User-friendly and inspirational, it is designed for anyone who has always been a dreamer, forgot their dreams along the way, or never knew how to dream. It is also dedicated to readers who want to heal and grow from inside-out and live life with more lightness, balance and joy.
By sharing my struggles and vulnerabilities, you will see that you’re not alone with your own doubts, fears and insecurities … and the abundance of self-healing and self-discovery activities sprinkled throughout each chapter will serve to guide and transform your personal journey.
Heart-Dreamer also contains the voices of wisdom from people all over the world who share their life lessons with you in one inspiring community of love.

Cheryl Melody Baskin includes ways to cope with anxiety, which she admits to having when it comes to public speaking.
She encourages starting each day with an open mind and open heart.
Be patient. Be compassionate. Be optimistic. I agree with her completely! Each day is a new chapter in your life. Enter it with your eyes and heart wide open.
As with Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good, Cheryl included testimonials from the “Shift of Heart” community. Mary-Jane and Karen’s story touched my heart the most. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself, your life, with me (us, the readers).
Once again, Cheryl shared lyrics with her readers. Lovely!
There were also several quotes, but one stood out more than the others. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.” I agree that without using our imagination, there would be no art, no music, no theatre, and much more. These mediums can heal, soothe and bring joy to themselves and those around them.
Journaling and positive-driven relationships can help someone live a more peaceful life. But Cheryl does state a truth…No matter how nice you express your feelings – someone might not be receptive. It is like what my mom always told me and what I tell my kids all the time, “You can’t please everyone. Stay away from those who make you feel bad about yourself. Surround yourself with good people.”
Cheryl spoke about using sounds to heal ourselves. I also believe in the power of sound. I use music to clear my mind and to lift my spirits.
I agree that nature walks, mediation, being grateful, and getting lost in another world help achieve inner peace. Books are my mental sanctuary!
To Cheryl, I’m sorry that you dealt with childhood bullying. I did, too, and so have my children. No one deserves to be bullied. Ever. Thank you for sharing your story, tips, exercises, and everything else I didn’t mention. <3
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: ❤❤❤❤

Cheryl Melody Baskin is an award-winning author. Her motivational self-help books include “Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good,” “Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams – No Matter What” (an International Silver Medal Winner from Readers Favorite), and “Shift of Heart: Paths to Healing and Love.” She is also a recording artist, performing artist, spirituality and peace educator, sound healer, intuitive life coach, and facilitator and founder of the FB community, Shift of Heart. She recently received a Life Achievement Award from The Visioneers International Network.