Athena can’t avert her eyes. Alex Dane is back in Greece. Her mind wanders in time, six years ago, to the island of Rhodes. Three lustful days with him and a precious gift he left her with. All she needs is a leap of faith, but will he fly? Dare they dream again “When Time Comes”?

(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)
You meet your crush, a rock star, have three fun days with him (in and out of the bedroom) and part ways …. in love. Hmm. I don’t believe in love at first sight. Nor do I think you can love someone after only three days, but hey, that’s just me. For the hopeless romantics out there, you’ll like this tale.
For me, the best part was the ending. I’m a sucker for a sweet, happy ending. (BTW: The ending was the sole reason why this book went from a score of 2.5 to a 3.)
Oh, I know I shouldn’t have to say this but I still am. I mean, I’m basically about to recite a lesson from Sex101.
Word of advice readers: Always glove up unless you truly know the person and know if they are disease free. It all worked out for Athena but others might not like receiving a “positive sign” from their doctor or, heaven forbid, an STD (which she didn’t have) Thank goodness!!
Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)

Cat Nicolaou lives with her family and many pets on a small island in Greece. She grew up surrounded by crystal clear blue waters and beautiful beaches. Living in such a peaceful area, she enjoys the idyllic setting around her. It is therefore not surprising that she likes to write romantic stories. Strolling by the seaside is where she gets all her inspiration. As an ever-romantic herself, she likes writing and reading stories with a happy ending, though she does torment her characters before they find a happy resolution.
Not being one of those authors who have been writing since childhood, it came as a real surprise to the people around her when she finally decided to do it. But “When Time Comes”, life has a way to show you what needs to be done and she finally realised that she had to put her stories on paper and let people know her.
The greatest joy of writing for her is seeing where the characters will take her every time she starts a story.
Besides spending time with books, she likes drinking coffee like a maniac and listening to music. She also enjoys riding her motorcycle because it makes her feel free. Do not, therefore, be surprised if her next book includes a biker.
Her debut novella “When Time Comes” was published in February 2015. A story set on the island of Rhodes where a famous rock star and an artist find love that can last forever.
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This sounds like a book I will love!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Tanya S
Marvelous. I'm so happy to hear this and I know Cat will be happy too.
I just bought it!!!
Tanya S
I can almost picture Cat's happy dance. 🙂
Happy reading!!
Thank you so much, Tanya. I hope you enjoy it and I'd appreciate if you connect with me and let me know what you thought of my book.
Don't know if I could read a book about a rock star
Why not?
This one caught my eye. Looks interesting. I have put it on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing this one!!!
I bet your reading list is as big as mine. Great, right? 🙂
I just love having options laying around. The more, the merrier.
I hope you enjoy it, Elaine. Let me know when you read it.
Kam, I will tell you mine is huge and it just keeps growing. Cat, I will let you know when I read it promise.
Connect with me on FB or Twitter. Looking forward to hearing from you again!