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When I can, I love sharing my daughter’s opinion on children’s books. I think the review holds more weight when the attended reading audience voices their thoughts on it.
Daughter’s review of The Triumphant Tales of Rescue Dogs: Punk’s Plight by Dr. Hope A. Walter, EdD:
“The overall book was great. I loved the message of don’t mistreat your animal(s) and help an animal(s) in need. It was great how there were steps to help with abused animals at the end of the book. I didn’t understand the word “plight” in the title. I don’t think other little kids will know what it means either.”
When I asked her what she thought about the illustrations, my daughter said the following. “I prefer cartoony illustrations over watercolor. In picture books, details are easier to see if drawn cartoony. I couldn’t tell if Xavier was an adult or child in this book.”
Parent’s review: Abuse occurs every day to animals and humans. Animals can not ask for help. All the time, humans are too scared to speak up. Maybe The Triumphant Tales of Rescue Dogs: Punk’s Plight will help children find their voice. Allow them to seek help or understand they are not alone or unlovable.
I agree with my daughter’s assumption that little kids won’t know what “plight” means. The intended reading age is 4 – 7 years, and that’ll be a hard word to comprehend. However, it’s always a good time to add new and bigger words into their mental glossary bank. 😀
Great resources in the end credits!
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: ❤❤❤❤

Punk’s Plight was conceptualized after teaching future teachers about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Hope saw the connection between ACES and the journey of her own bulldog, Pumpkin, who was neglected, rescued, and spent the rest of her life learning how to trust and love again. Sadly, Pumpkin passed away peacefully in November 2020 after a long life with the Walter family. Hope wants Punk’s story to help children suffering from neglect by showing children they can recover, heal, and prosper despite experiencing neglect.