Tag Archives: biography

Wild Willful Heart by W. Boone Hedgepeth (Book Review)

Take a wild megalomaniacal trip into the American spiritual and Cultural Revolution of the 1960s-1990s, as a young southern man gives fresh perspective to the propaganda, bad marriages, a collection of strange gurus and some bizarre mystical places. For many years, author W. Boone Hedgepeth was a magnet for unusual occurrences of an ethereal nature which vigorously affected the world around him. Suffering a life threatening illness and after a near death experience, Boone goes on an adrenalized journey from the American south and across the country seeking answers. Here, force of will and prayer are the proven best weapons against very unusual circumstances. Literally seeking the face of God, the author plunges into the magical medicine of his native ancestors, the new age metaphysical movement, Christian fundamentalism, and other wild and life-changing experiences before coming out of the fires to the other side.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


There is so much I want to touch upon regarding Wild Willful Heart. Please be patient with me as I share my thoughts on many aspects of Boone’s story.



I’m not too familiar with Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I grew up in a Pentecostal church and my minister only spoke of our beliefs. While reading Wild Willful Heart, I learned both religions believed in the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit.

However, Boone disclosed some bizarre facts about Mormonism that had me shaking my head.

1.) For over 100 years, Mormons believed there were six foot tall beings living on the moon because an early church leader named Orson Pratt had said so. This was debunked after the moon landing.

2.)Mormons believed their “magic underwear,” which had Masonic markings on it, was knife proof and bulletproof. It had to be worn everyday to protect the righteous wearer from evil.

I’m not sure why anyone would believe such nonsense but, then again, atheists wonder why people believe in GOD so to each their own, I guess.


Like many people, Boone questioned organized religion. He used words like hypocrite and hypocrisy more than once. I can understand why he used these key words. I’m not saying all churches or church members are hypocrites. What I am saying is I can fully understand why some people are losing their faith in GOD, churches, and religion as a whole.


Mental Health

As Boone embarked on his vision quest, he discussed troubling times from his past. At thirteen, he began to hear voices in his head, which instructed him to end his life. He assumed every teen experienced these voices as they transitioned into adulthood. As a teen, I began hearing voices too. I didn’t speak of them. The voices are scary. You feel alone, afraid of your own mind. Like Boone, I also live with bipolar disorder, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I truly believe MORE people should discuss mental health because we need to end the stigma of mental illness. If we don’t, if we shame those with mental health problems, people who are suffering won’t seek help. A person who thinks there’s no help, no understanding, will end their life. I, personally, don’t want to see that happen. Everyone needs the opportunity to feel safe to discuss their issues, to get the help they need, and to live a long, happy life.

As for Boone’s experience with drugs and alcohol, it happens with most teenagers. IMHO, I don’t believe illegal drugs and liquor should be consumed if you’re battling a mental health problem. It can and will make you more self-destructive. Boone discussed this during one of his flashbacks. Boone, I applaud you for being so forthcoming with your struggles with mental illness, mental health hospitals, liquor and drugs.


Apparitions and UFOs

Many people have claimed to see sprits and UFOs. I’m not sure if spirits are real or just a play on eyes, a figment of our imagination. However, if you believe in life on other planets, then the possibility of UFOs is plausible. Maybe, just maybe, spirits are real. And maybe, those sightings of UFOs do hold some merit as well. Bravo Boone, you made me stop and evaluate their validity.


Vision Quests

Vision quests are popular because many people seek enlightenment, a connection to all things. They want to find answers, peace, or a purpose in life. Boone went on several and he spoke of the physical, emotional, and mental toll it took on him. It changed his life; it was cathartic. After I read about his time on the mountain, I began to wonder if I could benefit from one. Maybe after reading his trials, you’ll consider participating in one as well.



You don’t have to be a religious person to read Wild Willful Heart. You only need to have an open mind and few hours to spare on this (under) 300-page story.


Heart Rating System:

1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Score: ❤❤❤❤

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Author W. Boone Hedgepeth
W. Boone Hedgepeth studied history at the University of South Florida for four years. He spent 35 years in business and copywriting, with 11 years as a lay minister in his free time. His favorite places are the mountains of North Carolina, and any good waterfront restaurant in South Carolina. His hobbies include classic cars and RVs, listening to swampy blues, and reading the Bible. W. Boone Hedgepeth lives with his wife on the coast of South Carolina.
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Interview with Daniel Curzon


  1. Welcome, Daniel Curzon (pronounced Kerr-Zin). For those who might not be familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?

(Daniel) I started as a writer by putting on plays as a child in Detroit despite the neighborhood bullies. They all died young. 


  1. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.

(Daniel) If people have a “block” I think they are not writing out their resentments enough. Write them out but not in the first person. Also let “them” have some of the best lines. You have to find something essential to your personality to use as motivation. Everything irritates me, so I never have writer’s block.




  1. Contrary to what some people envision about a romance writer’s life, it’s not all glitz and glam. Well not for the majority of us. With that bubble sadly busted, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

(Daniel) I am about as far from a romance writer as you can get. I write to reveal what I think other people don’t get right — the irregularities of the truth, not what orthodoxy says is the truth, neither all left or all right. There is obviously porn. There is also Emotional Porn.

When not writing, I watch men beating each other up in MMA. 



  1. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?

(Daniel) I think it best not to show your writing to those who know you, especially if it is about them. You won’t be telling the truth if you show them what you have written. Lie and hide it asked what it’s in it.


  1. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.

(Daniel) My favorite authors are Nathanael West and John Steinbeck. West was the first writer I sensed was not so much an influence as a similar sensibility — that life is a bitter, dark comedy. I liked Steinbeck in my innocent, liberal past.


  1. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?

(Daniel) My movie would be The Big Book of In-Your-Face Gay Etiquette, starring Brad Pitt, and then me winning the first of my ten Oscars for Best Screenplay. 


In some places it is the best of times to be gay. In other places it is the worst. If you have chosen to be gay – and why wouldn’t you? – remember to 1) be proud, but watch your back at all times, and 2) to be good, except when you shouldn’t. This is the 3rd and completely updated 21st Century Edition of the classic, bestselling reference for Gay Proper Etiquette. Revised and expanded for any sophisticated audience some ‘interesting’ millennial changes have occurred over the years from 1982 to the present. “Daniel Curzon is a comic genius.” (Amos Lassen Reviews) “The absolute must-read at US-military . . . worldwide, now that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is officially cancelled.” (Executive Editor Wisehouse Publishing) Daniel Curzon has never been afraid of controversy and has been on the cutting edge of several major social and political issues. He is the author of many books of fiction and plays, including the landmark gay protest novel “Something You Do in the Dark” (G.P. Putnam, 1971). (“I greatly admire Daniel Curzon for writing this novel.” – Christopher Isherwood) (“Engrossing, powerful, and disturbing.” – Joyce Carol Oates).

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  1. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I swear it’ll go no further.

(Daniel) I’m thinking of next writing a musical about Guerneville Sal, who was a saloon entertainer from 1849-1851. She sang saucy, dirty versions of Xmas carols for the Forty-Niners. Sal was rumored to be a man. 


  1. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?

(Daniel) My books are on Amazon.com and on the Wisehouse website. Buy a book of plays, for god’s sake!


~~ Sample of what’s offered on the sites ~~


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The Delicious Memoirs of Daniel Curzon, chronicles the author’s encounters with dozens and dozens of gay and/or gay-hating figures in American literature and theatre from the early nineteen sixties very nearly to the present. The bulk of the many short pieces was written in 1986, and is followed by copious updates on most of the people named.

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  1. Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?

(Daniel) Contact me via danielcurzon.com    

I think people might be surprised how much is there.

My email is curzon@pacbell.net


  1. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.

(Daniel) The Oracle at Delphi once predicted that I would be world famous.  Under her breath she said, “But not until you are one hundred and one.” 

I’m working on it. 


~~ Closing remarks ~~

Thank you Daniel for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions for me. Based off a scan of your website, I see you are truly a busy fella. It sure does have a lot of content! 

Visitors, I want to also thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your time here and I’m sure Daniel appreciates your visit as well. Oh, I am sure he would love to hear from you (here, his site or through email). Before you go, may I ask you to stick around and check out just one more book. It’s Daniel’s latest and just arrived on the scene last month. 



Paperback: 250 pages

Publisher: l’Aleph (September 1, 2017)


Sweet, Sweet Stories, Some Sweeter Than Others by Daniel Curzon is a product of a lifetime of living with a super-thin skin and a lot of scar tissue from the vicissitudes of the world. Whether it is possessed of a “monumental originality,” as expressed by Phi Beta Kappa Reviews, it is at the very least a readable, unpretentious collection of short stories that explore the  purpose of fiction, of story telling: is it just to pass the time, to divert and amuse, or is it to tell the truth so people will know they are not alone  in this world with its bafflements, oddities, sadnesses, and strange turns of mirth?

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Author Showcase / Interview – Jay A. Blum (Over the Ocean and to the Links: A Golfer’s Journey)

Welcome, Jay A. Blum!



  1. Welcome, For those who might not be familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?

(Jay) I have always been an avid reader, devouring anything I can get my hands on. In 2009 my step-father used his 401K to play golf on Scotland’s link courses. When he came home, he began telling us all these great stories and I told him he should write a book. Well he did and gave it to me for review. It was less than perfect and I asked him if I could rewrite it for him. I did and “Over The Ocean and to the Links: A Golfer’s Journey” was born. Now I have an additional three books in various stages of completion. It is taking me a little longer to write these book as I recently lost 90% of my vision in June of 2017.

(Kam) I’m sorry for all that you’ve endured but I’m thrilled to see it hasn’t deterred you from reaching and taking hold of your dreams! 



  1. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.

(Jay) I don’t know any author that never had writer’s block. The way that I write is free-flowing. I used to sit at the computer and stare at the keyboard and whatever came to mind I would write, then proof, edit and rewrite the next day if needed. Now that I do less typing and more talking to the computer to do my writing, sometimes the speech-to-text software has a hard time keeping up and I often lose that train of thought. When it happens, I walk away from the computer, hang out with my son and forget about the book. Within a day or two, mostly less, my brain refocuses in the background and I race to the computer to start again.



  1. Contrary to what some people envision about a romance writer’s life, it’s not all glitz and glam. Well not for the majority of us. With that bubble sadly busted, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

(Jay) When I am not writing, I spend as much time with my Wife and Son as possible. At 47 years old, I have a limited time on this earth as I lost both of my kidneys and my sight to cancer. When not writing and spending my time with family, I am in a dialysis chair trying to stay alive to continue to be with my family and to continue to write. I have a lot of stories in my head, and a lot to say. So when not writing I do everything I can to say alive, enjoy life, live, love and write my behind off.

(Kam) I am in awe of your strength and positive attitude towards life. So many people would’ve rolled over and let life pass them by. I am happy to see you are not wasting a moment. Others will be inspired by your bravery and it’ll give them incentive to NEVER LOSE HOPE. KEEP FIGHTING! I wish you many more years with your family. 



  1. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?

(Jay) Everyone that is dear to me knows that I am a writer. Once I lost my sight, they became even more encouraging while some were shocked that I could still do it since they didn’t know about speech-to-text software or any of the other augmentative equipment I have had to acquire, at great expense, to continue writing. My friends and family are very pleased that I have found my post cancer passion and they have embraced my efforts as much as I have embraced my passion for story telling.

(Kam) Amazing! 



  1. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.

(Jay) You are right, it is hard to limit it to just ten as there are so many great wordsmiths out there. If I have to pick a favorite it would be Brad Thor. Followed by Clive Cussler, Jay Allen, Daniel Arenson, Larry Bond, Me, Dale Brown, Elle Casey, Arthur C. Clark and a ton of Indie authors that I wish I could name them here.

(Kam) I’ll have to check them out. Thank you! 



  1. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?

(Jay) I just finished an awesome book by Indie author Arthur David titled “Agents of the Third Party: The Beginning”. I think it would be cool to see Maggie Q as Blackmail and Piper Perabo as Jade.


The Third Party is a secret organization dedicated to moving humanity towards a future of peace and prosperity. A future where hunger, poverty, and war no longer exist. An organization so dedicated to its ideals that it is made up of spies, saboteurs and assassins for whom the ends justify the means, no matter how atrocious. BlackMail has spent her entire adult life dedicated to the cause of The Party. She has lived her life knowing that she is working for the greater good of humanity and the world, and it doesn’t matter how they achieve that. Her dedication has made her one of The Party’s top agents, and The Party has tasked her with training a young woman, Jade, who they believe will become The Party’s next top agent. When The Party sends them on a mission that goes horribly wrong it will forever change BlackMail, Jade, and The Third Party.

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  1. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I swear it’ll go no further.

(Jay) As I said previously, I have three books currently in some form in production. One is about my will to live and my fight against kidney cancer, doctors, hospitals and my own mind titled “I Want To Live”. The other, also stemming from disappointment is titled “When Religion Failed Us”. This is a compilation of stories from people all over the globe, interwoven within my own issues and really takes a hard look at organized religion. The third book goes back to my roots and is, as of yet, untitled and hopefully begins a series of fresh and relevant espionage / counterespionage thrillers.



  1. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?

(Jay) Thankfully, my books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, GoodReads, Kobo and a slew of independent sites out there. I even found one of my signed copies of “Over The Ocean and to the Links: A Golfer’s Journey” on E-Bay that was sold at auction for $67.09. Pretty cool.



  1. Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?

(Jay) This a great question as I truly love talking with readers. Some of these conversions translate into story ideas or I name characters after them. I can be reached in many ways. They include my BLOG: www.jayablum.com, Facebook: @AuthorJayABlum, Twitter: @AuthorJayABlum, LinkedIn: JayABlum, Instagram: Author_Jay_A_Blum, and Pinterest: JayABlumAuthor



  1. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.

(Jay) I would like to thank my gracious host for allowing me to talk about myself, my inner thoughts and demons, oh and my books too. I would really like to thank all of the readers that downloaded “Over The Ocean and to the Links: A Golfer’s Journey” which brought it to #5 in its category in May of 2017. Thank you for all the Twitter messages, Facebook posts, emails and really great book reviews. I may be blind but I read them all and answer as many as I can and still be able to write and attend dialysis. On a really personal note I want you to know that no matter what obstacle is thrown in your way, mine being cancer, dialysis and blindness, ever push you off the path to fulfilling your dreams. Sure you can be depressed and curl up in a ball why cursing the world around you. I certainly did. But, one morning I woke up and told myself that I was done wasting energy on something that I cannot change. This is who I am now and there isn’t a doctor in the world that can tell me how much time I have left. I pulled my head out of my behind and told myself that I was going to move forward with my dreams and concentrate on today. As suck I now live every moment as if it will be my last, I sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching and love life, my family, and friends until my heart explodes. Keep that mindset and there isn’t anything you cant accomplish; no matter what is thrown in your path. Thank you for your time and follow your dreams.

A hilarious story of a simple man that blows his minuscule IRA to play some of the world’s famous golf courses in the home of Golf, Scotland. Stubborn as Jeff is, he knew he could do better than the “golf tours” offered by many companies. As a result, the book is a tee by tee description of Jeff’s trip from deciding which courses to play, how much he wanted to spend, the trials of driving on the wrong side of the road, and the simple beauty of Scotland. Here is my story. – Jeff Foulk

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Jay, I have read dozens upon dozens of interviews and your personal story has left an imprint on me and I think it will leave a lasting mark on others as well. You are an inspiration to others battling illnesses, who’ve suffered the loss of a sense, an internal or external part of their body, and so forth. You keep fighting every day. You haven’t given up and that determination will pave the road for others to keep moving forward, through the hard days. 

I’m thankful to have “met” you and I wish you a long life full of happy, peaceful days. 




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Author Showcase / Interview – Daphine Priscilla Brown-Jack (The Other Side of the Story)



  1. Welcome, Daphine Priscilla Brown-Jack. For those who might not be familiar  with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself?

(Daphine) I have been married for almost 27 years, I have 4 amazing children 2 boys 2 girls. I love life, and love to keep it simple. I don’t stress the negativity in life.


(Kameron) How did you get your start in the writing business?

(Daphine) Early years I would write poems without the thought of writing a book. As an adult and my life was changed and I was intrigue to write a book and let the world know that whatever you go through you can out!



  1. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.

(Daphine) I just stop and reflect take a few days away from my writing and then start back up again.



  1. Contrary to what some people envision about a romance writer’s life, it’s not all glitz and glam. Well not for the majority of us. With that bubble sadly busted, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

(Daphine) I spend my time with family promoting my daughter’s music as well as my book. I also like to travel, just got back from Los Angeles and had the pleasure of meeting with Stevie Wonder at the bookstore while leaving a copy of my book. My assistance and I had almost an half of hour conversation with him. He is an amazing and extraordinary man from God. Also he invited back to his radio show to talk about my book.



  1. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?

(Daphine) Most close did not know that I write LOL and I didn’t either. But their thoughts are will you write another, or will you start writing as a career!



  1. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.

(Daphine) My all time favorite authors are: Joel Osteen, Bryan Stevenson, & John Grisham



  1. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?

(Daphine) I would choose my book to go to the big screen and would love to see casted is Blair Underwood, Michael Ealey, Loretta Devine. 


On August 26, 2009, Daphine Priscilla Brown-Jack thought everything was fine. While driving home from work, she began to reflect on her day, grateful for all her blessings. But just as her gut instinct told her something was wrong, her phone rang. As her daughter relayed news of an allegation against her husband–the man who was always serving and loving God and his family–Daphine’s life plunged into turmoil. Suddenly, nothing was fine.

In the coming months as the situation in her home grew unbearable, Daphine knew she could no longer depend on anyone and turned to her only remaining hope and strength: God. As she relives the emotional experience of watching her life fall apart before her eyes, Daphine provides a compelling glimpse inside her personal journey as she separated fact from fiction, navigated through the criminal justice system, and learned to trust in God’s purpose and plan for her life.

The Other Side of the Story is the inspirational true story of one woman’s struggles within herself, her family, her faith, and the justice system after her husband is wrongfully accused of a crime.


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  1. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I swear it’ll go no further.

(Daphine) New book title “Learning How to Keep Life Simple”



  1. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?

(Daphine) Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads


  1. Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?

(Daphine) Go to my under construction website www.daphinejack.com  – Twitter Link 


  1. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.

(Daphine) When you read my book look beyond trying to find the detail of the story but learn from the story. Learn how to not give up when going through a struggle. Learn how to be persistence when going through a struggle. Learn that your struggle will end. As one critic say “This was a very thoughtful, compassionate and compelling story of struggle and faith”.  Another reader states: “First and foremost, Daphine’s writing style is incredibly engaging. The Other Side of the Story is a certified page-turner. I just couldn’t put it down! This is made all the more impressive by the fact that the author never reveals what the accusations against her husband are. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if she’d be able to hold my attention as reader, without going into detail on the charges. I’m no author myself, but if I was, I might have taken the easy route and attempted to hook the reader with the “tell-all” strategy. Instead, it was Daphine’s skillful storytelling abilities that kept me riveted to my seat (and gripping the armrest).”


Daphine, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day and sharing a bit of yourself with me and whomever graciously reads this interview. I’m sure when they finish this and The Other Side of the Story, readers will be in awe of your strength and your profound faith. You and your family could’ve stopped fighting but you didn’t. That shows great character and penning down your story also takes courage which I, like many others, applaud you for. I congratulate you and wish you the very best in life.



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ALL THE COLORS INSIDE ME by Diane M. Walker (Book Review)

Has Diane M. Walker found her true love after two failed abusive marriages? Her personal journey within reflects the humor, illness, substance abuse, jail, depression, death, the demise of her career and her spiritual faith.

Through all of the trials and tribulations, Diane finds an inner strength that not only pulls her through but also finds unconditional love and forgiveness for her life partner and best friend, John.

She shares stories of her strength and how she was able to overcome some of the heart-wrenching and horrific experiences in her life.

(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 
I can’t even fathom living through everything Diane’s endured. Below is a sneak peek of a few life-altering events in her life. I’m only going to list my top three picks and then discuss them. For more on her life, you’ll have to purchase the book.

Ok, here goes.

1.) Two abusive ex-husbands: No one wants to be the victim of an abusive relationship, yet alone two. One such relationship would break most people’s spirit. Two: It would difficult not to shut down and withdraw within thyself. To find the strength to get up in the morning is no easy feat but she does it. BRAVO!

2.) Death of two parents: I’ve lost two dads so I can relate to the pain and don’t wish that on anyone.

3.) Jail time: Diane and John’s legal trouble took it’s toll on their lives emotionally, physically and financially. Through it all, they stood by each other. They weren’t married, but it was hard to tell because they still honored the vows, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”

Besides the doom of gloom, there were happy moments. One example springs to mind: the Christmas tree incident. John had the brilliant and funny idea of placing “tree” air freshener inside the artificial branches to create the illusion of a real tree.

That man really would do anything for his one true love.

To find out what else he’s done for her over the years, you’ll have to read the book.


Heart Rating System – 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 



Diane Walker is a Trenton NJ native. Having developed a love for literature at an early age, she began writing poetry and short stories.

After failed marriages and losing the love of her life through death, she chose to write her story at the age of 59.

Diane sincerely hopes her story empowers others to remain steadfast in their strength, belief in their Higher Power and know, no matter what the circumstances, they too can overcome obstacles and challenges in their life.

Her professional background is in Sales, Marketing and Residential Property Management.

Diane is presently single with one adult daughter and two granddaughters.

She now lives a basic and somewhat secluded life in Northeast Pennsylvania.



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