A great book of facts and images for all readers who are curious about their planet. It contains a wealth of information about the problems of Climate Change – and the actions everyone can take to help save life on planet Earth. This book is presented in a way that is easy to understand by readers aged 8 – 18 +.
These essential facts are grouped into FIVE main topics:
What are the problems? Working Together, Who Can Help Us? Individual Activity, and Goals.
The carefully chosen images help to illustrate the information and make it easier to understand.
A book which will stimulate interest in the world young people live in.
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Meet the Author

With a history of teaching exciting science, Gloria is now an award-winning author, international speaker and champion of the ocean environment. Gloria writes adventure/environmental children’s books, both fiction and non-fiction that introduce younger generations to the wonders of the oceans.
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Tagged as animals, carbon dioxide, climate change, Earth, ecosystems, environmental sustainability, extreme weather patterns, facts, fire, floods, fossil fuels, global warming, interesting facts, life, methane, natural disasters, oceans, people, planet's health, plants, reduce carbon footprint, science, scientists, snowstorms, tornadoes