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“Be a Superhero in the Kitchen” and “My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One and Two” by Donna Glass (3 Book Spotlight)

2021 Mom’s Choice Winner!

2021 Family Choice Award Winner!

Be a Superhero in the Kitchen contains a detailed list of Superhero Cooking Tips and delicious kid-friendly recipes including Super Chicken Tacos, Powerful Potato Cakes, Mega Mac and Cheese Pizza, Crime Fighter’s Cookie Fluff, Legendary Lemon Tarts, and many more!

Let your child try their hand with the recipes in this book. Every kid who becomes the superhero of suppertime is one who eats super well!

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Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have!

In My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act OneI’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.

If you enjoyed this book,please consider leaving a review on Amazon.


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As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction, comedy book makes your day a little brighter/ So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.

Content warning: A few adult words are not intended for younger audiences.


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Meet the Author

Donna Glass is an award-winning author who loves to laugh. And, wow, her laugh is boisterous! In her free time, she’s either reading a book or playing a game with the family.

For more information about Donna’s current and future books, follow her social links.

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