Hollow: A Love Like A Life by Jazalyn (Book Review)

A ghost spirit of dark’s universe falls in love with a ghost spirit of light’s universe, and while They cannot meet, for They wander around separate realms and spacetimes, They live Their love through a secret and sacred interaction.

They are light years APART.

But there is INVISIBLE possession.

A precious NEED bridges the range.



A distant BOND is created.


Will they ever MEET for REAL?

And in what FORM?

A supernatural paranormal romance poetic novel of mystical and spiritual time travel, epitome of confessional metaphysical and existential love that is seen in space opera.

I prefer the dark
And often I cry
But is it so sad?
You prefer the light
And you smile
But are you happy?

Our eyes see
Different things
But our thoughts
Are aligned
And I’m wondering
Why I love you
When we can’t live
The same life

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)

Hollow: A Love Like A Life consists of about eighty poems dealing with love, jealousy, sadness, paranoia, self-doubt, and obsession. 

Some people believe there is only one person for them. Their self-worth hinges on that person’s love and acceptance. They think if this person can’t or won’t love them in return, then no one will. (Example: “If They Can’t Love Me”) You should not define yourself or your worth based on if your “soul mate” loves you in return. That’s unhealthy. 

Hollow: A Love Like A Life is about two ghostly spirits: one living in the light’s universe and one residing in the dark universe. You might have noticed I didn’t use “living” when I mentioned the spirit in the dark universe. I didn’t because they weren’t living. They were merely residing, hoping, obsessing over light’s love, if it’s real or not. 

When I read poem after poem, I had a mental image of someone plucking petals off a flower and, after each pluck saying, “They love me. They love me not.” The dark spirit questioned light’s love time and again. They saw the light giving attention to others and became jealous. (Example – “After Loving You”) They wanted to ask if it was all in their head but were afraid of the answer. This scenario will resonate with many readers. 

A common theme throughout the book is obsession. “Haunted” even stated they will “make you love me.” 

“Back to Your Thoughts” had a most unsettling line that would be cause for alarm if this was discussing real people and not spirits: “My feelings for you order me to obey to your will.” 

The final line of “Irreparably” is something that I agree with, and you, the review reader, will probably agree with too. “Don’t play with my feelings.” No one wants toyed with, so this ender was perfect. Either you love someone, or you don’t. Be honest, so no one’s heart is left in a state of limbo. 

I’m scoring this a three. I think others will relate to the poetry far better than I do, so I am giving it a point for its relatability. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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About the Author

With 150,000+ engagements and 20,000+ followers that grow more and more across 7 social media platforms, Jazalyn is among the most-promising newcomers authors-poets.

Her books have sold in 4 Continents and have been featured on best-seller category-based lists on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon AU. Soon she will expand in every corner of the Earth.

Jazalyn attracts all cultures and traditions with an audience from all walks and stages of life as a consequence of the universal atmosphere that encircles her themes.

Her innovative and versatile writing style stemming from abstraction and absurdness captivates mystery and suspense with words swimming in surrealism and magical realism.

Her imaginative and inventive narration unites the philosophical with the psychological and the scientific elements of both fantasy and fiction that create and solve riddles and puzzles.

In what results as a contemporary genre of cinematic (epic) poetry in slice of life-vignette expression which provokes thinking and eyes new horizons.

Her latest books vViIrRuUsS, Rose, Hollow signify Jazalyn’s transition towards literary magnificence.


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