Print length, 190 pages
In Cracking the Harmony Code, award-winning entrepreneur and best-selling author, Camilla Gray-Nelson, reveals Mother Nature’s secret code for achieving personal and professional goals. Using “influence through instinct,” she guides you up Nature’s Harmony Pyramid to its pinnacle of success, peace and happiness.
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There were several fascinating animal facts in this section of Cracking The Harmony Code: Nature’s Surprising Secrets for Getting Along While Getting Your Way by Camilla Gray-Nelson. For example, I had no idea “ravens call their friends by name” or that “horses feel shame.” It makes you wonder how researchers discovered these two things.
Also found in this section, Camilla Gray-Nelson admits she’s failed many times over in life. However, she’s learned from her mishaps. In life, that’s how we move forward in a positive way. We learn from our failings/mistakes and strive not to make them again.
Part One & Part Two:
Trust is essential in any relationship. It’s the building block in any relationship. Without it, the foundation is not solid; therefore, harmony can not be achieved. It makes complete sense why trust is the first tier on The Harmony Pyramid in Cracking The Harmony Code: Nature’s Surprising Secrets for Getting Along While Getting Your Way.
This book discusses how to handle many personal and workplace obstacles.
*looking for a raise
*handle workplace drama
*underperforming workers
*losing authoritative control
*disrespectful child
*trouble with the spouse
*and the list goes on…
Some solutions to work or at-home problems are pretty much common sense. Be firm, but be fair. For example, if your child doesn’t listen, then restrict access to their favorite activity. Yelling, at home or at work, is never the answer. It does not yield the results you’re looking to achieve.
While not everything will apply to everyone, I think most people could benefit from one section or another. If you’re a new parent, recently married, or about to be either of those two things, check out the areas about how to keep things copacetic in your home. If you’re new to office life or in a management role, Camilla Gray-Nelson might have the key to help you achieve harmony in the office.
Please pick it up, and use it anytime you’re feeling unbalanced in life. Maybe it’ll get you back on track to living a more harmonious life.
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Score: ❤❤❤1/2
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