Tag Archives: flying

Grandma Marjorie and the Feathered Pirate by Melissa Robinson (Book Review)

You might not believe me… but my Grandma is MAGICAL!

Mel has always known that Grandma Marjorie was special, but one sunny summer day she learns just how MARVELOUS she really is! What begins as an ordinary day of baking brownies transforms into an extraordinary adventure.

Mel’s safe and cozy world turns into a whirlwind of excitement as she, Grandma, and Grandma’s parrot, Misty, embark on an action-packed journey through Mystic, CT.

Unexpected perils lie in wait and Mel discovers that Grandma has more surprises in store than she ever imagined.

A fun adventure story for younger readers celebrating the relationship between grandmother & granddaughter.

In the spirit of classics like Pippi Longstocking, Matilda, and Mary Poppins, this book will create shared cherished, magical memories that last a lifetime!

For Children Ages 3-12 years old and their parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles but especially Grandmas!

This book includes a Read-Along Audio Flipbook AND Coming Soon: A Descriptive Audiobook and Videobook with ASL Transcription.


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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


“In the spirit of classics like Pippi Longstocking, Matilda, and Mary Poppins, this book will create shared cherished, magical memories that last a lifetime!”


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word grandma? Did you picture a little old lady with gray hair who moves at a snail’s pace? A purse containing butterscotch candies? An endless stream of tissues coming from her sleeve? Did you suddenly smell a batch of fresh-baked cookies or the cream for her aching body? These are stereotypical descriptions of a grandma. These do not describe Mel’s grandma, Marjorie Fish! 

At a young age, Marjorie Fish vowed never to grow up, and she kept that promise. Grandma’s outer form resembled an older adult, but inside, she had the spirit and energy of a young kid. I was most impressed that she could juggle and play the piano simultaneously! Amazing!

Mel discovered her grandma differed from other kids’ grandparents. Having a parrot is not such an out-of-the-box idea for a pet. Having a parrot that towers over an adult because the humans have magically shrunk is! Grandma and Mel soared around town on the back of Grandma’s feathery sidekick, Misty Morning Crimson Sunset (Misty, for short). They first landed on a lighthouse where trouble awaited in the form of seagulls. Seagulls are notorious for stealing people’s belongings, but Grandma wasn’t giving up the goods without a fight. You’ll have to read the book to discover how she bested the annoying birds. 

Grandma’s energy didn’t waver once during the adventurous ride. She soared through the skies, took on a flock of seagulls, nosedived off Misty, and still had the energy to make brownies. Phew. I hope I have an eighth of her energy when I reach her age! 

Grandma Marjorie and the Feathered Pirate celebrate grandmas worldwide and the joy and fun they bring us—evident in the entertaining storyline and rib-tickling illustrations. I recommend reading it the next time you visit your grandma! 

The synopsis states the book is intended for children 3-12. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link




Meet the Author

I’ve loved books since before I could read. My stories are inspired by real-life adventures, infused with a healthy dose of whimsy. I aspire to cultivate a unique storytelling voice that is both relatable and enchanting and to produce books that bring loved ones together.

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Toot the Flying Droodle: Part Dragon – Part Poodle (The Droodle Tales) by Julian Boram (Book Review)

Part Dragon-Part Poodle

He’s a small little thingy that’s kind and sweet
With a curly little tail, fuzzy ears and woolly feet
TOOT longs to fly UP, UP into the sky
He just can’t do it and he can’t figure out why

Come along and join TOOT on his uplifting adventure and find out if three magical beasties can help make his dreams come true.

Amazon Kindle Link

Amazon Print Link




(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


In the fantasy world, you never know what creature an author will come up with next. This unknown brings excitement, joy, and entertainment to many. Julian Boram, author and illustrator, has given readers a mythical being combining a dragon and a poodle. DROODLE, for short. Not a likely pairing, but the mash-up created a unique magical beast that children will love. 

Toot, the DROODLE, longs to soar like the other DROODLES. He wants to play with the others in the sky. Watching them from afar makes him feel lonely and sad. Many readers will empathize with Toot’s predicament. It’s never easy to watch others having fun and feel excluded. 

Toot isn’t the only animal in this imaginative tale with a mind-blogging mash-up. Children will meet SNOWL: part owl and part snake. The combination was weirdly wonderful. The owl’s forked tongue was oddly cute. Readers will also encounter a PHOW and a SWAT. You’ll have to read the story to discover their fantastical blends! 

As Toot chases after his kite, young listeners will be amazed by the gigantic flowers, bees, and even the trees! Nothing is ordinary in Toot the Flying Droodle. Julian Boram has also included a bonus game: find the DROODLE egg on every page. 

If your child is struggling with “fitting in” or having issues with a task, read them this book. If your child loves fantasy stories, again, read them this book. Toot the Flying Droodle is a fantastic, imaginative story that your child will want to read over and over! 

Amazon’s recommended reading age: 2-7 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤❤

Amazon Kindle Link

Amazon Print Link



Meet the Author

An Aussie, currently living in London, Julian spends his time as a husband and father of two girls, and as a senior executive helping businesses grow in a new sustainable era.

Julian is an Award Winning Children’s Book Illustrator and has won several awards for his art and his large-scale portrait entries in the acclaimed Archibald and Moran Prize competitions have been written up in major newspapers.

Amazon Author Page Link




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Piki Goes Flying by Joan M Hellquist (Book Review)

Piki Goes Flying is a beautifully illustrated, entertaining, educational and fun story for children about Piki’s first flights on an airplane. It is the second in a series of three adventure books about Piki (rhymes with sneaky), a Service Dog. Our mischievous and independent friend, Piki, again tells her own story and just because she is a well-trained Service Dog and is flying with her person, Joan, doesn’t mean she isn’t full of questions and opinions about all of the rules they must follow. Children will love Piki’s quirky antics before, during the flight and getting off the plane. She is very proud to be the only one on the plane to receive a gift from a special person, but Piki adds that she was the only one on the plane who didn’t get one of those tiny bags of treats!

In Piki’s first book, Piki Goes to College, the story of her training to be a Service Dog, there was information about Service Dogs making it educational for both adults and children. In Piki Goes Flying, Joan includes up to date information including rules and regulations from the U. S. Department of Transportation and airlines about traveling on a plane with a Service Dog.

Amazon Purchase Link



I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Piki Goes Flying is the second in a series of three adventure books about Piki (rhymes with sneaky), a Service Dog, by author and illustrator Joan M Hellquist. In this under-50-page tale, we follow Piki as she takes her first airplane flight. We see the adventure through the eyes of the canine. 

Service dogs are vital to many individuals’ mental and physical well-being. They come in different sizes and breeds, requiring exceptional training to complement their owner’s wants and needs. They are introduced to various scenarios and locations, acclimating themselves to whatever situations might arise. 

Piki was preparing for their first flight, which entailed Joan (trainer and owner) prepping them before stepping onto a plane. The process was enlightening. Joan set up rows of chairs, simulating aisles on an aircraft. After Piki grew comfortable navigating the rows and listening to commands on the flight simulator, they headed inside a local airport. There, I learned how escalators are hazardous to a dog’s nails. I never saw them as a threat to animals; I do now. 

Airports are busy, loud, and crowded, and animals must be prepared for the hustle and bustle they will encounter. Being a service dog means they must be hyper-vigilant to an owner’s every need. I found it cute how Joan and Piki conversed with each other, as we all do with our furbabies. We watched as Piki went through a metal detection screening and received wings from the Captain. Joan M Hellquist did a lovely job explaining to Piki and readers at home the role of a captain, what TSA means, and what the three-letter code on our baggage ticket means. 

Piki was quiet as a church mouse throughout the entire flight. They became a bit vocal when they touched down, but that only made them more endearing. 

After the charming story, the author included questions and answers to help young readers gain insight into a few areas featured in the story. For example, Tiki explains why participating in the “Lawn Chair Squeeze” was essential to elevating fears of flight. You really do not want an animal panicking thousands of feet in the air. 

Piki Goes Flying serves dual purposesIt entertains and educates listeners. Joan includes up-to-date information about traveling on a plane with a Service Dog, including rules and regulations from the U. S. Department of Transportation and airlines (found in the book’s final pages). 

I loved the story and the cute pictures of all the furry animals: Teddy, Piki, and their doggie cousins (Boomer and Ender). It’s perfect for ages four and older. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Joan grew up in Summit, NJ and has lived in New Mexico since 1988. She is retired from healthcare, but continues to pursue her artwork and writing. Joan’s loves include children, animals, the wilderness, traditional music, travel and singing loudly while listening to music while alone in her car.

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The Adventures of DC Lee: A Story of Adventure for Fathers and Children by Andrew Britton (Book Review)


This book is designed for fathers, by a father, and its purpose is to give fathers and their children a chance to learn about each other and the world, and to grow closer together in the process.

Being a father is both a joy and a challenge. You work hard, sometimes over 12 hours a day, to come home to a sleeping family. Fathers take care of their children, stepchildren, the neighbor’s children and scores of youth sports leagues, budding scientists and scouts. Sometimes our fathers were terrible role models, or absent role models, leaving us with no positive training on manhood and fatherhood. It’s not easy being a father, but with a strong connection to your children it can be amazingly rewarding.

This book is dedicated to fathers, of all types: stepfathers, birth fathers, fathers by adoption, grandfathers, chosen fathers, accidental fathers, mother-fathers, guardians, caregivers, fathers by association and all those in between and beyond. This is written by a father to provide a story that you and your child can read together. Throughout the story, you will have many opportunities to explain what things are to your child. In this way, you have an opportunity to do what all fathers want to do: teach their children. At the end of the book will be a series of questions that your child can ask you. These questions relate to the story and will give your child a chance to learn about you. This will help, I hope, give you what is so important to fathers: a chance for your child to learn about who you are, and to respect you for it.

Fatherhood is a gift that the world desperately needs. By taking time with your children to read this, or any, book – you will be making a positive difference in the life of your child, and they will have a chance to know you and love you. I hope you take this chance, and many others, to show a child what a real father can be; change the world for your children and therein change the world for us all.

Amazon Purchase Link



I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


First, I would like to commend Andrew Britton for his spectacular drawings. They resemble paintings. Seriously, I am blown away by your talent! 

Second, My daughter giggled every time we read, “Beep beep boop boop beep boop.” Anything that makes her laugh or smile is a win in my book! 

Third, she was amazed at how many places she had visited. This added a level of excitement for her. For instance, she’s been to Chicago several times and loves the Shedd Aquarium, which was mentioned in The Adventures of DC Lee. Unfortunately, she couldn’t eat an authentic Chicago-style pizza due to allergies, but she did find a pretzel vendor and gobbled that up. If you haven’t been to Chicago, I encourage you to visit the free zoo (Lincoln Park Zoo); it’s incredible. Oh, and don’t forget to ride on the Centennial Wheel (Ferris wheel) on Navy Pier.

There were many locations we hadn’t visited yet, so we put them on our vacation destination board. Yes, my family has maps marked with places we’ve been and places we want to see. Thank you for giving my daughter new places to dream about. With the way technology advances in space aviation/exploration, I think she’ll have a good chance of visiting other planets one day. If nothing else, she told me she plans to win it big on the lottery, buy a ticket, and travel into space for a few minutes like the other people we watched on tv. This made me chuckle. Everyone has their goals in life, right?! 

Having a child whose parent used to travel a lot before the pandemic, I could relate to the section where a child wonders if the parent misses them when they are gone. As difficult as it is for us to leave them at any time, it’s hard for children to watch us go. The chat between the child and Dad in the story was (pretty much) the same conversation my child had with their father in real life. Sweet! 

I highly recommend others share this story with their youngsters. 

Amazon’s recommended reading age is 7-12 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Andrew Britton is a father, artist, engineer, author, goofball, and diabolical conqueror of naps and pizza. As an author, his work focuses on bringing a little grace to the difficulties of navigating childhood and fatherhood – times when things happen to us much more than we happen to them.

Reedsy Author Link






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