Print length : 52 pages
Streamliners by Gordon Yaswen
The Anarchy Zone by Erin Lale
1400 Hours by Ian Miller
An Etonean Dilemma by Humberto Sachs
Host by Giampietro Stocco
Art Contents:
Hope by Alex Storer
At All Goes Away by Lisa Yount
(review request submitted by Erin Lale, contributing author/editor, for an honest critique)
(Story One) Do you love poetry? Do you love science?
If you said yes to both, you must check out Streamliners by Gordon Yaswen because, as you can probably surmise, Yaswen combines both.
(Story Two) The Anarchy Zone by Erin Lale: Since I love comic books, talk of mutants made me think of that world. I didn’t like people targeting them, but that’s a shared endeavor in stories with mutants – whether they have four arms or some other oddity.
(Story Three) 1400 Hours by Ian Miller discusses Schrödinger’s cat – a hypothetical cat that can and can not exist at the same time depending on one more thing, opening a box to find out the answer.
In 1400 hours, a man suffers this conundrum. He exists in one universe but is hidden in another. Linked together but also separated by an impenetrable wall.
Two universes divided by mere 1400 hours—a small amount of time to one person- an eternity to another.
Oh yeah, this is a scientific mind-bender, and I loved it!
(Story Four) An Etonean Dilemma by Humberto Sachs: While there were some science fiction aspects to An Eternal Dilemma, this story felt more politically driven than anything else. While I can feel and appreciate how passionate the author is about the tension between two particular countries (names withheld on purpose), I wish he would’ve focused more on science and less on the political drama we face every day on the nightly news.
(Story Five) Host by Giampietro Stocco mixed sci-fi with some horror-style imagery to create a brilliant short story. Plus, it spoke of events that could possibly happen in the future.
Comets could hit and destroy most of Earth.
New diseases could erupt because of it.
New weather and weather patterns would emerge.
Humans would go to any length to survive.
Science fiction meets plausible reality — oh yeah, Giampietro Stocco, I like your style!
Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: ❤❤❤
Gordon Yaswen, poet and college professor in California.
Erin Lale, Native American, inventor of technical processes in iDEN and CDMA wireless communications technology.
Ian Miller, New Zealander, inventor of algae based products and owner of Carina Chemical Laboratories Ltd.
Humberto Sachs, from Brazil, co-designer of the International Space Station.
Giampietro Stocco, of Italy, winner of the Premio Alien per la fantascienza 2006 for his story L’Ospite (The Host) which appears in this anthology for the first time in English.
Alex Storer, science fiction and fantasy artist in the UK.
Lisa Yount, artist and jeweller in California.