Tag Archives: be positive

The Unique Little Bear by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

Seeing the joy in being completely unique.

“Why is their growl so loud, and scary and strong?

But mine is so quiet – is my growl wrong?”


Little Bear is beginning to notice that he is different from the other bears, and he has decided to ask mummy bear why.

Using engaging rhyme and endearing illustrations, The Unique Little Bear takes the reader on a gentle discovery and celebration of the uniqueness of every individual, and encourages us all to do the same.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


According to the Oxford Dictionary, the meaning of unique is “being the only one of its kind; very special or unusual.” Merriam-Webster lists unique as “being without a like or equal.” Whether it’s your fashion choices, personality, hairstyle, special skill, body shape, birthmark, or so on, we all possess something that makes us stand out from everyone else. Makes us … unique.

Little bear noticed he didn’t look exactly like the other bears. His fur was golden-red instead of brown. His growl didn’t reach the same depths and volume as other bears. Even his paws weren’t as mighty as theirs. Being “different” bothered the small animal, much like it does for many of us. We want to fit in, sometimes meaning we try to act or look like others. 

Every day, humans are mocked, teased, shunned, or made feel less than because of something deemed strange. That causes negative feelings about ourselves, squashes our self-esteem, and can cause people to isolate themselves from gatherings or friendships. This adorable children’s book helps children understand that we all have characteristics or skills that set us apart from one another. We should never be embarrassed, sad, or ashamed about what’s different about ourselves but, instead, love and embrace what makes us special. 

Mummy bear said it best when she tried to comfort her son with the fact we are all different from our eyes to our ears, from our fur to our feet. Substitute hair for feet, and that applies to humans. 

I loved everything about this book. The illustrations were spectacular. I was thrilled to see the animals were shaded in unorthodox colors, making each one unique and staying on target with the general theme of the story. And promoting positive body image and self-love is always a plus in my book! 

Share The Unique Little Bear with your children and teach them to love themselves from head to toe, inside and out. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

My love of stories and the characters that inhabit them has been with me forever. As a child I could often be found with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and a pile of books about dragons, witches and magical adventures. Stories are brewing in my head constantly. 

Reedsy Author Link



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Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams-No Matter What (SECOND EDITION) by Cheryl Melody Baskin (Book Review)

HEART DREAMER: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams-No Matter What (SECOND EDITION)
Nurture your body, mind and spirit and gain insight about your unlimited potential.

User-friendly and inspirational, it is designed for anyone who has always been a dreamer, forgot their dreams along the way, or never knew how to dream. It is also dedicated to readers who want to heal and grow from inside-out and live life with more lightness, balance and joy.

By sharing my struggles and vulnerabilities, you will see that you’re not alone with your own doubts, fears and insecurities … and the abundance of self-healing and self-discovery activities sprinkled throughout each chapter will serve to guide and transform your personal journey.

Heart-Dreamer also contains the voices of wisdom from people all over the world who share their life lessons with you in one inspiring community of love.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams-No Matter What (SECOND EDITION) by Cheryl Melody Baskin is an enlightening self-help book that I think many people will find helpful in their everyday lives. It contains mental exercises that you can do alone or with a group. She states that when you complete specific activities, don’t seek perfection. “Just allow your creative spirit to flow out of you without self-judgment, overthinking, and overanalyzing.”  
Cheryl Melody Baskin includes ways to cope with anxiety, which she admits to having when it comes to public speaking.

She encourages starting each day with an open mind and open heart. 

Be patient. Be compassionate. Be optimistic. I agree with her completely! Each day is a new chapter in your life. Enter it with your eyes and heart wide open. 

As with Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good, Cheryl included testimonials from the “Shift of Heart” community. Mary-Jane and Karen’s story touched my heart the most. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself, your life, with me (us, the readers). 

Once again, Cheryl shared lyrics with her readers. Lovely! 

There were also several quotes, but one stood out more than the others. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.” I agree that without using our imagination, there would be no art, no music, no theatre, and much more. These mediums can heal, soothe and bring joy to themselves and those around them. 

Journaling and positive-driven relationships can help someone live a more peaceful life. But Cheryl does state a truth…No matter how nice you express your feelings – someone might not be receptive. It is like what my mom always told me and what I tell my kids all the time, “You can’t please everyone. Stay away from those who make you feel bad about yourself. Surround yourself with good people.” 

Cheryl spoke about using sounds to heal ourselves. I also believe in the power of sound. I use music to clear my mind and to lift my spirits. 

I agree that nature walks, mediation, being grateful, and getting lost in another world help achieve inner peace. Books are my mental sanctuary! 

To Cheryl, I’m sorry that you dealt with childhood bullying. I did, too, and so have my children. No one deserves to be bullied. Ever. Thank you for sharing your story, tips, exercises, and everything else I didn’t mention. <3

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
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Meet the Author:

Cheryl Melody Baskin is an award-winning author. Her motivational self-help books include “Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good,” “Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams – No Matter What” (an International Silver Medal Winner from Readers Favorite), and “Shift of Heart: Paths to Healing and Love.” She is also a recording artist, performing artist, spirituality and peace educator, sound healer, intuitive life coach, and facilitator and founder of the FB community, Shift of Heart. She recently received a Life Achievement Award from The Visioneers International Network.
connect with the author: website ~ facebook goodreads


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Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good by Cheryl Melody Baskin (Book Review)

Discovering yourself is part of life’s journey and honors the saying, “peace begins with me.” Peace Dreamer offers inspiring wisdom, life coaching, healing techniques, self-discovery tools and soul searching meaning. It helps you answer, “Who am I? What are my dreams for myself? What are my dreams for the world?”

Feed your inner spirit with hope, happiness, love, dreams, idealism and optimism even as you struggle with everyday challenges.

Peace Dreamer encourages you to never give up on yourself or the world, no matter how messy life becomes. True activism begins in our core. Our soul of souls. It begins from inside-out.

Let it begin now for you.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good contained many beautiful quotes by famous historical or pop culture figures. It also housed several inspirational quotes by Cheryl Melody Baskin. I want to share one with you. 
“Every positive action that shines love and stands for love is all that is needed to create a compassionate and inclusive world. The time is now to elevate humanity to a new awakening.”

Cheryl is correct; this world needs more acts of love and kindness. We need to stand together. Be united. Embrace inclusiveness.

Cheryl talks about many subjects in the book: Covid-19, George Floyd, and the last presidential election, to name a few. Each of these events caused a rift in society. Hate was the emotion filling up many souls. We judged each other. She admitted to judging others when it came to the masks. Her journal entries were honest and reflected a person’s true feelings regarding turbulent times. Cheryl encourages peace and healing of the world through love. We need more peace in the streets, in our government, and behind closed doors (schools, businesses, grocery stores, etc.) 

Cheryl Melody Baskin spoke about chakras in-depth. I admit I knew of the word, but I couldn’t tell you which charka went to what body parts, color, purpose, etc. Therefore, the sections dedicated to this topic intrigued me incredibly. I learned much from her. Thank you, Cheryl, for educating me. 

Cheryl also surprised me with the song lyrics. She is a talented songwriter. BTW: I did find a couple of her songs on Youtube. I couldn’t sing in front of a crowd, so I applaud anyone who can. 

Cheryl listed several questions for you to answer if you decide to start a journal. If you’re not a journal-keeping person, maybe consider mentally answering them instead. I did. 

There is so much inside the book, too much for me to cover in one review: examples of positive affirmations, self-care reminders, and stories from the “Shift of Heart” Facebook community. I could’ve read their contributions for hours. <3

I highly recommend those reading this review to read Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good. 

Let’s all work together to live a more peaceful life—internally and externally. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤
Meet the Author:

Cheryl Melody Baskin is an award-winning author. Her motivational self-help books include “Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good,” “Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams – No Matter What” (an International Silver Medal Winner from Readers Favorite), and “Shift of Heart: Paths to Healing and Love.” She is also a recording artist, performing artist, spirituality and peace educator, sound healer, intuitive life coach, and facilitator and founder of the FB community, Shift of Heart. She recently received a Life Achievement Award from The Visioneers International Network.

connect with the author: website ~ facebook goodreads


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