Tag Archives: letters

Healthcare Heroes ABCs: A Journey Through the Alphabet with Your Healthcare Hero Team by Courtney Booth (Book Review)

Healthcare Heroes ABCs takes children on a colorful and engaging journey through the alphabet to learn about 26 different kinds of healthcare professionals! From anesthesiologists to occupational therapists, home health aides to veterinarians, and medical social workers to genetic counselors, children will easily connect with the different heroes they see on each page.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Even before the latest pandemic hit, healthcare workers work day in and day out, saving lives. During the pandemic, we gained a newfound respect for the healthcare industry and those who work in that field. We’ve seen them pushed to their max, but they keep fighting. Courtney Booth, the author, is correct—healthcare workers are heroes!

I’ve seen countless books on learning ABCs; however, this is the first I’ve noticed that focuses on healthcare workers. The picture book covers every job imaginable, from “A” for an anesthesiologist to “Y” for youth counselors. Under each letter and position, there’s a brief overview of what the job entails. For instance: “T is for transplant surgeons” informs children that these workers help kids and adults live longer by giving them new organs when they are sick. There wasn’t a specific job title that began with “Z.” The author expressed how they were zillions of other jobs not covered. The illustrations accompanying this letter and description mentioned a handful of other healthcare-related careers. 

The healthcare industry is vital to our survival. There are so many jobs that one can choose for their future career if they choose that path. But even if your child doesn’t want to enter that industry, Healthcare Heroes ABCs: A Journey Through the Alphabet with Your Healthcare Hero Team by Courtney Booth will give elementary school children a better understanding of what each job does (from A-Y). If you are a teacher reading this to your class, you might prompt your students to share if they have a family member who works as a healthcare worker. Maybe even consider a healthcare career day at school. 

Amazon’s recommended reading age is two-ten years (grade level: preschool-fifth). Learning the letters is more suitable for two and three-year-olds, while the information about each specific job would be ideal for school-age children. 

I recommend teachers share this book with students. I also hope parents buy this book for their child(ren). 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Courtney’s had her pencil on paper since she was little. She wrote her first story in second grade and told her first story to a group in elementary school. After reading countless children’s books, she’s happy to pour her passion into creating stories she wants her daughter to hear.

Reedsy Author Link





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Court of Snakes: This Desert Cage by Tycho Dwelis (Book Review)

Content Rating:  PG + M: Some allusion to domestic abuse, fantasy violence, adults drinking alcohol
In the city of Segeno, it’s eat or be eaten. Someone has to rule the masses. A boy has lost his birthright. His parents killed. Dead and gone. A girl has lost her father. She means nothing to him now.

The city of Segeno stands tall after a great war, the only city left of its kind. Terran has lost both of his parents and is now on the run from a tyrant eager to kill him and cut off the royal bloodline. Parisa struggles with her own identity as even her father rejects her for the color of her skin as he claws for the throne. Along their journeys, they meet unexpected allies and encounter unprecedented magick, but, most importantly, they learn what it is to stand up for themselves and take back their city from corruption.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Court of Snakes: This Desert Cage by Tycho Dwelis began with a mammoth squashing a pickpocketer and The King batting more than one guard. I knew from the start that this book would be excellent, and as I finished the last line, I was correct. 

Teens and young adults will love how swiftly Terran, The King, and other characters navigated the districts. The movements reminded me of parkour. 

The King also taught Terran the real power of tarot cards. They don’t just see a person’s future; they allow chosen ones to harness the deck’s power. You don’t choose which card works in a particular situation. Instead, the cards seem to know what the bearer needs. The cards are judge, jury, and (at times) executioner. 

Many powers were displayed, but I liked when The King’s six swords came out. The written battle scenes were amazing, and I can only imagine how epic they would be if the movie industry could bring them to life. I would watch that movie in a heartbeat! 

With the build-up to the show-down, I expected it to be grander – longer. It was over too soon. That said, many unexpected moments happened when the war began- some shocking and rather sad. 

This story did conclude on a happy note, which is always lovely. 

While the cover is nice, I don’t think it lives up to the story’s contents. I think the colorful promo banner (shared on my site, Amazon, and Ireads Book Tour) would’ve been a better fit. It’s vibrant, eye-catching, and draws the eye. Well done to whoever created it. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
Meet the Author:
Author Tycho Dwelis

I’m Tycho (I also use the pen name Cassidy), and I love storytelling! I’m incredibly passionate about writing, art, and anything that allows me to create my own worlds. My goal is to write dreamy fiction for all ages that is unique, inspiring, and imaginative. I like to write about themes that include coming of age, magic realism, identity, relationships, and bullying. My books are intended for readers ages eight to twenty-five, and are meant to connect the world of the fantastical to everyday life.

I currently live in Colorado and have an MA in Publishing.

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Pen Pal Gals: Friends Forever by Julie Thiessen (Book Review)

​Meet Reese and Addie―two girls, one great friendship. It’s summer break! Reese is on her way to vacation at Camp Lake Shore with her family. When Reese meets a new friend, Addie, the two immediately connect and form a lasting friendship. Swimming, boating, laughing, and soaking up the sun are just a few highlights of their summer vacation. The girls become best friends. When their vacation comes to an end, Reese realizes she may never see Addie again. Determined to stay in touch forever, can Reese and Addie find a way to continue their friendship and share their adventures?
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Amazon ~ B&N ~ Walmart
BAM ~ Target Mascot
I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
Since my daughter fell into the targeted demographic (ages 8-12), I included her opinion on specific components of the story and design. 

Plot: On the last day of school, kids stare at the clock. They are eager to hear the bell ring for the final time and start their summer vacation. Julie Thiessen expressed the joy of a summer vacation perfectly. Whether you’re sleeping in a tent, RV, or cabin, camping can be fun. For my kids and me, we love cabins; they are comfier and have fewer critters to worry about. 🙂

No matter where you go on vacation, kids tend to miss their friends as Reese did in Pen Pal Gals: Friends Forever. However, sometimes, they can make new friends too. 

I love the idea of writing letters to friends. Of course, I’m old-school. Kids nowadays prefer texting. Maybe Pen Pal Gals: Friends Forever will encourage children to step away from their phones and write a letter instead. We both loved the stationery. Super cute!! 

BTW: My daughter wanted me to mention that she loves dolphins too! 

Characters (illustrations): This area is where my daughter became more vocal with her opinions. 😀    She thought the illustrators, Vanessa Alexandre and Julie Thiessen, made the girls look like Barbie dolls. She said their feet looked funny because their toes were hard to see. 

There was a page where the family was facing the water; my daughter said they looked like siblings – not mom, dad, and daughter. Yeah, I agree with her. 

Summary: I think becoming a pen pal is a great idea; however, I’m unsure if the younger crowd will keep up with it like the girls in the story. This is based on my daughter saying she had no desire to become one. 🙁

But, if your child likes the idea, go for it!  

Daughter’s score – 3
My score – 4
Average score – 3.5

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤1/2
Meet the Author:
Author Julie Thiessen

​Julie Thiessen always had a passion for creativity, design, and adventure, but above all, she values her lifelong friendships. With her bachelor’s degree in graphic design and the inspiration of her daughter Reese, she created and branded Pen Pal Gals for all to share the gift of an everlasting friendship. Thiessen lives along the beautiful Central Coast of California with her husband, two daughters, and son.
connect with the author: website ~ facebook instagram

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Letters to Jacob: Grieving the Loss of a Child by Maria Hopfgarten (Book Review)


​Maria Hopfgarten’s son Jacob was born on January 31, 2006. He was the most perfect baby boy she had ever seen. But Jacob had devastating health issues, culminating in a diagnosis of mitochondrial disease, a fatal condition. In the ten short years of Jacob’s life, Maria found strength in blogging about Jacob’s life. Her raw, honest posts from the year after Jacob’s passing have been gathered into this book along with Maria’s tips for parents coping with their their own grief after losing a child. “If you have lost a child, you know you’re weathering the largest storm life can bring you. I hope that my words of loss, tears, punches, smiles, friendships, and renewed happiness can give you a sense of not being along on this journey.”​
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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
No story has ever hit me as hard as Letters to Jacob: Grieving the Loss of a Child by Maria Hopfgarten didThe “Introduction” did not just bring tears to my eyes; it had me sobbing. I had to lay the book down several times because I could not see the words through my tears. 

Each “letter” to Jacob touched my heart deeply, and I felt the family’s pain and their love during and after his departure from this world. At the end of each letter, Maria Hopfgarten (the author and mother to Jacob) gave helpful and thoughtful tips/pieces of advice in “Coping with Grief.” Since there are over 100 in all, I don’t think Maria Hopfgarten will mind if I share a few with you. 


  • Transform pieces of your loved one’s clothing into blankets or pillows.
  • Plant a tree or bush in memory of them.
  • “Cherish your family who is still standing by your side.”

Through the sadness, many touching moments will make you smile and possibly cry some more. I don’t want to divulge too much, but certain events recapped will emphasize how one little boy touched so many hearts, and his story will continue to do so for many years to come. 

After the “Epilogue,” I thought my crying time was over. I was wrong. “Mom” didn’t just make me cry a little — it caused me to sob. Throughout the story, I thought of my children, especially at this point, and the tears would not stop flowing. Even now, as I write this review, I’m wiping tears off my cheeks and stopping to blow my nose repeatedly. 

Maria Hopfgarten, thank you for sharing Jacob’s story with us. It was sad, beautifully written, and I’m forever changed for reading it. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤
(deserves a million more)


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Meet the Author

Maria Hopfgarten began her blog Moments with Jacob in 2009, writing about Jacob’s life with mitochondrial disease. She had followers around the globe. Maria continued to write blog posts to Jacob after he passed in 2016 to make sense of the loss of her son. Jacob was 10 years old. She has now turned part of the blog into the book “Letters to Jacob,” sharing her raw, honest first-hand experience on grieving the loss of a child.

Maria is the President of the non-profit Miracles for Mito and has been supporting families living with mitochondrial disease for over a decade. She has also been an active Parent Partner at Children’s Hospital Colorado and has been a Parent voice for many chronically ill children. Maria also sits on the Patient Safety Committee of the Board at Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Originally from Sweden and with a degree in Journalism from Stockholm University, Maria lives with her husband Joakim, daughter Sarah, and rescue dog Max in Colorado. Her favorite thing to do is to share a good cup of coffee or glass of wine with a friend. Maria loves the outdoor and is always up for a bike ride or hike.

Connect with the Author:  Website ~ Facebook ~ Instagram






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