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Author Showcase/Interview and Review of “Eve’s Rescue [Coalition Mates 3]” – Sarah Marsh


Evangeline Scott was hoping for a fun night on the town after a hellish day. What she couldn’t have imagined was getting kidnapped by alien slavers and then left to die on an abandoned ship. Kai Dallen and Roan Quinn were having some bad luck of their own when they found themselves set up by an old adversary and trapped in the vault of a Dhuaation Pharaoh’s ship with no way out. When Khaman-Ra makes them an offer they can’t refuse, the two space pirates end up rescuing a ship full of human female cargo. All three males are immediately drawn to one of the beauties and make an agreement to satisfy everyone’s desires. The only problem is, they didn’t think to ask Eve and when she wakes up to find that she’s now married to three aliens she’s mad as hell. By the time all four of them realise their true feelings, will it be too late, as a woman from Roan’s past threatens to ruin it all?

Eve woke again, on a much softer bed this time, but as she
stretched out her legs all the memories of waking up the first time came back
to her. Kidnapped. Aliens. Can never go home again. Well shit.

She looked around the room to see if there were any random
hot aliens staring at her again. When she didn’t see anyone she pulled the
covers back and got out of bed. It was fairly easy to find the bathroom, but
when it became clear that figuring out the facilities was going to be beyond
her she let out a loud sigh and kicked the bulkhead wall. Almost immediately a
knock came at the door.

“Yes?” she said cautiously as she grabbed the sheet back up
and wrapped it around her like a toga.

The door slid open, and an older man in white robes smiled
and took a step inside. Eve recognized him as one of the doctors that was there
when she woke up the first time.

“My lady, you are awake. My name is Mhat-Am, and the pharaoh
has asked me to make sure that your transition here is as pleasant as
possible.” He said in a soothing voice.

“Hello, Mhatam, I’m Eve. How do you use the bathroom in this
place?” she asked beginning to squirm a bit by this point.

“My lady, my name is Mhat-Am, not Mhatam. Allow me to show
you,” he answered as he walked into the bathroom and pressed a couple of panels
on the wall. When the toilet and shower came out he showed her how to use them.

“Okay, whatever. Thanks,” she said in a high voice as she
pushed him back out of the bathroom and shut the door in his face before her
bladder burst.

As she came back out of the washroom she was surprised to
see the man laying out a dress for her on the bed. It looked like a cross
between an ancient Greek toga and an Egyptian-style dress with elaborate gold
belting. There was also a pair of sandals to go with it.

“Ah, my lady, do you need assistance dressing?” he asked in
what she had to admit was a very non-skeevy tone for an older man asking a
young woman if she needed help dressing, so she decided to give him the benefit
of the doubt and not be a bitch about it.

“Thanks, Matty, but I think I can figure it out. I
appreciate the dress. Is there something else you needed?” she asked trying
politely to get him out of her room so she could try to figure out just what
the hell she was going to do now that she was stuck on an alien spaceship.

He tensed up and looked confused for a moment, then he must
have remembered that she had no idea what she was doing here, because he
relaxed and smiled patiently at her again.

“Yes, my lady, your husband and his consorts have assigned
me the honor of being your tutor and companion until you have acclimated to
your new circumstance,” he answered proudly.

Eve stood unblinking across from him for several moments.

“I’m sorry, I think I just hallucinated. I thought you said
husband,” she said with a seriously confused frown.

“You are unwell, my lady? Shall we go to medical? The
pharaoh would be quite distressed if we did not address this right away,” he
said quickly, taking a step toward her.

“Stop,” she said, her hands coming up. “Did you or did you
not just use the word husband in relation to me?”

Once again the poor man gave her the confused tilted puppy
dog look, and she started to think perhaps it was just a translation error and
that the word meant something else to these aliens. Relief instantly flowed
through her. That had to be it. He must mean something completely different,
and here she was, typical freaking out Earther newbie, losing her shit over
some grammatical error. How embarrassing, well funny, yeah, but embarrassing
nonetheless. Once he could see her relaxing he also let out a relieved sigh and

“Yes, my lady, your husband, or would that be husbands by
your Earth standards? Dhuaatian mating habits do not normally include anyone
other than the primary couple. However, there certainly is no law prohibiting
more than two persons from entering into a marriage contract. I have so many
questions about your planet. We will learn much from each other over the next
while, don’t you think?” he said, rambling on, sounding like an excited child
talking about a trip to the zoo.

Eve didn’t really hear much after the word husband came out
of his mouth again, oh, except for the word husbands that followed shortly
after it. She for damn sure heard that!

“This better be some miscommunication, Matty! Because I’m
one hundred percent sure that I don’t remember getting hitched in between
getting kidnapped and waking up in here!” she yelled at the old man as his eyes
grew wider and wider, realizing his mistake.

“Miss, I am sorry to distress you. There was no other way
for the pharaoh to ensure your safety. You had to be mated, or the slavers
would just have tried to acquire you once again. This way you have the
protection of the Coalition as well as the Dhuaatian people, and no slaver
would dare come after you now,” he said, taking her hand, trying to soothe her.

“But you said husbands. Did he marry me off to a harem or
something?” she asked. She realized that shooting the messenger wasn’t the
fairest of responses, but who the hell marries someone while they are passed

“Oh no, my lady, the pharaoh married you himself. As well as
the Sirotian security chiefs Lord Kai and Lord Roan. The four of you are now bound,”
he answered.

Adult Excerpt:
As she came back down from her orgasm, her mind was in a
dreamy fog from coming so hard, and she could feel all of their hands softly
caressing her body. Kham laid her head on the pillow and pulled her back into
his arms, while Kai snuggled into her front. She could still feel both men’s
hard throbbing cocks pressing up against her when she finally realized that
none of them had come. Roan was settling in on the other side of Kai, pulling
up the blanket to cover them all when she met his eyes.

“You guys didn’t get to…you know,” she said quietly,
gesturing to the not-very-subtle tent that had formed at Roan’s crotch as he
lay on his back.

She watched as he ran his hand down his chest and stomach,
taking several firm passes up and down his hard cock. She could feel Kham’s
hand tighten on her hip. Obviously he was also watching Roan’s little
seduction. Her heart rate began to go up again as he teased her, and when she
licked her lips a small smile lit his face as he continued to stroke himself.

“We are respecting your wishes, love, but for our first
joining when we come, it will be inside of you,” Kham whispered in her ear with
a small thrust of his hips against her ass.

Eve bit her lip and groaned at the sensation of his cock rubbing
against her while she couldn’t take her eyes off of Roan’s hand.

“But you could be with…one another. I mean, I don’t mind
that you are lovers,” she said in a breathy voice, just the thought of these
men touching one another made her pussy clench, begging to be filled.

That comment had even Kai popping open his eyes to look at
her face in surprise. Even Roan’s hand paused from stroking for a moment, and
she could see him look to Kham.

“Why do you think we are lovers, Eve?” Kham pulled back a
bit to look into her eyes.

“Umm, well just from what Mhat-Am told me about some things,
and there’s a pretty obvious attraction between you.” Eve suddenly felt very
stupid for saying anything about it in the first place. Maybe these guys
weren’t as open about sex as she’d assumed.

“While we cannot deny the attraction between us, we are not
lovers,” Kham answered neutrally, trying to gage how she felt about the idea.

“Yet,” Roan added as he resumed stoking his cock through the
sheet, whereas Kham, forever the diplomat took the more cautious route. Roan
could smell her interest peak when she spoke about them having sex. He was
bound and determined to use every tool in their arsenal to move up Eve’s
timetable after having tasted a sample of her passion. When a heated gasp left
her luscious lips and her eyes once again tracked his hand he knew she was
losing the battle. He slowly began to draw the sheet down over his stomach
until the tip of his thick cock was revealed, and as he ran a thumb around the
tip a small bead of moisture appeared. He could see her increase in breathing
and her hands that were draped over Kai’s back now clutching at his partner.
Behind her Kham’s hips had resumed their slow movements against her, and he
could see the other man lick his lips as Roan continued to rub the head of his
cock. It was almost more than his control could take, thinking about Kham’s
golden lips wrapping around his hard cock, sucking him down while Eve watched
them both. His other hand pulled the sheet down until his shaft was revealed,
and he began to fondle his balls while he stroked.

Eve was sweating now, her hands grasping at Kai’s back to
keep from reaching out to replace Roan’s hands with her own. Kham was still
thrusting slowly against her ass, the pre-cum his cock had leaked making it a
smooth glide in between her cheeks. Every time his fat tip paused and swept
over the sensitive entrance to her ass she shuddered at the decadent tease of
his movements. His hands had come up from her hip to massage at her breasts,
and he was nibbling at her neck as he watched Roan stroke himself. All three of
them were now groaning and though Kai had been quiet, she could feel the
tension in him as he tried not to rub himself against her. She was almost
completely out of control now. She slowly lifted her leg to drape it over Kai’s
hip, bringing her now sopping pussy into close contact with his extremely hard
cock. It was so hot, and all she wanted was something to fill her up. One
stroke and she would be coming again. She whimpered in relief when she felt the
spongy tip of Kai’s cock slip slowly up and down along her pussy a couple of
times, then finally notch into her. For a couple of perfect seconds he was
pushing just a fraction inside, about to give her body exactly what it was
screaming for. Then the world came to a blinding halt when Kai’s hands stopped
firmly on her hips and he pulled himself away.

“Stop,” he said, out of breath with the effort it took to
pull back. “Eve laid out the rules, and I would not have her upset with herself
or us when the lust of this moment is satisfied.”

That statement had both Kham and Roan groaning with regret
as they stopped moving as well.

(request submitted by author for an honest critique) 

I truly believe if all aliens looked at hot as Kai, Roan, and Kham, then more people would be screaming, “Beam me up, Scottie!” *laughing* Ok, I swear that’s the only joke you’ll get from me. *still laughing* 

Anywho…. For an erotic Sci-fi book, this book was off the charts hot. Especially the bonding/cleansing ritual. Seriously, WowZa!!! *fanning self* 

My only snafu was how quickly and easily Eve dealt with the whole – I’m been abducted by aliens. I’m married to three men. I can never go home again.

I think most women and men would be a little bit more freaked out by the whole experience. A sane person would be, right? But this is the land of fantasy so……. Let’s forego how she should’ve reacted and focus on what happened. 

And that, my sweet peeps, is lots and lots of steamy scenes between 3 alien men and 1 brave Earth lady. 


Heart Rating System
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤

BookStrand – Kindle – Kobo
1. Welcome, 

Sarah Marsh. For those who might not be
familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about
yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?
(Sarah) Thanks so
much for having me on your blog today! I’m fairly new to the writing community;
my first release came out in December of last year. I’m a complete bookaholic
and one day last I just started fooling around writing a story and had such a
great time that I just kept on going! I work full time in accounting for a
sports equipment wholesaler, so I find that writing is a great way to relax and
get my ‘creative freak’ on.
2. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.
(Sarah) Ahh
yes… the stubborn muse on strike. I’ve tried to be diligent when I get blocked
and continue on doing edits or even just muscling through a little at a time
until things get flowing again, but sometimes I just really have to take a
break and wait for my brain to work things out on its own for the story. It’s
sooooo frustrating! Why can’t the characters just be ready and willing when you
have the time to write!



3. Contrary to what some people envision about a romance
writer’s life, it’s not all glitz and glam. Well not for the majority of us.
With that bubble sadly busted, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your
(Sarah) Lol,
glitz and glam indeed. Since I am still working full time, I usually do most of
my writing on the weekends. Other than that it’s spending time with family and
friends, I have a ton of hobbies that I like to get back to every now and then.
I used to be a pastry chef so I love to work on creating new recipes and bake.
I knit so much that I actually had to create an Etsy site to unload my wares….
apparently one can only justify keeping so many scarves for oneself before
others begin to think you have a problem. 😉



4. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their
pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are
their thoughts?
(Sarah) Most of my
close friends and immediate family know what I write, I certainly don’t keep it
a secret. I’ve always loved to read sci/fi romance and while my current series
is quite a bit, well… more adventurous than what I may have planned, I’ve had
so much fun writing them! My parents have been incredibly supportive, oddly
enough my brother was the only one who had a hard time with the genre I chose
to start off in. Big brothers, aren’t they just the cutest?



5. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If
you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten. 
(Sarah) My top
ten, let’s see, I won’t list them in order because that usually changes with
the mood I’m in but here they are:


Sherrilyn Kenyon
Kresley Cole
Laurann Dohner
Eve Langlais
Tracey St. John
Shelly Laurenstein
Sarah McCarthy
Charlene Teglia
Viola Grace/ Zenina Masters
Jaid Black
(Kam): I’m a huge fan of KC and SK, too. 🙂 

6. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen,
yours or otherwise,
which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?
(Sarah) That’s
such a tough question! I think the series I’d most love to see on the big
screen is Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark. It would be impossible to pick
my favorite book, but my favorite character is Nix and I am anxiously awaiting
her story. I think Eva Green would be spectacular as Nix and I would hope her
hero may be cast as perhaps Luke Evans? Yum.



7. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now?
That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I
swear it’ll go no further.
(Sarah) I’m
just starting the next book in the Coalition Mates series as well as an ongoing
WIP which is a paranormal romance



8. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular
reading order?
(Sarah) All
three of my Coalition Mates series are now available through Bookstrand,
Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. I’ve written this series so that all the
books can be read stand alone, but some of the characters do pop up again from
book to book and there are a few inside jokes that you may miss if you haven’t
read the others.



9. Would you please share how your present and future fans
can contact you?
(Sarah) I
would love to hear from any of my readers! They can contact me through Facebook
at https://www.facebook.com/sarahmarshfiction
or see what I’m up to on my blog page at http://sarahmarshfiction.com
or even twitter @SM_fiction



10. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you
have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.
(Sarah) All I
can hope is that the readers out there enjoy what I have to share. The
Coalition Mates series is intended to be a fun, whirlwind romantic adventure with
humor and a liberal dash of grumble and grunt. I basically write what I enjoy
reading most. At the end of the day, when you come home from working and just
need to escape reality for awhile what better way to do it than with a book!
Thank you for reading!




Ladies and Gents, I
hope you enjoyed my interview with Sarah Marsh. If you have any questions or
comments for Sarah, by all means, leave her a message below. Thank you in
advance for your visit! 

P.S. Don’t forget to pick up this panty-soaking e-book at any of the following locations: BookStrand – Kindle – Kobo


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Naughty Delights is here!

It’s grand opening day of Guilty Pleasures, and Donovan is there bright and early with his best friend Jackson. He came to show support to Jackson’s girl, Felicia and maybe grab a sugary treat. Little did he know he’d find something sweeter than anything offered on the menu board – the woman of his dreams

This is it, Elizabeth thought as she pushed through the door to deliver a large batch of chocolate and vanilla sugar cookies to the display case. It was grand opening day for Guilty Pleasures, and she couldn’t be more excited or more nervous. Years of scrimping and saving had accumulated to this day. In a matter of minutes the bakery would be open for business, and their city would officially have their first taboo sweet shop.

Elizabeth took one final look around, making sure everything was perfect, when Felicia, her business partner and friend, appeared next to her, chomping on a fornication cookie.

Out of all the sugary creations crafted for the shop, Elizabeth and Felicia would agree these were the most fun to develop. They spent many wine-filled nights brainstorming and researching ideas for the inserts.

“What’s it say, babe?” Elizabeth asked, nodding toward the paper in Felicia’s hand.

Felicia laughed and read the naughty message, “Two heads are better than one, but three, now that’s what I call a party!” As she tucked the paper into her back pocket, she asked, “I forget. Was this yours or mine?”

“I actually think your man deserves credit for this one.” Grinning, Elizabeth grabbed the sampler plate off the counter and walked toward the front door, turning to take one final look around before the place filled up. She couldn’t be any prouder of the decor in her little slice of heaven. She glanced to her left and smiled proudly as she admired the photos on the wall. 

The food photographer they had hired did a fantastic job capturing the beauty and sexiness of several corset cakes available for purchase. But the icing on the cake, so to speak, was the mural to the right of the entrance. A local artist painted “What Are Your Guilty Pleasures” but the letters were actually naked people in compromising naughty positions.

Felicia giggled. “Oh yeah, it’s all coming back to me now. We definitely drank way too much that night.”

Nodding in agreement, Elizabeth turned on the neon sign and opened the doors for business.

Already, a few eager customers were waiting by the window. They actually applauded when Elizabeth stepped out of the shop door. She greeted them with a smile and offered them their choice of iced cocks or boobs. She wasn’t surprised the guests blushed when they made their selection and bit into the cookie. She expected to witness many rosy cheeks in the hours ahead of them—giggles too.

As the streets began to fill up with people going to work, Elizabeth tried to coax even more passersby into the shop with her funny shout-outs such as: “I bet our peckers taste as good as your man’s. No wait, even better!” And, “Our breasts are fantastic and all natural.” All the while she held up a naughty treat.

After the bell dinged behind her a couple dozen times, she realized the humorous approach to draw in customers was working like a charm. Now with them inside, she had no doubt every person who’d entered the shop erected from her dreams would be a repeat customer. And with this thought, she knew the many dinners of Ramen noodles were well worth the discomfort it cost her over the years. 

Click HERE to purchase the story!


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