Tag Archives: laundry room

The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared by Andrea McLean (Book Review)

New Release! 

Step into a day of excitement and unexpected turns with Burnie and Chloe as they anticipate a fun day playing with new toys. The duo faces a mysterious and frightening banging noise while Ava, their owner, is unexpectedly outside the house. Chloe’s fear clashes with Burnie’s determination to find Ava. Together, they navigate through the house, barking loudly and confronting the source of the disturbance.

Burnie’s bravery shines in this heartwarming tale as he leads the way into the unknown, eventually uncovering the surprising culprit behind the loud banging. As the story unfolds, friendship, courage, and loyalty take center stage, leaving readers with a delightful and comforting conclusion. Willing to face their fears head-on, Chloe and Burnie prove that sometimes, the scariest situations can lead to the most unexpected resolutions.

The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe, Chloe Gets Scared, is a charming story that teaches young readers the importance of courage, friendship, and facing challenges together. Join Chloe and Burnie in this delightful, suspenseful story that will leave readers smiling at the outcome.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Dogs, like humans, have fears. These fears or phobias can manifest at any time or anywhere. When Chloe visits Burnie for a playdate, they both hear a loud banging noise. Burnie, being curious, wants to investigate the sound immediately, while Chloe prefers to wait for Ava, Burnie’s human, to return and help locate the source of the noise. 

Burnie asked Chloe more than once to join him in searching for the loud noise, but he couldn’t persuade her to come. Burnie’s curiosity led him to the noisy culprit in the laundry room. A washing machine can make quite the racket when it is overstuffed, has an unbalanced load, or is on uneven footing. I understand why the loud noise or shaking device can cause some pets to run for the doggie door. At least this washing machine wasn’t spewing white foam from its metaphoric mouth.  

The two canine buddies learned from Ava what caused the strange noise. Even though Burnie didn’t want to wait for an adult’s help, we should remind kids that it is perfectly okay to wait for backup. And there’s no shame in being afraid of anything! 

The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared is a delightful story encouraging readers to face their fears or challenges. While the story was cute, I would’ve liked consistency in how the text was displayed. Some pages had the words presented on a white, rectangular backdrop, while others had the text directly on the scenery. I also noticed the inconsistencies in the various clock times. A minor detail that other readers might overlook. 

This charming children’s book, The Adventures of Burnie & Chloe: Chloe Gets Scared, is specifically designed for children aged 1-8. Its engaging storyline, adorable characters, and simple text make it an ideal choice for independent readers. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Andrea C. McLean is a champion of personal discovery. She is passionate about kindling diverse connections and watching the resultant magic unfold. When she’s not spinning captivating narratives, Andrea coaches individuals to uncover their superpowers and navigate life’s twists with resilience.

Reedsy Author Link




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