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Hidden Cargo: Alien Captors Book 2 by Sarah Marsh (Book Review)

Print Length: 133 pages


No good deed goes unpunished—or at least it doesn’t for Cassie Decker. Stopping to help someone on the side of the road was the decision that changed the rest of her life, and the one that found her stranded on an alien planet. Lucky for her, she was discovered by two very large, and very green rescuers that offered her a second chance at a new life. All she has to do is find the courage to reach out and grab it.

Deryc and Gage have a comfortable life on the island of Ilya, it may not be perfect, but they enjoy their work and they have each other. When fate reveals an unauthorized female has been hiding right under their noses for over a year, they know they must do their duty to bring her to their government—but can they hand her over to an unknown future when she just might be the perfect female for their clan?

The Goddess works in mysterious ways, but will Cassie and her officers realize what they have found before someone tries to alter their paths forever?


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Cassie washed up and changed into a nightgown as Dax settled comfortably at the foot of her bed. She turned out the light and walked over to open a window, letting the fresh air in. She’d always loved falling asleep to the sound of the ocean. Two deep voices entered on the breeze along with the sounds of the surf, causing a shiver to run up her spine, and she realized that Deryc and Gage must still be on the patio enjoying the evening. Cassie sat on the window ledge and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness outside. When they did, the sight before her was nothing short of decadent.

Both men were lounging on one of the large patio chairs. Deryc’s arm was around Gage’s shoulder, and his other hand cupped the other man’s cheek as he took his mouth in a slow and sensual kiss. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched Gage’s hand move leisurely up his partner’s thigh until he rubbed along the thick, hard ridge of Deryc’s arousal.

I shouldn’t be watching this, like some kind of pervert… I’m invading their privacy, but holy hell, I think this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

Knowing it was wrong and willing her eyes to close were two very different things, and Cassie had to bite her lip as Deryc’s deep voice came to her on the night breeze.

“I believe you owe me a proper show of gratitude, my mate.” Deryc growled as Gage’s fingers freed the thick cock from the confines of his partner’s pants. “Or did you forget you promised me that this morning?”

“Hmm.” Gage lazily kissed along Deryc’s jaw, his hand now slowly stroking up and down his lover’s cock. “Did I say that? I can’t remember now…”

Deryc’s response was immediate, and it made Cassie gasp as he pulled away and moved to cover the other man until Gage’s wrists were held above his head in each of his strong hands, and Deryc was now straddling his mate’s hips. In the moonlight, Cassie could see his cock jutting straight from his body, the thick length an even darker shade of grey than the rest of him. He towered over Gage like an avenging god.

“Keep your arms above your head, boy.” Deryc’s tone was unforgiving now, and by the look of the large bulge in Gage’s own pants, he enjoyed this game of dominance as much as his mate did. Cassie had never experimented with any BDSM play with Peter, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t thought or fantasized about it before, and now that she had a front-row seat, her body flooded with heat at the idea of being on the submissive end of Deryc’s firm authority just like Gage was now.

Deryc’s hands released Gage and began to undress, revealing his muscular body, the dark skin seeming to almost sparkle in the moonlight. Then he began the same process of removing Gage’s clothing, and the other man bit his lip, but left his arms where they were.

“Cassie could still be awake.” Gage’s words turned into a groan as Deryc’s hand now closed around his shaft, rubbing a glistening bead of moisture over the plump head. “What if she sees?”

“Mmm, think about that, my love.” Deryc’s hand moved faster on his lover’s flesh. “Just imagine those stunning blue eyes, her gaze roving over your hard and aching flesh like a caress. Perhaps she would like to join us even? I see now why you were so enamored with her when you first spotted her. She is quite remarkable.”

Gage only moaned louder at Deryc’s words, his hips pushing harder into the other man’s grip, causing a warm chuckle to escape his mate’s lips. “I see how much you like that idea, love. I can feel your cock buck in my grip as if it were trying to get inside of her even now.”

Holy fuck! Were they fantasizing about her? This time Cassie couldn’t stifle the groan as her pussy flooded at the idea of being out there on that couch with them, and it was so loud she startled herself, jumping back from the window in case her hosts heard it as well.

She needed that shock back to reality. “Jesus, Cassie, what is wrong with you?”

She didn’t want to think she was the kind of person who couldn’t control her own urges, but the fact that she hadn’t been able to help herself from watching Gage and Deryc’s intimate display meant they had much more power over her than she’d thought. Good grief, all she could hope for at this point is that they hadn’t heard her at all.

Pervy, sex-starved human … table for one, please.


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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


Hidden Cargo is an erotic sci-fi tale revolving around the budding romance between a human female and two alien counterparts. Unlike other aliens Cassie (human) met, the two men she fell in love with (Deryc and Gage) didn’t have 4 arms (species: Kakxis) or 6 legs (species: Gooshoo).

Deryc and Gage’s skin coloring was more charcoal and pewter. Luckily for her and us, they didn’t have shark-like teeth or snake eyes (like her first abductors) because, if so, I don’t think the intimate scenes would’ve been as steamy. 

Sarah chose the right partners for Cassie and for us readers.

Now in regards to the intimate scenes, which were plenty: Let me first state, if you have read any of Sarah Marsh’s stories before, you already know her love scenes are never dull. Sarah delivered erotic moments involving M/M, M/F, and M/M/F. There was an act of voyeurism, oral gratification, anal pleasure and mé·nage à trois. In case readers of my review are wondering… YES, each sexy encounter was more arousing than the last.

Even without those explicit scenes, I found this novella very entertaining to read. Of course, I wouldn’t dare ask Sarah to omit a single sexy moment. When these three get together, in pairs or in a threesome, it was kinky as hell.

For dog lovers out there, Cassie had a companion named Dax (German Shepherd) who literally came to her rescue. I fell in love with this furry character and I’m a cat person. 😀

My final thought…… Everyone should and must read Hidden Cargo!


Heart Rating System:

1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Score: ❤❤❤❤ 1/2


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~~ Also check out Precious Cargo (Alien Captors Book 1) ~~


(Under 100 pages)

What would you do if you woke up to a nightmare, complete with monsters? Alison Baker deals with it the best way she knows how—one day at a time. When it comes to her future, she’ll need to learn to open up her mind and her heart if she hopes to survive.

When Clan Drogan’s ship gets attacked by pirates, their spoils of war come in the most unexpected of packages. They’ve never met any female like Ali before, and her sweet, caring nature draws them to her like moths to a flame. But they have commitments of their own. Will the three of them be able to decide once and for all if the woman they’re promised to is right for them? Or will they risk it all on their attraction to Ali?

Ali knows that Conn, Kal, and Tannen are spoken for, but she can’t seem to help herself. They introduce her to pleasures she’s never even imagined, so how could just a taste ever be enough? Will Ali find the strength to stand up and fight for what she wants, or will she lose Clan Drogan altogether?

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Sarah Marsh was born in British Columbia, she’s only recently began her writing career finding it the perfect outlet for taking the edge off a nine to five job. She’s a science fiction and romance junkie and when her imagination started to take the characters she’d read about even further in their adventures she decided to try writing something of her own.

Her biggest weaknesses are animals of any kind…she even loves the ones that wake you up at four in the morning because they can almost see the bottom of their food dish. When it comes to life in general she’s a big believer that laughter is the best medicine and that there’s no such thing as too much love, which is why she’s such a sucker for a happy ending.

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