.


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