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Grace Under Siege: Not a Love Story by René Voland (Book Review)

GRACE UNDER SIEGE: Not a Love Story by Rene Voland

​Grace, a newlywed in her 30’s, discovers that her new life isn’t exactly what she expected. Her husband Narcissus is a handsome, former special agent whose puzzling behavior follows a mysterious pattern. Despite Grace’s best efforts, she finds it incredibly difficult to build a happy life with him. The ultimate revelation leads to a showdown with Narcissus. Grace believes the well-being of others depend on what she must reveal.
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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Grace Under Siege: Not a Love Story by René Voland dealt with a very touchy subject that many individuals are facing currently or have faced in the past — domestic abuse. René Voland emphasizes domestic abuse is more than strikes to the body. Criticizing, controlling a person’s life, and name-calling are just a few examples of abuse Grace faced. At times, it’s a combination of any or all of the following three: mental, physical, and emotional abuse. Unfortunately, most people’s (like Grace) struggles don’t end when they walk away from the toxic relationship. Fear is always lurking, and so is their abuser. 

Grace Under Siege: Not a Love Story does talk extensively about narcissistic personality disorder. Since I love psychology, the discussions revolving around it were fascinating. If you love the psychobabble talk, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as well. 

If you aren’t a religious person, be warned this is a book of faith. If you are, then you’ll love and appreciate every mention of faith and the Lord. No matter your religious status, if you are in an abusive relationship, please get in touch with the National Domestic Violence listed in the book. (1-800-799-SAFE)

On a final note: René Voland added a feature to her book that I hadn’t seen before, and it’s worth noting. After the Epilogue, she listed Topics for Book Club Discussion. How ingenious! I hope many other authors will follow suit. 

On a final, final note: I loved your book’s cover! Those eyes drew me in like a moth to a flame. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
Meet the Author:
GRACE UNDER SIEGE: Not a Love Story by Rene Voland
René is an author, playwright, poet and publisher/editor. She is a seasoned business owner, private coach and ministerial leader. Grace Under Siege is her debut novel. She and her spouse live in Georgia. She is a graduate of Georgia State University.

connect with the author: website ~ instagram



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