Since children have personal phones at an early age, this book points out not to text or stare at your cell when your feet step off the curb. It’s good practice not to text and walk in general. Head up is what I tell my kiddos all the time.
The story also suggests holding an adult’s hand when stepping off the curb and crossing a street. It’s precisely how my family crosses the road.
“When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!” is a memory aid turned into a SUPER FUN children’s book based on a children’s song Gabriella Fantoccini wrote. Great news – you’ll receive a FREE MP3 Download of the song with every purchase. What a marvelous gift from the author! Now, if you’re wondering if you’re following the right beat, guess no further. Be ready for an earworm because I think you and your family will sing this song a lot! Oh, I’d like to note the lyrics are in the back of the book.
Amazon’s recommended reading age for When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around! is 3 – 8 years (grade level: preschool – 3); however, I think toddlers might enjoy the catchy tune. Let’s start teaching them street safety at an early age!
I will recommend this book to my school’s librarian and fellow elementary school parents. It’s a book that should be read often!
Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤
Meet the Author
When my daughter was little, she would make a big show of looking both ways BEFORE crossing the street, BUT when she was actually crossing in the street, she completely zoned out.
I was concerned that somehow she might wind up in the street by herself one day, so I came up with the memory aid, “When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!”
It worked! She remembered!
One day, I pulled out my guitar and the phrase became a song, and then eventually the song became this children’s book.
I hope you and your little one(s) stay safe and enjoy the book and the FREE MP3 song download.
And please check out my website at…
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